Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Euherdmania fasciculata Monniot F. 1983


Euherdmania fasciculata Monniot F. 1983

Figure 3.

Stations. SR4; SR8; SR11; SR23; SD8; SS1; SS3; SS10; SS11; SS12; SC12; SC13; SD12.

The colonies are abundant at 4–6m depth. They make bushes of long narrow and soft lobes united at their base (Fig. 3 A), each lobe containing a single zooid. All characters correspond to the original description of Caribbean specimens. The branchial sac (Fig. 3 B) has from 12 to18 rows of stigmata in zooids of the same colony. The stomach is long and cylindrical with 10 deep folds (Fig. 3 D). Numerous testis lobes are distributed along the whole length of the post-abdomen. The ovary lies among the testis lobes at some distance from the gut. The larvae 0.9mm long (Fig. 3 C) are incubated inside the oesophagus area. They have 2 adhesive papillae and lack any lateral ectodermal vesicle.

Paiva et al (2015) described a colony from the northeastern Brazil which obviously belongs to E. fasciculata. The genus Euherdmania is not a common genus in western Atlantic with only 3 other species: E. areolata Millar 1978 from the Guyana shelf also has thin ramified lobes but is totally coated with sand and differs also by more rows of stigmata and an areolated stomach wall. E. morgani Millar & Goodbody 1974 from Jamaica has colonies in large capitate lobes each containing numerous embedded zooids. E. vitrea Millar 1961 from Brazil has colonies in thick cushions each with numerous zooids.


Published as part of Monniot, Françoise, 2016, Ascidians (Tunicata) of the French Guiana Expedition, pp. 201-245 in Zootaxa 4114 (3) on page 206, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4114.3.1,


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Scientific name authorship
Monniot F.
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Taxonomic concept label
Euherdmania fasciculata F., 1983 sec. Monniot, 2016


  • Monniot, C. & Monniot, F. (1983) Ascidies antarctiques et subantarctiques: morphologie et biogeographie. Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Series A, Zoologie, 125, 5 - 168.
  • Paiva, S. V., Oliveira-Filho, R. R. & Lotufo, T. M. C. (2015) Ascidians from Rocas Atoll, northeast Brazil. Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 2, 1 - 38. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3389 / fmars. 2015.00039
  • Millar, R. H. (1978) Ascidians from the Guyana shelf. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 12 (1), 99 - 106. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1016 / 0077 - 7579 (78) 90027 - 3
  • Millar, R. H. & Goodbody, I. (1974) New species of ascidians from the West Indies. Studies on the fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands, 45, 142 - 161.
  • Millar, R. H. (1961) Euherdmania vitrea, a new species of ascidian from Brazil. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13 (4), 143 - 147. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222936108655793