Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Odontoscirus Thor


Odontoscirus Thor

Odontoscirus Thor, 1913: 29; Thor, 1931a: 52 (as subgenus of Biscirus); type-species Bdella virgulata Canestrini & Fanzago by original designation; Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 379; Atyeo, 1960a: 386; Michocka, 1987: 50; Wallace & Mahon 1976: 67.

Bdellodes Oudemans, 1937: 1217; Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 378; Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 67; Michocka, 1987: 56. Type-species: Scirus longirostris Hermann, 1804 by original designation.

Scirus Hermann, 1804: 61; Thor, 1931a: 41 (part.).

Hoploscirus Thor, 1937: 43; type-species Scirus dubitatus Womersley, 1933a by original designation; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 67).

Thoribdella Grandjean, 1938: 4 type-species Biscirus meridionalis Thor, 1931a by original designation; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 67).

Octobdellodes Atyeo, 1960a: 407 type-species O. hurdi Atyeo, 1960a; synonymy according to Atyeo (1963a: 118, 125).

159. Odontoscirus affinis (Atyeo, 1963a): 185 comb. nov.; Rottnest Island, Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) affinis Atyeo.

Distribution. Australia (Atyeo 1963a; Wallace & Mahon 1976), Andaman Islands (Gupta & Ghosh 1980). Redescriptions. Wallace & Mahon (1976), Gupta (2002).

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SAM, paratypes at BMNH, USNM, ANIC.

160. Odontoscirus agrestis (Atyeo, 1963a): 152 comb. nov.; Auckland, New Zealand, ex moss and lichens. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) agrestis Atyeo.

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratype at MONZ, paratype at NZFRI.

161. Odontoscirus alacris (Atyeo, 1963a): 193 comb. nov.; Glen Osmond, South Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirusu) alacris Atyeo.

a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 103).

Distribution. Australia (Atyeo, 1963a, Wallace & Mahon, 1976). Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. SAM.

162. Odontoscirus alpinus Atyeo, 1960a: 388; Piegan Pass, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Type deposition. SEMC.

163. Odontoscirus amamiensis Shiba, 1985: 81; Southern Japan (Kyushu).

Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan.

164. Odontoscirus ancalae (Atyeo, 1963a): 148 comb. nov.; Wellington, New Zealand, ex leaf mold. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) ancalae Atyeo.

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. MONZ.

165. Odontoscirus angustifolius (Gupta, 1991): 221 comb. nov.; Moreh, Manipur, India, ex Canthium angustifolium (Rubiaceae) — Gupta, 2002: 31. Original designation: Bdella angustifolius Gupta. Bdellodes angustifolius, Gupta, 2002.

Remarks. Male unknown.

Redescription. Gupta (2002).

Type deposition. NZSI.

166. Odontoscirus annona (Tseng, 1978): 33 comb. nov., new emendation; Kuiyin, Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, ex Annona sp. (Annonaceae). Original designation: Bdellodes anona Tseng.

Remarks. The etymology of the species refers to the host plant, originally misspelled as Anona sp. [sic] rather than Annona sp.; therefore this species is herein emendated to Odontoscirus annona.

Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.).

167. Odontoscirus asiaticus Kuznetsov & Barilo, 1984: 934; near Samarkand, Agalyk village, Uzbekistan, ex under stones on humid soil; 3 males and 1 female paratypes on low grass and under stones in Samarkand region near Zeravshan mountain ridge. Type deposition. NBG.

168. Odontoscirus atro (Gupta, 1991): 220 comb. nov.; Arunachal Pradesh, Siji, India, ex Viburnum atrocyaneum Clarke (Adoxaceae). Bdellodes atro, Gupta, 2002: 32. Original designation: Bdella atro Gupta. Remarks. Male unknown.

Redescription. Gupta (2002).

Type deposition. NZSI.

169. Odontoscirus atyeoi Michocka, 1987: 54; Tatra, Poland. Type deposition. In the author’s collection.

170. Odontoscirus augusta (Roy & Saha, 2010): 121 comb. nov.; West Bengal, India. Original designation: Bdellodes augusta Roy & Saha.

Type deposition. DZCU.

171. Odontoscirus australicus (Womersley, 1933a): 107 comb. nov.; Waroona, Western Australia. Original designation: Biscirus (Biscirus) australicus Womersley. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) australica, Atyeo, 1963a: 188 (neotype designation).

Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. Neotype female at SAM.

172. Odontoscirus bidentata (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 94 comb. nov.; Omeo, Australia, in mountain gully. Original designation: Bdellodes bidentata Wallace & Mahon.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ.

173. Odontoscirus bifurcata (El-Sherif & Bolland, 1993): 2237 comb. nov., from litter near railway in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Original designation: Bdellodes bifurcata El-Sherif & Bolland. Type deposition. Unknown.

174. Odontoscirus bisetosa (Atyeo, 1960a): 414 comb. nov.; 10 miles west of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, under rock. Original designation: Bdellodes bisetosa Atyeo.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM, BMNH and SAM.

175. Odontoscirus brevicornis (Cooremann, 1959): 30 comb. nov.; Muotathal, Switzerland, in cave. Original designation: Thoribdella brevicornis Cooremann.

Type deposition. IRSN.

176. Odontoscirus bryi (Atyeo, 1963a): 142 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand, ex moss on stones. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) bryi Atyeo.

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. MONZ.

177. Odontoscirus californica (Banks, 1904b): 366 comb. nov.; Claremont, LA, USA. Original designation: Bdella californica Banks; Banks, 1907: 596; Thoribdella californica (Banks), Atyeo, 1960a: 396; Bdellodes californica, Hernandes, 2013: 65.

Bdella magna Ewing, 1913: 123; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a).

