Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Neocolochelyna (Curvatapenis) hyalina Niu & Wei, sp. nov.


Neocolochelyna (Curvatapenis) hyalina Niu & Wei, sp. nov.

(Figs 1 i–j, 2a, 5d–i, 6h–i, 7h–i, 7q–r, 8b, 8f, 8j, 9b, 9f, 10g –h, 11h–i, 11q–r)

Description. Female. Holotype (Fig. 1 i). Length 12 mm. Head black (Fig. 5 d–e), labrum yellow brown, narrow lateral margin of clypeus brown, palpi of mouthparts largely brown; antenna black, narrow apical margin of each antennomere and dorsal side of antennomeres 4–9 more or less brownish. Thorax black, pronotum largely, tegula, mesoscutellar appendage largely, cenchrus, small dorsal corner of mesepisternum, broad posterior margin of mesepimeron and narrow posterior margin of metapleuron pale brown. Abdomen black to black brown, extreme narrow posterior margin and narrow lateral margin of tergite 1, tergite 2 except for a large and obscure black spot underside, about posterior 0.3 of tergites 3–8, tergites 9 largely and tergite 10 entirely, sternite 2 entirely, sternite 3 largely, broad posterior margin of sternites 4–6 and narrow posterior margin of sternite 7, yellow brown; cerci and ovipositor sheath largely brown. Body hairs yellow brown. Legs yellow brown, about basal 0.7 of each coxa black; ventral side of fore and middle femora, hind femur largely and apical half of hind tibia dark brown. Wings entirely yellowish hyaline, vein C and pterostigma pale brown, posterior of vein Sc+R and most of vein M+Cu blackish.

Punctures on labrum small and shallow, broad interspaces between punctures weakly microsculptured, shiny; punctures on clypeus very dense and large, interspaces between punctures almost smooth, weakly shiny (Fig. 5 e); head otherwise coarsely and irregularly punctured, rugose, interspaces indistinct, strongly microsculptured, mat (Figs 5 d–f); pronotum densely and coarsely punctured, almost mat; mesoscutal middle lobe and lateral lobe densely punctured, interspaces strongly microsculptured, mat; mesoscutellum coarsely punctured without interspaces, mat; mesoscutellar appendage weakly coriaceous, impunctate; parapsis densely microsculptured; metapostnotum hardly microsculptured, strongly shiny (Figs 6 h); punctures on upper half of mesepisternum large and very dense, interspaces linear, hardly shiny; punctures on lower half of mesepisternum small and much sparse, surface strongly microsculptured, mat; mesepimeron strongly microsculptured, posterior margin coarsely punctured; metapleuron densely punctured, interspaces strongly microsculptured; abdominal tergites 1–9 strongly microsculptured, without distinct puncture, almost mat (Fig. 6 h), tergite 10 weakly microsculptured, shiny; surface of basal ovipositor sheath weakly microsculptured mixed with some shallow punctures, apical sheath weakly coriaceous.

Hairs on dorsum of head and mesopleuron dense and distinctly curved, about 1.5–1.8 times as long as diameter of median ocellus (Figs 5 d–e); hairs on mesonotum dense and about as long as diameter of median ocellus; hairs on tergite 1 quite dense and slightly longer than diameter of median ocellus; tergite 2 largely glabrous (Fig. 6 h); hairs on tergites 3–8 dense, about 0.4 times as long as diameter of median ocellus; mesoscutellar appendage and intertergites of abdomen glabrous (Fig. 6 h).

