Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Diamphipnoa chillanensis Murányi, Gamboa & Vera, 2016, nom. n.


Diamphipnoa chillanensis nom. n.

Diamphipnoa virescentipennis sensu Illies, 1960, nec Blanchard, 1851 — Illies 1960: 689. (neotype designation, redescription of male and female); Illies 1966: 11. (catalog); Zwick 1973b: 194. (catalog); Cekalovic 1976: 147. (checklist); Hallan 2006 (catalog); Vera & Camousseight 2006: 59. (checklist); Pessacq 2009: 172. (checklist); Stark et al. 2009: 60. (species list); Froehlich 2010: 123. (catalog); DeWalt et al. 2016 (catalog).

Type material. HOLOTYPE ♂, the Neotype of Perla infuscata Blanchard, 1851 designated by Illies (1960): CHILE, Prov. Nuble, Cord. Chillan, 1899, leg. Germain (Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes, Berlin, Germany); PARATYPES: 2♂ 1♀ from the same series, but retained in the Illies Collection (ex coll. of the Limnologische Fluss-Station des Max-Planck-Institus für Limnologie, Schlitz, Germany, presently curated as the personal collection of Prof. Peter Zwick, Schitz, Germany).

Remarks. As the holotype of Perla virescentipennis Blanchard, 1851 proved to be conspecific with Diamphipnopsis samali Illies, 1960, the species treated as Diamphipnoa virescentipennis in the same paper (Illies 1960) is in need of a new name. We assign herein the Neotype and paratypoide (sic!) of D. virescentipennis sensu Illies, 1960 as the holotype and paratypes of the D. chillanensis new name.

Etymology. The name chillanensis refers to pertaining to Chillan, the location associated with the type specimens.


Published as part of Murányi, Dávid, Gamboa, Maribet & Vera, Alejandro, 2016, Lost and found: the Plecoptera types of Blanchard and Mabille, with further contributions to the stoneflies of Chile, pp. 544-560 in Zootaxa 4200 (4) on pages 546-547, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4200.4.6,


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Taxonomic status
nom. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Taxonomic concept label
Diamphipnoa chillanensis Murányi, Gamboa & Vera, 2016


  • Illies, J. (1960) Archiperlaria, eine neue Unterordnung der Plecopteren (Revision der Familien Eustheniidae und Diamphipniodae). Beitrage zur Entomologie, 10 (7 - 8), 661 - 697.
  • Blanchard, E. (1851) Orden V. Nevropteros. In: Gay, C. (Ed.), Historia Fisica y Politica de Chile, Tomo Sesto, Casa del Autor. / Museo de Historia Natural de Santiago, Paris / Santiago, pp. 85 - 142.
  • Illies, J. (1966) Katalog der rezenten Plecoptera. Das Tierreich, Berlin, 82, 1 - 632.
  • Zwick, P. (1973 b) Insecta Plecoptera. Phylogenetisches System und Katalog. Das Tierreich, Berlin, 94, 1 - 465.
  • Cekalovic, T. (1976) Catalogo de los Plecopteros de Chile. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion, 50, 145 - 156.
  • Hallan, J. (2006) Synopsis of the described Plecoptera of the World, http: // insects. tamu. edu / research / collection / hallan / Arthropoda / Insects / Plecoptera / Family / Plecoptera 1. htm
  • Vera, A. & Camousseight, A. (2006) Estado de conocimiento de los Plecopteros de Chile. Gayana, 70 (1), 57 - 64. https: // doi. org / 10.4067 / s 0717 - 65382006000100010
  • Pessacq, P. (2009) Estado de conocimiento del orden Plecoptera en la Patagonia. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 68 (1 - 2), 169 - 175.
  • Stark, B. P., Froehlich, C. & Zuniga, M. C. (2009) South American Stoneflies (Plecoptera). Volume 5. Aquatic Biodiversity in Latin America. Pensoft, Sofia / Moscow, 154 pp.
  • Froehlich, C. G. (2010) Catalogue of Neotropical Plecoptera. Illiesia, 6 (12), 118 - 205.
  • DeWalt, R. E., Maehr, M. D., Neu-Becker, U. & Stueber, G. (2016) Plecoptera Species File Online. Version 5.0 / 5.0, http: // plecoptera. speciesfile. org