Distribution. United States (Los Angeles, California) (Atyeo 1960a).

Redescription. Atyeo (1960a). Thor (1931a) has strangely regarded Bdella californica Banks as both synonyms of Bdellodes longirostris and of Biscirus uncinatus (pages 42 and 50, respectively).

Type deposition. MCZ.

178. Odontoscirus camellae (Atyeo, 1963a): 145 comb. nov.; Wellington, New Zealand, ex leaf mold. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) camellae Atyeo. Remarks. Female unknown.

Type deposition. MONZ.

179. Odontoscirus communis (Atyeo, 1960a): 399 comb. nov.; west slope of Cortez Pass, Mexico, under rock. Original designation: Thoribdella communis Atyeo. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) commnunis, Atyeo, 1963a: 188.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at BMNH, USNM and SAM.

180. Odontoscirus conformis (Atyeo, 1963a): 137 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand, beaten off ferns. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) conformis Atyeo. Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. MONZ.

181. Odontoscirus consanguinea (Atyeo, 1963a): 194 comb. nov.; Busselton, Western Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) consanguinea Atyeo.

a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 84).

b. Biscirus intermedius (part.) (Thor, 1928: 213); Womersley, 1933a: 104; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 84).

Distribution. Australia (Atyeo 1963a), (WA, SA, Victoria, Tasmania, NSW, south eastern Queensland, Kununurra area WA) (Wallace & Mahon 1976).

Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. SAM.

182. Odontoscirus copiosa (Atyeo, 1963a): 136 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand, under stone. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) copiosa Atyeo.

Type deposition. MONZ.

183. Odontoscirus currax (Atyeo, 1963a): 187 comb. nov.; Moount Toolbrunnup, Western Australia, on mealy litter and moss. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) currax Atyeo. Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. SAM.

184. Odontoscirus curvus (Atyeo, 1963a): 140 comb. nov.; Auckland Islands, New Zealand, under stone at high tide mark. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) curvus Atyeo. Redescription. Wallace (1970).

Type deposition. MONZ.

185. Odontoscirus dubitatus (Womersley, 1933a): 102 comb. nov.; Mount Nelson, Tasmania, under stone. Bdellodes dubitata, Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 78. Original designation: Scirus dubitatus Womersley. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) dubitata, Atyeo, 1963a: 196.

Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Remarks. Male unknown, species known only from the holotype.

Type deposition. SAM.

186. Odontoscirus edentata (Halliday, 2005): 22 comb. nov.; Port Elizabeth, Marine Protea Hotel, South Africa. Original designation: Bdellodes edentata Halliday.

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at NCA, paratype at ANIC.

187. Odontoscirus exilicornis (Berlese, 1910): 347 comb. nov.; Cape Town, South Africa. Bdellodes exilicornis, Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 379. Original designation: Bdella exilicornis Berlese. Other name: Scirus exilicornis, Thor, 1931a: 44.

Type deposition. Lost (Castagnoli & Pegazzani, 1985).

188. Odontoscirus flexuosa (Atyeo, 1963a): 139 comb. nov.; Campbell Island, New Zealand, under stone. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) flexuosa Atyeo; Atyeo, 1964: 167. Redescriptions. Wallace (1970).

Type deposition. MONZ.

189. Odontoscirus furcatus (Shiba, 1969a): 73 comb. nov.; Shiga Heights, Japan. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) furcatus Shiba; Nakamura et al. (2006).

Type deposition. Unknown.

190. Odontoscirus georgianensis (Wallace, 1970): 109 comb. nov.; Royal Bay, Moltke Harbor, South Georgia, Antarctica, under moss and rocks. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) georgianensis Wallace. Type deposition. Holotype at BPBM, paratypes at ANIC and BMNH.

191. Odontoscirus gleba Chaudhri & Akbar, 1985: 118; 1 mile from W. Hassanabdal, Pakistan. Type deposition. UAF.

192. Odontoscirus graminis (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 105 comb. nov.; Pine Creek, Northern Territory, Australia, ex grass, Eucalyptus sp. Original designation: Bdellodes graminis Wallace & Mahon.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ.

193. Odontoscirus grandiflora (Gupta, 1991): 224 comb. nov.; Arunachal Pradesh, Garu, India, ex Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb. (Acanthaceae). Original designation: Bdellodes grandiflora Gupta.

Type deposition. NZSI. Remarks. Male unknown. Redescription. Gupta (2002).

194. Odontoscirus gressitti (Atyeo, 1964): 167 comb. nov.; Beeman Camp, Campbell Island, New Zealand, ex moss. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) gressitti Atyeo. Redescriptions. Wallace (1970).

Type deposition. Holotype at MONZ; paratypes at BPBM.

195. Odontoscirus guajavae (Chatterjee & Gupta, 2002): 34 (in Gupta 2002) comb. nov.; Kalyani, West Bengal, India, ex Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae). Original designation: Octobdellodes guajavae Chatterjee & Gupta. Type deposition. ZSI.

196. Odontoscirus hadroseta (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 110 comb. nov.; Nyabing, Western Australia, Australia, on sand plain scrub on roadside. Original designation: Bdellodes hadroseta Wallace & Mahon.

a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 110).

b. Biscirus intermedius (Thor 1928: 213) (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 104; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 110).

c. Biscirus uncinatus (Kramer 1898: 12), Womersley, 1933a: 106; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 110).

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ.

197. Odontoscirus haramotoi (Swift & Goff, 1987): 35 comb. nov.; Koa, Hawaii, ex litter. Original designation: Bdellodes haramotoi Swift & Goff.

Remarks. Female unknown. Type deposition. BPBM.