Labrum short and broad, anterior margin round, not acute; anterior margin of clypeus very weakly incised in entire length, almost truncate; malar space 0.8 times as long as diameter of median ocellus (Fig. 5 e); mandibles as Figs 11 q–r, apical dent sharp, basal dent of right mandible obscure; hind orbit round, without occipital carina; distance between eyes at level of anterior tentorial pits 1.4 times as long as longest axis of eye (Fig. 5 e); middle fovea round, very shallow, closed; lateral fovea minute; frons small, frontal ridge indistinct; POL: OOL: OCL=15: 27: 18; interocellar furrow short and very deep, postocellar furrow absent; postocellar area roundly elevated, about 1.9 times as broad as long; lateral furrow broad and shallow, weakly curved, distinctly divergent backwards; head weakly and roundly narrowed behind eyes in dorsal view (Fig. 5 d). Antenna stout, about as long as thorax, antennomere 3 about 1.1 times as long as antennomeres 4 and 5 together and 0.8 times as long as antennomeres 6– 9 together, antennomere 7 1.2 times as long as broad (Fig. 11 h), outer side of antennomeres 4–9 with shallow but distinct longitudinal furrow. Mesoscutal middle lobe without middle furrow, with a fine middle carina; mesoscutellum roundly elevated, anterior margin roundly and weakly protruding, transverse anterior furrow deep; mesoscutellar appendage short with middle length about as long as diameter of median ocellus; cenchrus transverse, much broader than long, CD=1.9 (Fig. 6 h). Mesepisternum triangularly elevated at middle with a long and blunt ridge. Venation as Fig. 1 i, cell 2Rs about 0.9 times as long as cells 1R1+1Rs, cell A of forewing strongly constricted at basal 0.25, where distance between 1A and 2A+3A 3 times as broad as vein 2A+3A, first abscissa of vein M 0.9 times as long as 1m-cu, vein 2r1 meeting cell 2Rs at middle. Inner tibial spur of fore leg as Fig. 7 q, apex deeply incised; claw as Fig. 7 h, inner tooth clearly shorter than apical tooth. Triangular middle lobe of sternite 7 very small and narrow, about 0.3 times as broad as lateral straight posterior margin of sternite 7 (Fig. 8 j). Ovipositor sheath as long as front tibia and 0.9 times as long as middle tibia, apical sheath 1.1 times as long as basal sheath, round at apex in lateral view. Lancet as Fig. 8 b, with 25 serrulae, middle and apical segments as Figs 9 b, 9f, annular spines and surface sculptures of middle lancet as Fig. 9 f; basal sensilla as Fig. 8 f.

Male. Paratype from Guitouwan (Fig. 1 j). Body length 11.5 mm; color, punctation and structure similar to female except for following: antennomeres 4–9 largely black brown (Fig. 11 i); pronotum largely black with narrow posterior margin yellow brown, mesoscutellar appendage, cenchri, mesopleuron and metapleuron entirely black; dorsum of abdominal tergite 2 with three black spots (Fig. 6 i); fore and middle trochanters partly and all femora partly black; distance between eyes at level of anterior tentorial pits 1.3 times as long as longest axis of eye (Fig. 5 b); postocellar area about 1.8 times as broad as long; anterior margin of clypeus truncate, with an indistinct middle tooth; cell 2Rs 1.2 times as long as 1R1+1Rs combined; subgenital plate about as long as broad, apical margin broadly and obtusely truncate; harpes, volsella and gonolacinia as Figs 10h; penis valve as Figs 10g, dorsal apical hook narrow and straight, not tapering toward apex.

Variation. One paratype male has the vein 2r 1 in the forewing meeting the cell 2Rs at apical 0.22. The cell 2Rs in the female collected from Shennongjia is longer than 1R1+1Rs combined.

Etymology. The specific epithet, an adjective, refers to the hyaline wings of the new species.

Distribution. China (Hubei, Sichuan) (Fig. 12).

Material examined. Holotype: ♀, CHINA: SICHUAN: [China] Kanding 2600 m, Sichuan Prov., 17. v. 1986, T. Naito leg. (CSCS). Paratypes: HUBEI: 1Ƌ, Shennongjia, Guitouwan, alt. 2150 m, N31°28.439', E110°08.872', 2010-V-24, Li Zejian leg. (CSCS); 1Ƌ, Shennongjia, Guitouwan, alt. 2150 m, N31°28.439', E110°08.872', 2010-V- 25, Li Zejian leg. (CSCS); 1Ƌ, Tailongtan, Shennongjia, N 31°29', E 110°16', 2320m, 21. V. 2012, A. Shinohara (NSMT); 1♀, Yinyuhe, Shennongjia, N31°34', E110°20', 2100m, 23. V. 2010, A. Shinohara (NSMT).

Host plant. Unknown.

Remarks. This new species is similar to N. (C.) wui sp. nov. See the above key for the differences between them and other species of the genus.


Published as part of Niu, Gengyun, Wei, Meicai, Shinohara, Akihiko & Naito, Tikahiko, 2016, Revision of Neocolochelyna Malaise (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae), pp. 432-456 in Zootaxa 4127 (3) on pages 435-437, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4127.3.2,


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Scientific name authorship
Niu & Wei
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Neocolochelyna (Curvatapenis) hyalina Niu & Wei, 2016