Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Arpactophilus pwaamei Breitkreuz, Ohl & Engel, 2016, sp. nov.


Arpactophilus pwaamei sp. nov.

(Figs. 91–92)

Diagnosis. Arpactophilus pwaamei is the only New Caledonian species in the genus with the combination of a black clypeus, an apical clypeal margin with a broad concave incision (Fig. 91), a yellow mandible, the frontal carina not forming an projecting point at the basal clypeal margin, a dorsally brown flagellum, a dorsallyinterrupted occipital carina (Fig. 6), two submarginal cells, yellow legs, a flat metasomal sternum II without a bulge (as in Fig. 1) and a black metasoma (Fig. 92).

Description. FEMALE: Total length 3.7–4.3 mm, mean = 4.0 mm; forewing length 2.4–2.7 mm, mean = 2.6 mm.

Body black, with areas of yellow. Yellow: labrum; mandible (Fig. 91); scape; pedicel; anterior pronotal margin; pronotal lobe apically; tegula; legs. Flagellum brown dorsally, yellowish brown ventrally. Wings hyaline; pterostigma dark brown.

Head about as long as wide in frontal view. Apical margin of clypeus projecting medially with shallow, broad concave incision (Fig. 91). Apical margin of labrum with slight, shallow concave incision. Ventral mandibular tooth about ¼–1/5 of total mandibular length, not reaching opposite mandibular base. Palpal formula 4:3. Frons imbricate with prominent dense and coarse punctation and short setae. Frontal carina present from median ocellus almost to apical margin of clypeus, forming a point at basal clypeal margin. Scape 3.7 × as long as wide. Ocellar triangle anterior of tangent between upper posterior orbits of compound eyes, lateral ocelli anterior of tangent by more than their diameter. Occipital carina interrupted dorsally (Fig. 6). Gena imbricate with dense punctation and dense long setae laterally, sparser punctation and longer sparse setae ventrally, without tubercles, spines, or dorsoventral carina. Hypostomal midventral line carinate with bordering sparse and short transverse carinulae on hypostomal integument, not angulate.

Mesosoma about 1.5 × as long as wide in dorsal view. Propodeum about 0.7 × as long as wide in dorsal view. Mesosoma imbricate and densely punctate (Fig. 92), except on propodeum; mesopleuron also transversely carinulate; lateral surface of propodeum slightly reticulate and transversely carinate; median area of dorsal surface of propodeum coarsely reticulate. lateral and posterior areas transversely carinulate (similar to pattern in Fig. 20). Pitted sulcus present posterior to mesoscuto-mesoscutellar sulcus. Hypersternal sulcus pitted, extending to almost one half of mesopleuron length. Metafemur 3.1 × as long as wide. Metatibia without differently colored area apically. Pretarsal claws without teeth. Forewing with two submarginal cells; anterior border of submarginal cell II much shorter than posterior border. Hind wing with five distal hamuli.

Metasoma polished, with sparse punctation (Fig. 92). Metasomal sternum II without bulge (as in Fig. 1). Pygidium with broad row of silk setae apically.

MALE: Unknown.

Remarks. Arpactophilus pwaamei is most similar to A. caac as both share a comparable body form and coloration as well as surface structure of the dorsal propodeum. They can be distinguished by the prominent and deep punctures on the frons of A. pwaamei (Fig. 91) and the dorsally brown flagellum, which is completely yellow in the latter species (Fig. 35). The punctuation of the frons is similar to that in A. tayo (Fig. 99) and A. arhoe (Fig. 29). Arpactophilus pwaamei can be distinguished from A. tayo by its yellow coxae, and from A. arhoe by the lack of a bulge on the metasomal sternum II (Fig. 92, and as in Fig. 1).

Material examined. HOLOTYPE ♀: NEW CALEDONIA 8926: 21°11’S x 165°18’E, 850m, Aoupinie top camp. 23 Nov 2001 – 1 Feb 2002. Burwell, Monteith. Malaise [QM].

PARATYPES 6♀: (1x) NEW CALEDONIA 8920: 22°17’S x 166°54’E, 250m, Pic du Grand Kaori. 21 Nov 2001 – 29 Jan 2002. G. Monteith. Malaise trap [QM]; (1x) NEW CALEDONIA 8926: 21°11’S x 165°18’E, 850m, Aoupinie top camp. 23 Nov 2001 – 1 Feb 2002. Burwell, Monteith. Malaise [QM]; (1x) “ NEW CALEDONIA 8932: 21°10’S x 165°19’E, 550m, Aoupinie, sawmill, rainforest. 23 Nov 2001 – 1 Feb 2002. Burwell, Monteith. Malaise” [QM]; (1x) NEW CALEDONIA 9919: 21°45’S x 166°00’E, 1000m, Mt Do summit. 21 Nov 2000. G.B. Monteith. Pyrenthrum, trunks & logs [ZMB]; (1x) “ NEW CALEDONIA Mt. Mou 400–1000m, 9.III.1972, J.L. Gressitt, Collector, BISHOP [BPBM]; (1x) “ NEW CALEDONIA Col des Pirogue, 14.II.1963; N.L.H. Krauss, Collector, BISHOP [BPBM].

Etymology. The specific epithet is taken from the name Pwaamei, one of the New Caledonian native languages. It is treated as a noun in apposition.


Published as part of Breitkreuz, Laura C. V., Ohl, Michael & Engel, Michael S., 2016, A review of the New Caledonian Arpactophilus (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), pp. 1-66 in Zootaxa 4063 (1) on pages 43-44, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4063.1.1,


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Arpactophilus pwaamei Breitkreuz, Ohl & Engel, 2016


  • Antropov, A. V. (2000) A new digger wasp (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Pemphredoninae) from New Jersey amber. In: Grimaldi, D. (Ed.), Studies on Fossils in Amber, with Particular Reference to the Cretaceous of New Jersey. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 339 - 343.