198. Odontoscirus harpax (Atyeo, 1963a): 128 comb. nov.; Woods Point, South Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) harpax Atyeo.

a Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 115).

b. Biscirus intermedius (Thor 1928: 213) (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 104; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 115).

c. Scirus longirostris Hermann (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 101; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 115).

Distribution. Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania (Atyeo, 1963a, Wallace & Mahon, 1976). Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SAM, paratypes at NZFRI, MONZ, BMNH, USNM.

199. Odontoscirus hessei (Womersley, 1933c): 111 comb. nov.; Stellenbosch C.P., South Africa.— Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 379. Original designation: Scirus hessei Womersley. Other name: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) hessei, Atyeo, 1963a: 181.

Distribution. South Africa (Meyer & Ryke 1959; Atyeo 1963a; Halliday 2005), Australia (Perth, Nedland) (Atyeo 1963a), Western Australia (Wallace & Mahon 1976).

Redescriptions. Meyer & Ryke (1959), Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. SAM.

200. Odontoscirus hickmani (Womersley, 1933a): 107 comb. nov.; National Park, Tasmania, Australia, under stones.— Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 81. Original designation: Biscirus (Biscirus) hickmani Womersley. Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. SAM.

201. Odontoscirus hospita (Banks, 1916): 224 comb. nov.; Victoria, Australia, with Polyrhachis hexacantha (Insecta, Formicidae).— Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 91. Original designation: Bdella (Scirus) hospita Banks. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) hospita, Atyeo, 1963a: 19.

a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 91).

b. Biscirus intermedius (Thor 1928: 213) (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 104; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 91).

Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. Cotypes at USNM and SAM.

202. Odontoscirus hurdi (Atyeo, 1960a): 408 comb. nov.; Point Barrow, Alaska, USA. Original designation: Octobdellodes hurdi Atyeo. Other name: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) hurdi; Atyeo, 1963a: 125.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at BMNH, USNM, SAM, CAS.

203. Odontoscirus hygrotes (Swift & Goff, 1987): 32 comb. nov.; Oahu I, Maui I, Hawaii. Original designation: Bdellodes hygrotes Swift & Goff.

Type deposition. BPBM.

204. Odontoscirus inflata (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 78 comb. nov.; Mandurah, Western Australia, coastal sanddune vegetation. Original designation: Bdellodes inflata Wallace & Mahon.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ.

205. Odontoscirus infrequens (Atyeo, 1960a): 410 comb. nov.; Douglas County, Kansas, USA, on shagbark hickory. Original designation: Octobdellodes infrequens Atyeo.

Remarks. According to Atyeo (1960a: 411), this species has 7 to 8 pairs of hypostomal setae rather than the usual 6 pairs.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM.

206. Odontoscirus insolita (Atyeo, 1960a): 398 comb. nov.; 2 miles of west Oakville, Napa Co., California, USA, “ Laurel association”. Original designation: Thoribdella insolita Atyeo. Type deposition. SEMC.

207. Odontoscirus intermedius (Thor, 1928): 213 comb. nov.; Norway. Original designation: Biscirus (Biscirus) intermedius Thor; Thor, 1931a: 48. Other names: Biscirus intermedius, Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 236; Thoribdella intermedius, Grandjean, 1938: 4; Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) intermedius, Atyeo, 1963a: 128. Distribution. Norway (Thor 1931a), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a).

Type deposition. Lost.

208. Odontoscirus intricata (Atyeo, 1963a): 133 comb. nov.; Wellington, New Zealand, beaten from Mahoe. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) intricata Atyeo.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at MONZ, paratype at NZFRI.

209. Odontoscirus iota Atyeo, 1960a: 386; near Oakland, California, ex redwood. Wainstein et al., 1978: 137. Distribution. United States (California) (Atyeo 1960a), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Bulgaria (Sosnina et al. 1965), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Poland (Michocka 1987), China (Xin et al. 1998). Redescriptions. Sosnina et al. (1965), Michocka (1987).

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM.

210. Odontoscirus iraniensis (Ueckermann, Rastegar, Saboori & Ostovan, 2007): 129 comb. nov.; Karaj, Iran, ex litter. Original designation: Bdellodes iraniensis Ueckermann et al.

Type deposition. Holotype at SRIAUT, paratypes at ASI.

211. Odontoscirus japonicus (Ehara, 1961): 258 comb. nov.; Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Original designation: Thoribdella japonica Ehara; Bdellodes japonicus; Chen et al., 2007. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) japonicus, Shiba, 1969a: 73.

Distribution. Japan (Ehara 1961; Shiba 1969a; Nakamura et al. 2006), China (Fujian) (Lin & Zhang 2000). Redescription. Shiba (1969a).

Type deposition. EIHU.

212. Odontoscirus kazeruni (Ostovan & Kamali, 1995): 29 comb. nov.; wheat and barley remains in Kazerun, Iran. Original designation: Bdellodes kazeruni Ostovan & Kamali.

Redescription. Ueckermann et al. (2007).

Type deposition. Acari Collection of Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Science and Research Branch.

213. Odontoscirus koloseta (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 107 comb. nov.; Waddi Forest, Western Australia, on pasture. Original designation: Bdellodes koloseta Wallace & Mahon.

a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 107);

b. Scirus longirostris Hermann, 1804 (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 101; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 107);

c. Bdellodes harpax Atyeo, 1963a: 128; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 107). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ.

214. Odontoscirus lapidaria (Kramer, 1881): 444 comb. nov.; Thuringia, Germany. Original designation: Bdella lapidaria Kramer. — Michocka, 1987: 67; Trägårdh, 1910: 474. Other names: Biscirus lapidarius, Baker & Balock, 1944: 177; Willmann, 1939a: 14; 1952: 166; 1956: 241; Mihelčič, 1958b: 40; Biscirus (Biscirus) lapidarius, Thor, 1931a: 49; Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) lapidaria, Atyeo, 1963a: 133, 188.

