Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Perdita bellula Timberlake


Perdita bellula Timberlake

Figs. 4 C, 7I, 10D–E, 12D, 15E, 19A–B, 20A–B, 21A–B, 22A, 23B, 24B, 27, 28A, 56B, 58C–D

Perdita (Heteroperdita) bellula Timberlake, 1954: 369, ♂♀. Holotype ♂ (CAS type no. 14442), 4 miles north of Palm Springs, Riverside Co., California, USA.

Diagnosis. In the female, the metasoma is white or whitish-tan and dark lateral spots may be present or absent (Figs. 7 I, 20A). In addition to the metasomal coloration, the female can be distinguished from all similar species by the combination of the pygidial plate spatulate (Fig. 24 B), the eyes converging ventrally, the propodeum lacking a yellow triangle, and the second medial cell absent (Fig. 4 C).

In the male, the metasoma is generally a mix of white and amber, and rarely the amber can be darkened to brown. In the typical form (Figs. 10 E, 19A–B), T1–T3 are mainly white with amber along the apical borders of the terga, then T4–T6 are mainly amber with white restricted to apical the margin of the disc. The terga often have dark brown sublateral spots on T1–T5 (Fig. 10 D); these spots can either be small and well-defined or large and diffuse, and are generally reduced on the apical terga. The male also can be distinguished by the metasoma light, head nonquadrate, pygidial plate triangular with a narrow rounded apex that approaches truncate (Fig. 23 B), the eyes converging ventrally, and lack of a yellow triangle on the propodeum. The male can be further recognized by having the head wider than long, coloration of face with bluish tint, and metasoma equal in width or narrower than the mesosoma.

Redescription of female. Length: 3.0 mm. Forewing length: 1.9 mm.

Coloration. Head (Fig. 22 A) and mesosoma base color black with bluish metallic luster; clypeus ranging from dirty-white to whitish-tan; supraclypeal mark dirty white, large, transverse; paraocular mark white, transverse, not going above level of summit of clypeus; mandible white or tan, tip reddish-brown; labrum dirty white; scape tannish-white; antenna light brown dorsally, tannish-white ventrally; pronotal collar black or dark brown with slight metallic tints with pair of white transverse marks dorso-posteriorly, transverse marks often reduced or even absent; pronotal lobe white or tan, light marks often restricted to margins; legs entirely whitish-tan, except often with faint, nebulous brown marks basally on hind coxa, medially on all femora and medially on hind tibia; distal hind tarsi more or less brown; wing veins ranging from tan to brown; metasoma variable, base color ranging from white to tan (Figs. 20 A–B), terga generally with two faint baso-lateral and two apico-sublateral small brown spots, spots often reduced or poorly defined, especially on apical segments, terga often slightly darkened along apical margin; T2 fovea dark brown; pygidial plate tan.

Structure and vestiture. Head broader than long (Fig. 22 A); face, except for clypeus, supraclypeal area, and frons covered by dense recumbent white pubescence; eyes converging ventrally; facial fovea diverging dorsally, narrowly oval, extending from top of antennal socket 2/3 distance to apex of eye, generally more or less obscured by pubescence; mandible simple; labrum quadrate, slightly less than 2X broader than long; disc of clypeus broader than high, convex, apically protruding slightly less than 1 OD from face; lateral extension reaching 1/3 distance to base of mandible; venter of head with abundant inward-facing broadly hooked hairs; mesosoma strongly tessellate, impunctate, slightly shiny; pronotal collar slightly impressed, humeral angle weak; mesepisternum and margins of scutum densely covered by combination of recumbent and erect white pubescence; fore coxa with abundant, broadly hooked hairs; apex of mid tibia with some short, thick, curved setae; forewing with second medial cell absent (Fig. 4 C); metasoma suboval, wide basally, tapering apically, widest at T3 (Fig. 20 A); terga tessellate and impunctate; T2 fovea linear, slightly thickened, half length of T2; pygidial plate spatulate, apex broadly and evenly rounded (Fig. 24 B); hairs of prepygidial fimbria slightly thickened, dense.

