Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) leclanti Kreiter, Tixier, Allam, new species


Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) leclanti Kreiter, Tixier, Allam, new species

Specimens examined: Holotype: Cap Mazari on Cistus libanotis (Cistaceae) on May, 22 2003. Two paratype females from the same plant species and same location, one paratype female from Mespilus germanica (Rosaceae) at the University of Meknes on May, 15 2001, two paratype females from Rubus sp. (Rosaceae) and Vitis vinifera (Vitaceae) at Castel Domaine, road from Meknes to Fez on May, 15 2001, two paratype females from Convolvulus altheoides (Convolvulaceae) at Barrageon Oum Er Bia on May, 5 2002,one paratype female from Knautia purpurea (Caprifoliaceae) near Larache on May, 5 2003, six paratype females from Cistus salveafolius (Cistaceae) at Cap Mazari on May, 20 2003, one paratype female from Dryopteris dilatata (Dryopteridaceae) at Bab Bou Idir on May, 18 2003 and two paratype females from Dittrichia viscosa (Asteraceae) at Road to Souk El Arba on May, 22 2003. Deposited in the Montpellier SupAgro—INRA Acarology collection. Two paratype females in the University of Meknes.

Description of the adult female ( n = 17) (Figs 27–31)

Diagnosis. Dorsal shield lightly reticulated with three pairs of solenostomes (gd2, gd6, gd9). Dorsal setae smooth except Z4 and Z5. Sternal shield with two pairs of setae and a posterior median projection. Peritreme extending between j1 and j3. Ventri-anal shield globally pentagonal with four pairs of pre-anal setae and no preanal pores. Chelicerae with two teeth on fixed digit and one tooth on movable digit. Calyx of spermatheca cupshaped with no neck between atrium and cervix. Genu II with seven setae. Leg IV with a macroseta on basitarsus.

Dorsum (Fig. 27) . Dorsal shield 325 (315–335) long and 160 (150–185) wide, basely reticulated, with three solenostomes (gd2, gd6 and gd9), 12 pairs of poroids, 17 pairs of dorsal setae and two pairs of sub-lateral setae: j1 24 (15–25), j3 27 (23–30), j4 16 (15–20), j5 16 (15–20), j6 20 (18–23), J2 23 (20–28), J5 6, z2 18 (15–20), z3 24 (23–28), z4 25 (23–28), z5 18 (15–20), Z4 43 (40–48), Z5 61 (53–68), s4 29 (25–35), s6 33 (25–38), S2 36 (33–38), S4 36 (35–40), r3 27 (25–30), R1 25 (23–28). All setae smooth except Z4 and Z5, serrated. Peritreme extending between j1 and j3 (Fig. 27).

Venter (Fig. 28) . All shields lightly reticulated. Sternal shield with two pairs of setae and two pairs of lyrifissures; two pairs of sternal setae on lyrifissures small metasternal plates; posterior projection. Distances between ST1 ST3 68 (58–82), ST2 ST2 56 (53–60), ST5–ST5 58 (55–62). Two pairs of metapodal plates 25 (23– 28) long, 5 (5–6) wide for the largest and 11 (10–15) long, 3 wide for the smallest. Ventri-anal shield with four pairs of pre-anal setae, JV1, JV2, JV3 and ZV2, and no pre-anal pores. Membrane surrounding ventri-anal shield with four pairs of setae ZV1, ZV3, JV4 and JV5, and four pairs of round to oblong poroids; ventri-anal shield 111 (105–120) long, 98 (93–105) wide at anterior corners, and 85 (80–90) wide at level of anus. JV5 50 (50–53) long. A pair of lyrifissures sometimes present near JV5.

Teeth on the fixed 3 2 3 3 2 2 2or3


Teeth on the movable 1 1 2 2 2 0 1


Setae on the genu II 7 7 7 8 8 8 7

Solenostomes on 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 dorsal shield

Legs (Fig. 29) . Legs IV with a macroseta on the basitarsus, ST IV 45 (38–53). Chaetotactic formula of genu II: seven setae, 2 2/0, 2/0 1; genu III: seven setae, 1 2/1, 2/0 1.

Chelicera (Fig. 30) . Fixed digit 25 long with three teeth; and movable digit 23 long with one tooth.

Spermatheca (Fig. 31) . Cup-shaped and saccular (Denmark et al., 1999), with a cervix 17 (15–20) long and 7 wide, with an atrium attached directly to the calyx (absence of neck).

Etymology. The name “ leclanti ” is in honor of Mr. François Leclant, Professor in Montpellier SupAgro (previously Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Montpellier), colleague of two of the authors and great taxonomist of aphids, who has descried many species, especially from Morocco.

Remarks. Within the sub-genus Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus), three species bear three dorsal shield solenostomes, seven setae on the genu II, four setae and no pores on the ventri-anal shield: T. (T.) baccettii, T. (T.) kykladiticus and T. (T.) phylaktioticus. Table 4 provides the measurements and their range calculated using the intraspecific variations around the means (Tixier, 2012). Typhlodromus (T.) lecanti differs from T. (T.) baccettii in the lengths of the setae Z4, Z5, S2 and S4. T. (T.) lecanti differs from T. (T.) phylaktioticus in the spermatheca shape as well as in the cheliceral dentition. Typhlodromus (T.) leclanti differs from T. (T.) kykladiticus in the ST IV length and peritreme length.


Published as part of Tixier, Marie-Stephane, Allam, Latifa, Douin, Martial & Kreiter, Serge, 2016, Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata) of Morocco: new records, descriptions of five new species, re-descriptions of two species, and key for identification, pp. 501-551 in Zootaxa 4067 (5) on pages 535-537, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4067.5.1,


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Scientific name authorship
Kreiter, Tixier, Allam
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) leclanti Tixier, Allam & Kreiter, 2016