Distribution. Germany (Voigts & Oudemans 1906), Norway (Thor 1930a), Australia (Womersley 1933a), New Zealand (Dumbleton 1932), Madeira Island (Willmann 1939a), Mexico (Baker & Balock 1944), Germany (Wangerooge Island) (Willmann 1952), Spain (Mihelčič 1958b), Iceland (Atyeo & Tuxen 1962), New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania (Atyeo 1963a), Australia, Western Europe (Wallace & Mahon 1976), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Poland (Michocka 1987), South Africa (Halliday 2005), Iran (Ostovan & Kamali 1995; Kamali et al. 2001; Ueckermann et al. 2007), Syria (Barbar 2016).

Redescriptions. Baker & Balock (1944), Atyeo (1963a), Atyeo & Tuxen (1962), Wallace & Mahon (1976), Michocka (1987), Ueckermann et al. (2007).

Type deposition. Unknown.

215. Odontoscirus livistonana Ali Khan & Anwarullah, 1970: 192; Karachi, Pakistan, ex leaves of Livistona chinensis (Arecaceae).

Type deposition. Acarology Section, PCSIR Laboratories, Karachi, Pakistan.

216. Odontoscirus longirostris (Hermann, 1804): 62 comb. nov.; France, on moss.— Willmann, 1941: 58; 1952: 166. Original designation: Scirus longirostris Hermann; Thor, 1904b: 75; Schweizer, 1922: 78; Vitzthum, 1926: 134; Thor, 1931a: 42. Other names: Bdella longirostris, Koch, 1839: 4 –5; 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 531; Andersén, 1863: 185; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 104; Moniez, 1890a: 30; Trägårdh, 1902a: 7; 1904: 47; Halbert, 1915: 113; Bdellodes (Bdellodes) longirostris (Hermann), Atyeo, 1977: 302; Molgus longirostris, Trouessart, 1888: 619.

a. Bdella truncatula Koch, 1839: 6; 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 531; Oudemans, 1937: 1222; synonymy according to Berlese (1893).

b. Bdella peregrina Banks, 1894: 219; 1895: 433; 1907: 596; 1908: 6; Ewing, 1909b: 66; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 44); Scirus peregrinus (Banks), Thor, 1931a: 44; Bdella peregrina var. iowaensis Ewing, 1917: 150; Hartzell, 1918: 206; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a: 412).

c. Bdella frigida Banks, 1899: 348; 1907: 596; 1919: 11; 1923: 237; Thor, 1931a: 42; synonymy according to Trägårdh (1904: 47).

d. Bdella ornata Koch, 1835: 24; Koch, 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1844: 158; Andersén, 1863: 185; Berlese, 1893: 43; Oudemans, 1937: 1212; synonymy of Bdellodes longirostris according to Berlese (1893).

e. Bdella dispar Koch, 1839: 23; suspected synonymy of Bdella longirostris according to Berlese (1893).

f. Bdellodes hexophtalmus (Gervais, 1841: 7). Scirus hexophtalmus Gervais; Murray, 1877: 146. Bdella hexophtalma, Walckenaer & Gervais, 1844: 156; Oudemans, 1937: 1224; synonymy of Bdella longirostris — actually Bdellodes longirostris —according to Berlese (1893: 43) and Hull (1918: 38).

g. Bdella histrionica Koch, 1844: 24; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 532; Andersèn, 1863: 184; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 106; Thor, 1931a: 37; Oudemans, 1937: 1198; suspected synonymy of Bdellodes longirostris according to Berlese (1893).

h. Scirus pallidus Cambridge, 1876: 260; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 42).

Distribution. Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil (Berlese 1888), Italy (Canestrini 1886), Ireland (Hull 1915), England (Hull 1918), Canada (Herschel Island, Yukon Territory, Bering Island, The commander Islands) (Banks 1919), Alaska (Banks 1923), Australia (Womersley 1933a), Northern Bosnia (Balkan caves) (Willmann 1941), Austria (Willmann 1951), Germany (Wangerooge Island) (Willmann 1952), United States (Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio) (Ewing 1917) (Texas, California, Kansas, Arkansas, Florida, Michigan, Montana), Mexico (Michoacán, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Guanajuato, México, Distrito Federal, Puebla, Nuevo León, Guerrero, Tamaulipas), Cuba, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Argentina, Denmark (Atyeo 1960a), Japan (Ehara 1961; Shiba 1969a), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Kure Island (Butler & Usinger 1963), Sainte-Hélène Island (Atyeo 1977), Bohemia (Lelláková-Duškova 1978), Taiwan (Tseng 1978), Hawaii (Garret & Haramoto 1967; Swift & Goff 1987), Poland (Michocka 1987), China (Fujian) (Lin & Zhang 2000), Iran (Ostovan & Kamali 1995; Kamali et al. 2001; Ueckermann et al. 2007), Crimea (Bednarskaya 2011).

Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a, 1977), Shiba (1969a), Lelláková-Duškova (1978), Tseng (1978), Michocka (1987), Swift & Goff (1987), Ueckermann et al. (2007).

Type deposition. Unknown; type of B. peregrina at MCZ; type of Bdella frigida at USNM.

217. Odontoscirus macquariensis (Atyeo, 1963b): 445 comb. nov.; Finch Creek, Macquarie Island, New Zealand, ex fern debris. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) macquariensis Atyeo. Redescription. Wallace (1970).

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC; paratypes at BMNH, USNM, SAM and BPBM.

218. Odontoscirus malayensis Shiba, 1978: 103; Pasoh Forest, Malaysia.

Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan.