Redescription of male. Length: 2.4 mm. Forewing length: 1.7 mm.

Coloration. Head (Figs. 21 A–B) and mesosoma base color black with metallic bluish or greenish luster; clypeus yellowish-white, rarely tan; supraclypeal mark large, transverse, white, more or less yellowish; paraocular mark white, transverse, reaching level of summit of clypeus; mandible white, tip reddish; labrum white, sometimes with basomedial dark spot; scape tan; antenna light brown dorsally, tan ventrally; pronotal collar dark brown with slight metallic tints with pair of white transverse marks dorso-posteriorly; pronotal lobe white or tan, light marks often restricted to margins; ventral surface of mesepisternum lightened to white next to bases of mid and hind coxae; legs whitish-tan, ranging from entirely whitish-tan to more or less brown basally on all coxae, medially on all femora, and medially on mid tibia; wing veins ranging from tan to brown; metasoma extremely variable, coloration ranging from mostly white (Fig. 19 A) to mostly amber (Fig. 19 B), amber marks rarely darkened to brown, typical form (Figs. 10 E, 19A) with T1–T3 white with amber along borders of terga, T4–6 mainly amber with white restricted to apical margin of disc, T1–T5 rarely with pair of sublateral brown spots (Fig. 10 D); T2 fovea dark brown; pygidial plate tan or amber.

Structure and vestiture. Head oval, rarely subquadrate, broader than long (Figs. 21 A–B); face, except for clypeus, and supraclypeal area covered by dense recumbent white pubescence (often more or less worn off); eyes converging ventrally; mandible simple, extending to far side of labrum in repose; labrum quadrate, 2X broader than long; disc of clypeus broader than high, moderately convex, apically protruding slightly less than 1 OD from face; lateral extension reaching 1/2 distance to base of mandible; head with moderately dense pubescence ventrally; mesosoma strongly tessellate, impunctate, slightly shiny; pronotal collar slightly impressed, humeral angle weak; mesepisternum and most of scutum densely covered by combination of recumbent and erect white pubescence; hind tibia with sparse, short, slightly thickened hairs; metasoma generally equal in width to mesosoma or slightly narrower, suboval, wide basally, tapering apically, widest at T3 (Fig. 19 A); terga tessellate and impunctate; T2 fovea linear, slightly thickened, generally 1/4 length of T2; pygidial plate broadly triangular, apex rounded, approaching truncate (Fig 23 B); hairs of prepygidial fimbria slightly thickened, sparse.

Terminalia. S8 (Fig. 56 B) with spiculum short, bifurcate, lateral apodemes not prominent, slightly flexed downwards; apical portion slightly convex, quadrate, sides roughly parallel, slightly diverging before converging at truncate apex; short hairs ventrally; poorly-defined circle of thinned cuticle subapically. Genital capsule as in Figs. 58 C–D. Gonostyli separated dorsally by narrow U-shape; dorsal lobe of gonostylus broadly turned inward at apex; ventral lobe longer than dorsal lobe, extending to level of penis valve with minute hairs on outer edge of apex; volsella much shorter than gonostylus; cuspis with two spicules on apex; digitus shorter than cuspis with single spicule on inner margin of apex; penis valve long, strongly undulating on inner margin, apex strongly turned outward; endophallus weakly sclerotized with two vague parallel arms, extending slightly beyond level of penis valve.

Floral records. Boraginaceae (185 ♂ 170 ♀): Nama sp. 3 ♂ 3 ♀, Tiquilia latior 69 ♂ 66 ♀, T. palmeri 29 ♂ 20 ♀, T. plicata 80 ♂ 73 ♀, T. sp. 4 ♂ 8 ♀, Polygonaceae (2 ♀): Eriogonum inflatum 1 ♀, E. sp. 1 ♀.