219. Odontoscirus manipurensis (Gupta, 1991): 224 comb. nov.; Manipur, Imphal, India, ex Mangifera indica. Original designation: Bdellodes manipurensis Gupta. Redescription. Gupta (2002).

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. NZSI.

220. Odontoscirus meridionalis (Thor, 1931b): 74 comb. nov.; near Tangier, Morocco, ex vegetable debris under rock.— Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 69. Original designation: Biscirus (Biscirus) meridionalis Thor. Other names: Thoribdella meridionalis (Thor), Atyeo, 1960a: 404; Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) meridionalis (Thor), Atyeo, 1963a: 132.

Distribution. Africa, United States (Maryland, Connecticut, Kansas, Michigan, California), Iceland, Sweden (Västerbotten), Germany (Atyeo 1960a), Iceland (Atyeo & Tuxen 1962), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Australia (Western Australia) (Wallace & Mahon 1976: 69), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Poland (Michocka 1987), Hawaii (Swift & Goff 1987), China (Xin et al. 1998), South Africa (Western Cape Province) (Halliday 2005), Iran (Ueckermann et al. 2007), Crimea (Bednarskaya 2011), Slovakia (Kaluz 2008; Kaluz et al. 2013).

Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a), Atyeo & Tuxen (1962), Wallace & Mahon (1976), Michocka (1987), Ueckermann et al. (2007).

Remarks. Wallace & Mahon (1976: 70) mentioned this species is widely distributed in Western Europe and North Africa, from Norway to Morocco.

Type deposition. unknown.

221. Odontoscirus montanus (Kuznetsov & Barilo, 1984): 936 comb. nov.; under stone in vicinities of Agalyk village near Zeravshan mountain ridge, and in Marankul’, Samarkand region, Uzbekistan, under stone. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) montanus.

Type deposition. NBG.

222. Odontoscirus multicia (Atyeo, 1963a): 149 comb. nov.; Auckland Islands, New Zealand, under logs on forest floor. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) multicia Atyeo. Distribution. Campbell Island (Atyeo 1964).

Redescription. Wallace (1970).

Remarks. Female unknown.

Type deposition. MONZ.

223. Odontoscirus nimia (Atyeo, 1963a): 197 comb. nov.; Lake Eacham, Queensland, Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) nimia Atyeo.

Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. SAM.

224. Odontoscirus nipponicus Shiba, 1985: 77, from Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu).

Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan.

225. Odontoscirus odonata (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 98 comb. nov.; Adaminaby, Australia, ex woodland grasses. Original designation: Bdellodes odonata Wallace & Mahon.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ.

226. Odontoscirus oraria (Atyeo, 1963a): 126 comb. nov.; Marlborough, New Zealand, ex flax mold. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) oraria Atyeo.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at MONZ, paratypes at NZFRI.

227. Odontoscirus pacifica (Atyeo, 1963a): 183 comb. nov.; Low Island, Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia, on beach rock exposed as tide recedes. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) pacifica Atyeo. Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. Holotype at QM, paratypes at SAM.

228. Odontoscirus paganus (Atyeo, 1963a): 198 comb. nov.; Mount Barker, South Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) paganus Atyeo.

Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. SAM.

229. Odontoscirus parvisetosa (Atyeo, 1977): 303 comb. nov.; Prosperous Bay Plain, Sainte-Hélène Island. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) parvisetosa Atyeo.

Type deposition. RMCA.

230. Odontoscirus petila (Atyeo, 1963a): 135 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand, under stones. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) petila Atyeo.

Distribution. Campbell Island (Atyeo 1964), South Georgia (Wallace 1970), Iran (Abbaszadeh et al. 2010). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1964), Wallace (1970).

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. MONZ.

231. Odontoscirus pilahensis (Shiba, 1978): 103 comb. nov.; Kuala Pilah, Malaysia, ex grassland. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) pilahensis Shiba.

Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan.

232. Odontoscirus porrectus (Kramer, 1898): 11 comb. nov.; Viña Del Mar, Valparaiso, Chile. Other name: Scirus porrectus, Thor (1931a: 43); Bdellodes porrectus, Atyeo (1960: 412).

a. Bdella magna Ewing, 1913: 123; synonymy according to Thor (1931a).

b. Molgus (Hoplomolgus) venustus Berlese, 1923: 239; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). Type deposition. Unknown.

233. Odontoscirus procincta (Atyeo, 1963a): 143 comb. nov.; Southeast Stewart Island, New Zealand, ex moss. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) procincta Atyeo. Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. MONZ.

234. Odontoscirus quadrisetosa (Atyeo, 1977): 303 comb. nov.; Sainte-Hélène Islands, Sandy Bay Beach. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) quadrisetosa Atyeo.

Type deposition. RMCA.

235. Odontoscirus raeticus (Schweizer & Bader, 1963): 233 comb. nov.; National Park, S-charl-Tal, Switzerland, under stone. Original designation: Bdellodes raeticus Schweizer & Bader.

Type deposition. NMB (NP 1471).

236. Odontoscirus reticulata (Atyeo, 1960b): 289 comb. nov.; Stoke’s Valley, Wellington, New Zealand, ex moss and lichens. Original designation: Thoribdella reticulata Atyeo. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) reticulata, Atyeo, 1963a: 132.

Redescription. Atyeo (1963a).

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. MONZ.

237. Odontoscirus rhachia (Wallace, 1970): 111 comb. nov.; Royal Bay, Moltke Harbor, South Georgia, Antarctica, under rocks on beach. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) rhachia Wallace. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at BPBM, paratypes at ANIC and BMNH.

238. Odontoscirus sabulosa (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 96 comb. nov.; Mt. Barker, W.A., Australia, at sandy gravel bear roadside. Original designation: Bdellodes sabulosa Wallace & Mahon.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM and MONZ.

239. Odontoscirus simplex (Atyeo, 1960a): 405 comb. nov.; Clinton, Douglas Co., Kansas, USA, ex grass. Original designation: Thoribdella simplex Atyeo.

Distribution. United States (California, Florida, Kansas) (Atyeo 1960a), Japan (Ehara 1961). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM, BMNH and SAM.

240. Odontoscirus spinosa (Atyeo, 1960a): 395 comb. nov.; Sierra del Rosario, El Rangel, Cuba, ex leaf litter (hojarasca). Original designation: Thoribdella spinosa Atyeo.

Type deposition. SEMC.

241. Odontoscirus serpentinus (Atyeo, 1963a): 150 comb. nov.; Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, ex leaf mold. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) serpentinus Atyeo.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at MONZ, paratypes at USNM and NZFRI.

242. Odontoscirus subterranea (Cooremann, 1959): 27 comb. nov.; Hochwald, Switzerland, in cave. Original designation: Thoribdella subterranea Cooremann.

Type deposition. IRSN.

243. Odontoscirus tanta (Atyeo, 1963a): 125 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand, ex seashoal debris. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) tanta Atyeo.

Distribution. New Zealand (Atyeo 1963a), Australia (Atyeo 1963b; Wallace & Mahon 1976). Redescriptions. Wallace (1970), Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Remarks. Male unknown.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at MONZ, paratypes at USNM, BMNH and SAM.

244. Odontoscirus tasmaniensis (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 101 comb. nov.; Bronte Park, Tasmania, Australia, ex grass and moss. Original designation: Bdellodes tasmaniensis Wallace & Mahon.

a. Biscirus symmetricus (Kramer 1898: 14) (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 101).

b. Biscirus australicus Womersley, 1933a: 107; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 101). Type deposition. ANIC, SAM, BPBM and MONZ.

245. Odontoscirus tellustris (Atyeo, 1963a): 146 comb. nov.; Wellington, New Zealand, ex foliage. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) tellustris Atyeo.

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at MONZ, paratypes at USNM, BMNH, NZFRI and SAM.

246. Odontoscirus truncata (Atyeo, 1960a): 402 comb. nov.; 38 miles northeast of Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, under rock. Original designation: Thoribdella truncata Atyeo. Type deposition. SEMC.

247. Odontoscirus vireti (Atyeo, 1963a): 130 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) vireti Atyeo.

Type deposition. MONZ.

248. Odontoscirus virgulata (Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877): 103; on ivy, in Treviso, Italy—Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 76. Original designation: Bdella virgulata Canestrini & Fanzago; Canestrini, 1886: 186; Berlese, 1891; Berlese, 1893: 42; Trägårdh, 1910: 479. Other names: Molgus virgulata, Trouessart, 1888: 619; Scirus virgulatus, Thor, 1902: 160; 1904b: 75; Schweizer, 1922: 78; Bdellodes (Odontoscirus) virgulata tridentata Thor, 1931a: 53; Biscirus (Odontoscirus) virgulatus, Womersley, 1933a: 111; Willmann, 1939a: 15; Thor, 1931a: 52. Odontoscirus virgulatus, Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 381; Atyeo 1960a: 186; Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 234; Wainstein et al., 1978: 137.

Distribution. South Africa (Womersley 1933a; Meyer & Ryke 1959), Madeira Island (Willmann 1939a), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Australia (Western and Southern Australia), France (Wallace & Mahon 1976), Iran (Ostovan & Kamali 1995, Kamali et al. 2001; Ueckermann et al. 2007).

Redescriptions. Thor (1931a), Schweizer & Bader (1963), Wallace & Mahon (1976), Ueckermann et al. (2007).

Type deposition. CRA.

249. Odontoscirus watsoni (Atyeo, 1963b): 448 comb. nov.; First Gully, Macquarie Island, New Zealand, ex dead Poa foliosa shoots. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) watsoni Atyeo. Redescription. Wallace (1970).

Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC; paratypes at BMNH, USNM and SAM.

250. Odontoscirus womersleyi (Atyeo, 1963a): 191 comb. nov.; Morialta, South Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) womersleyi Atyeo.

Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976).

Type deposition. SAM.


Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on pages 31-41, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1,