Phenology. Active from April to October.

Distribution. Mojave and Sonoran Deserts (Fig. 28 A), USA (and likely Mexico). Very common, particularly along roadsides.

Type material examined. Holotype data: ♂, CALIFORNIA: Riverside Co.: 4 miles north of Palm Springs, 28 June 1941, P.H. Timberlake, at flowers of Coldenia plicata [= Tiquilia plicata (Torr.) A.T. Richardson] (CAS type no. 14442). Allotype data: ♀, same data as holotype (CAS). Paratype data: 2 ♂ 6 ♀, same data as holotype (UCRC).

Additional material examined. Total specimens: 608 ♂ 1231 ♀. ARIZONA: Maricopa Co.: Arlington, 10 km S; Gillespie Dam (33.2268 -112.7717): 2 ♂ 4 ♀, 14–21 Aug 2010, M.E. Irwin; Gila River, 10 km S Arlington (33.22147 -112.75888): 1 ♂, 7–13 Jun 2010, F.D. Parker, M.E. Irwin; 1 ♀, 15–31 Jul 2010, M.E. Irwin; 1 ♂ 3 ♀, 7– 14 Aug 2010, M.E. Irwin; Mohave Co.: Littlefield ramp of Interstate 15 (36.8906 -113.9292): 2 ♂ 3 ♀, 27 Sep 2013, Z.M. Portman, Tiquilia latior; Littlefield; County rd 91, right off I-15 (36.88844 -113.92928): 3 ♂ 4 ♀, 17 Jul 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. latior; 3 ♂ 1 ♀, 25 Aug 2012, E. Sadler, K. Weglarz, T. latior; Topock (34.71 -114.48): 1 ♂ 2 ♀, 13 May 1983, P.F. Torchio, Nama sp.; Yuma Co.: Yuma (32.72 -114.62): 1 ♂, 2 Apr 1957, T.R. Haig; 1 ♀, 2 Sep 1957, T.R. Haig, N. sp.. CALIFORNIA: Imperial Co.: Algodones Dunes; Glamis, 2 km W (32.99491 - 115.0885): 2 ♂ 1 ♀, 7 Sep 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Glamis Dunes, 1 mi W Glamis (32.9941 -115.1013): 1 ♂, 9 Oct 1988, T.L. Griswold; Ocotillo Wells, 15 km E (33.12582 -116.0082): 6 ♂ 5 ♀, 25 Sep 2013, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Ocotillo, 5.3 km ENE; Roadside of Hwy S80 (32.75711 -115.94222): 1 ♂, 2 May 2012, Z.M. Portman; 1 ♀, 3 May 2012, Z.M. Portman; 10 ♂ 1 ♀, 25 Sep 2013, Z.M. Portman, T. palmeri; 7 ♂ 1 ♀, 25 Sep 2013, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Salton City, Service Rd (33.29568 -115.97715): 8 ♂ 5 ♀, 4 May 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. palmeri; Salton City, corner of Service Rd and Cleveland Rd (33.29428 -115.9763): 3 ♂ 4 ♀, 4 May 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Salton City; S Marina Dr (33.29489 -115.96436): 6 ♀, 19 Jul 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. palmeri; Salton City (33.2986 -115.9553): 2 ♂, 13 Sep 1983, P.F. & D.M. Torchio, N. sp.; Riverside Co.: 5 mi E Mecca (33.58 -115.99055): 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 5 Oct 1976, J.D. Pinto; Cathedral City, N; Baristo Rd. (33.81972 -116.45108): 3 ♂, 24 Sep 2013, Z.M. Portman, T. palmeri; Cathedral City, N; Ramon Rd. (33.81616 -116.4501): 8 ♂ 3 ♀, 24 Sep 2013, Z.M. Portman, T. palmeri; Mecca, 15.9 km ESE, along hwy 111 (33.51267 -115.92088): 5 ♂ 2 ♀, 5 May 2012, M. C. Orr, T. plicata; 4 ♂ 4 ♀, 5 May 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Mecca, 16.2 km S (33.42616 - 116.06049): 4 ♀, 19 Jul 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. palmeri; Mecca, 4 