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  • Thor, S. (1913) Biscirus genus novum: eine neue Bdelliden-Gattung und zwei neue Untergattungen. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 42, 28 - 30.
  • Thor, S. (1931 a) Bdellidae, Nicoletiellidae, Cryptognathidae. Das Tierreich, 56, 87 pp.
  • Meyer, M. K. P. & Ryke, P. A. J. (1959) Cunaxoidea (Acarina: Prostigmata) occurring on plants in South Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13 (2), 369 - 384. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222935908655745
  • Atyeo, W. T. (1960 a) A revision of the family Bdellidae in North and Central America (Acarina: Prostigmata). University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 40, 345 - 499.
  • Michocka, S. (1987) Polskie Roztocze (Acari) z rodzin Bdellidae i Cunaxidae. Monografie Fauny Polski, 14, 1 - 128 [in Polish with English summary].
  • Wallace, M. M. H. & Mahon, J. A. (1976) The taxonomy and biology of Australian Bdellidae (Acari). II. Subfamily Odontoscirinae. Acarologia, 18 (1), 65 - 123.
  • Oudemans, A. C. (1937) Kritisch historisch overzicht der Acarologie. Derede gedeelte, 1805 - 1850, Band C, Tarsonemini Can. & Fanz. 1877, Stomatostigmata Oudms. 1906, Eleutherengona Oudms. 1909. Brill, 1179 - 1259.
  • Hermann, J. F. (1804) III Ciron (Scirus). Memoire Apterologique, 60 - 62.
  • Thor, S. (1937) Hoploscirus, eine neue schildtragende Bdellidengattung aus Tasmania, unter dem Namen Scirus dubitatus n. sp. von H. Womersley, 1933 Beschrieben. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 119, 43 - 44.
  • Womersley, H. (1933 a) A preliminary account of the Bdellidae (snout mites) of Australia. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia, 57, 97 - 107.
  • Grandjean, F. (1938) Observations sur les Bdelles (Acariens). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 107, 1 - 24.
  • Atyeo, W. T. (1963 a) The Bdellidae (Acarina) of the Australian Realm. Part I: New Zealand, Campbell Island, and the Auckland Islands. pp. 113 - 166; Part II: Australia and Tasmania. pp. 167 - 210. Bulletin of The University of Nebraska State Museum, 4 (8), 113 - 210.
  • Gupta, S. K. & Ghosh, S. K. (1980) Some prostigmatid mites (Acarina) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 77, 189 - 213.
  • Gupta, S. K. (2002) A monograph on plant inhabiting predatory mites of India. Part 1: Orders: Prostigmata, Astigmata and Cryptostigmata. Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India, 19 (2), 1 - 183.
  • Kramer, P. (1898) Acariden, in: Ergebnisse der Hamburger Magalhaensischen Sammelreise 1892 / 93, 2. Arthropoden, Hamburg, Friedrichsen, Lfg. 3 (3), 1 - 40.
  • Shiba, M. (1985) Two new species of the genus Odontoscirus Thor (Acarina: Bdellidae) from Japan. Reports of Research Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, 16, 77 - 82.
  • Gupta, S. K. (1991) Studies on predatory prostigmatid mites of northeast India with descriptions of new species and new records from India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 88 (2), 207 - 239.
  • Tseng, Y-H. (1978) Mites of the family Bdellidae from Taiwan (Acarina: Prostigmata). Journal of the Agricultural Association of China, 104, 25 - 51.
  • Kuznetsov, N. N. & Barilo, A. B. (1984) Four new species of the family Bdellidae (Acariformes) from middle Asia. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 63 (3), 934 - 937.
  • Roy, I. & Saha, G. K. (2010) Two new predatory mites (Acari: Bdellidae, Phytoseiidae) collected from medicinal plants in West Bengal, India. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 13 (2), 121 - 126. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1016 / j. aspen. 2009.11.008
  • El-Sherif, A. A. & Bolland, H. R. (1993) A new species of the genus Bdellodes from the Netherlands (Acari: Bdellidae). Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor, 31 (4), 2237 - 2242.
  • Banks, N. (1904 b) Some Arachnida from California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 3 rd series Zoology, 3 (13), 331 - 374.
  • Banks, N. (1907) A catalogue of the Acarina, or mites of the United States. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 32, 595 - 625. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.32 - 1553.595
  • Hernandes, F. A. (2013) Revision of Nathan Banks' type specimens of Bdellidae Duges (Acari: Trombidiformes) of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. International Journal of Acarology, 39 (1), 1 - 9. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647954.2012.739642
  • Ewing, H. E. (1913) Some new and curious Acarina from Oregon. Journal of Entomology and Zoology, 5, 123 - 136.
  • Thor, S. (1928) Norwegische Bdellidae III und einige Bemerkungen uber Haare, Chitin leisten und Schilder am Cephalothorax. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 77, 213 - 219.
  • Wallace, M. M. H. (1970) Acarina: Prostigmata: Bdellidae of South Georgia. Pacific Insects Monograph, 23, 107 - 113.
  • Halliday, R. B. (2005) Predatory mites from crops and pastures in South Africa: potential natural enemies of redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor (Acari: Penthaleidae). Zootaxa, 1079, 11 - 64.
  • Berlese, A. (1910) Brevi diagnosi di generi e especie nuovi di Acari. Redia-Giornale di Entomologia, 6, 346 - 388.
  • Castagnoli, M. & Pegazzano, F. (1985) Catalogue of the Berlese Acaroteca. Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologica Agraria. 490 pp.
  • Atyeo, W. T. (1964) Insects of Campbell Island. Prostigmata: Bdellidae. Pacific Insects Monograph, 7, 166 - 169.
  • Shiba, M. (1969 a) Taxonomic investigations on free-living mites in the subalpine forest on Shiga Heights IBP area II. Prostigmata. Bulletin of Natural Sciences of Tokyo, 12 (1), 65 - 115.
  • Nakamura, Y., Ishikawa, K., Shiba, M., Fujikawa, T., Ono, H., Tamura, H. & Morikawa, K. (2006) Soil animals of the 88 Buddhist temples in Shikoku Island. Memoirs of the Faculty of Argriculture, Ehime University, 51, 25 - 48.
  • Chaudhri, W. M. & Akbar, S. (1985) Studies on the biosystematics and control of mites of field crops, vegetables and fruit plants in Pakistan. Monograph from the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 314 pp.
  • Swift, S. F. & Goff, M. L. (1987) The family Bdellidae (Acari: Prostigmata) in the Hawaiian Islands. International Journal of Acarology, 13 (1), 29 - 49. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647958708683478
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  • Gomelauri, L. A. (1963 b) On the study of mites of the family Bdellidae in Georgian S. S. R. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 30 (2), 47 - 51.
  • Kuznetsov, N. N. & Livshits, I. Z. (1979 a) Predatory mites of the Nikita Botanical Garden (Acariformes: Bdellidae, Cunaxidae, Camerobiidae). Proceedings of the State Nikita Botanical Garden, 79, 51 - 104.
  • Wainstein, B. A., Kuznetsov, N. N., Livshits, I. Z. & Sosnina, E. F. (1978) Family Bdellidae. In: Gilyarov, M. S. (Ed) Identifcation key to soil-inhabiting mites, Trombidiformes. Nauka, Moscow, 133 - 143.
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  • Xin, J. - L., Lu, J. - Q. & Zhang, Z. - Q. (1998) Predatory Mites: Their Biology and Roles in Biological Control. Systematic and Applied Acarology Society, London, 187 pp.
  • Ueckermann, E. A., Rastegar, J., Saboori, A. & Ostovan, H. (2007) Some mites of the superfamily Bdelloidea (Acari: Prostigmata) of Karaj (Iran), with descriptions of two new species and redescription of Bdellodes kazeruni. Acarologia, 47, 127 - 138.
  • Ehara, S. (1961) Some snout mites from Japan (Acarina: Bdellidae). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 9 (2), 247 - 263.
  • Lin, J. Z. & Zhang, Y. X. (2000) Bdelloidea. In: Huang, B. K. (Ed.), Fauna of insects in Fujian Province of China. Vol. 9. Fujian Science and Technology Press, Fuzhou, 109 - 121.
  • Ostovan, H. & Kamali, K. (1995) Some snout mites (Acari: Bdellidae) from Iran and a key for their identification. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1, 29 - 43.
  • Kramer, P. (1881) Uber Milben. Zeitschrift fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaft, 54, 417 - 452.
  • Tragardh, I. (1910) Acariden aus dem Sarekgebirge. Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen des Sarekgebirges in Schwedisch- Lappland, 4 (4), 477 - 480.
  • Baker, E. W. & Balock, J. W. (1944) Mites of the family Bdellidae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 46 (7), 176 - 184.
  • Willmann, C. (1939 a) Die Arthropodenfauna von Madeira nach den Ergebnissen der Reise von Prof. Dr. O. Lundblad Juli- August 1935: XIV. Terrestrische Acari. Arkiv for Zoologi, 10, 1 - 42.
  • Mihelcic, F. (1958 b) Zoologisch-systematische Ergebnisse der Studienreise von H. Janetschek und W. Steiner in die spanische Sierra Nevada 1954. IX. Milben (Acarina). Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abteilung I, 167, 35 - 57.
  • Voigts, H. & Oudemans, A. C. (1906) Zur Kenntnis der Milben-Fauna von Bremen. Bdellidae. In: Leuwer, F. (Ed.), Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen, pp. 241 - 242.
  • Thor, S. (1930 a) Beitrage zur kenntnis der invertebraten fauna von Svalbard. Skrifter Svalbard og Ishavet, 27, 1 - 156.
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  • Atyeo, W. T. & Tuxen, S. L. (1962) The Icelandic Bdellidae (Acarina). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 35 (3), 281 - 298.
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  • Ali Khan, B. & Anwarullah, M. (1970) A new species of Odontoscirus from Pakistan. Science and Industry (Karachi), 7 (3), 192 - 194.
  • Willmann, C. (1941) Die Acari der Hohlen der Balkanhalbinsel (Nach dem Material der " Biospeologica balcanica "). Studien aus dem Gebiete der allgemeinen Karstforschung, der wissenschaftlichen Hohlenkunde, der Eiszeitforschung und den Nachbargebieten; 14, B, Biologische Serie. Nr. 8.
  • Thor, S. (1904 b) Norwegische Bdellidae I. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 28, 69 - 79.
  • Schweizer, J. (1922) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der terrestrischen Milbenfauna der Schweiz. Verhandlungen der Naturferschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 33, 23 - 111. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 3644
  • Vitzthum, H. G. (1926) Malayiche Acari. Treubia, 8, 1 - 195.
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  • Andersen, C. H. (1863) Bidrag till kannedomen om Nordiska Acarider. Ofversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar, 20, 181 - 193.
  • Canestrini, G. & Fanzago, F. (1877) Intorno agli acari italiani. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 5 (4), 1 - 140 + plates II - VII.
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  • Halbert, M. R. I. A. (1915) Clare Island Survey-Acarinida. Section II-terrestrial and marine Acarina. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 39, 45 - 136.
  • Atyeo, W. T. (1977) Family Bdellidae. La Faune terrestre de I´lle de Sainte-Helene. Annales du Musee Royal de l´Afrique Centrale, 8, 300 - 305.
  • Trouessart, E. L. (1888) Note sur les acariens marins recueillis par M. Giard au laboratoire maritime de Wimereux. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 107, 753 - 755. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 4881
  • Banks, N. (1894) Some new American Acarina. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 21, 209 - 222.
  • Ewing, H. E. (1909 b) A systematic and biological study of the Acarina of Illinois. University of Illinois Bulletin, 7 (14), 1 - 120.
  • Ewing, H. E. (1917) New Acarina, part II-Descriptions of new species and varieties from Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 37 (2), 149 - 172.
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  • Banks, N. (1899) Reports upon the insects, spiders, mites and myriapods collected by Dr. L. Stejneger and Mr. G. E. H. Barrett- Hamilton on the Commander Islands-Arachnida. Reports of the fur-seal investigations, 347 - 351.
  • Tragardh, I. (1904) Monographie der arktischen Acariden. Fauna Arctica, 41, 1 - 77.
  • Koch, C. L. (1835 - 1844) Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Fauna. Herausgegeben von Dr. Herrich-Schaffer. Regensburg, Friedrich Pustet. 40 parts.
  • Koch, C. L. (1842) Ubersicht des Arachnidensystems. Familie II: Schabelmilben Bdellides, pp. 73 - 77.
  • Walckenaer, C. A. & Gervais, M. P. (1844) Histoire naturelle des insectes apteres III. 1 - 476 pp.
  • Gervais, H. P. (1841) Note sur quelques especes de l´ordre des Acariens. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie et Biologie Animale, 15, 5 - 10.
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