mi E (33.5699 -116.0094): 1 ♀, 20 Jul 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Palm Springs, Araby Wash (33.775 -116.53194): 1 ♀, 14–21 Apr 2015, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; 4 ♀, 28 Apr–5 Mar 2015, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; Palm Springs, Hillside (33.7785 -116.55466): 2 ♂ 7 ♀, 7 Apr 2015, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; Palm Springs (33.6796 -116.548): 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 17 Oct–10 Nov 2011, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 3 May 2012, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 7–13 May 2013, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; 1 ♂, 14–18 Apr 2014, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; 1 ♂, 28 Apr 2014, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; 1 ♀, 1–5 May 2014, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 9 May 2014, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; 1 ♀, 13–16 May 2014, F.D. Parker, T.D. McIntyre; Rice, 40 km W (34.05085 -115.21337): 5 ♂ 5 ♀, 6 Sep 2012, T.L. Griswold, T. plicata; S Palm Springs, Palm Canyon Drive at Bogert Trail (33.77611 -116.54583): 3 ♂, 22 Apr 2000, G.R. Ballmer, T. plicata; San Bernardino Co.: Baker, 15 km N (35.38881 -116.12663): 5 ♂ 5 ♀, 23 Sep 2013, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Black Ridge, 12 km E; Hwy 62 (34.10758 -114.93542): 7 ♂ 1 ♀, 6 Sep 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Essex, 4 mi NW (34.77678 -115.29426): 1 ♀, 26 May 1983, T.L. Griswold; Hwy 62, E Twentynine Palms, 1.5 mi W jct Iron Age Road (34.11388 -115.71027): 1 ♂, 21 Sep 2003, D. Yanega, T. sp.; Kelso Dunes, Devils Playground Wash, Kelso Dunes Road, 4.1 mi E Kelbaker Road, Mojave National Preserve (34.88888 -115.71722): 1 ♀, 25 May 2009, D. Yanega, T. plicata; Kelso Dunes (34.9768 -115.648): 3 ♂, 3 Sep 1980, T.L. Griswold, T. sp.; Kelso, 5.3 km NE (35.0448 -115.6108): 4 ♂ 4 ♀, 7 Sep 1994, T.L. Griswold, T. plicata; Kelso, 6.3 km NE (35.0505 -115.6032): 3 ♂ 10 ♀, 7 Sep 1994, T.L. Griswold, T. plicata; Twentynine Palms, 32 road mi E (34.0912 -115.5401): 2 ♂ 2 ♀, 6 Sep 2012, T.L. Griswold, T. plicata; 3 ♂ 2 ♀, 6 Sep 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Twentynine Palms, 37.5 km E (34.1042 -115.65593): 2 ♂ 1 ♀, 6 Sep 2012, T.L. Griswold, T. plicata; 2 ♂ 1 ♀, 6 Sep 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; Twentynine Palms, 45 km E (34.08767 -115.58219): 1 ♀, 6 Sep 2012, T.L. Griswold, T. plicata; 3 ♂ 3 ♀, 6 Sep 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata; San Diego Co.: Borrego Springs, 2 mi W (33.2576 -116.375): 3 ♂ 4 ♀, 28 Apr 2013, Z.M. Portman, T. plicata. NEVADA: Clark Co.: Beehive Rock, W, West Valley of Fire State Park (36.4091 -114.5494): 3 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Bitter Ridge, N (36.3083 -114.6292): 11 ♂ 8 ♀, 4 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz, T. latior; Black Ridge, S (36.506 -114.3282): 13 ♂, 27 Aug 1998, O.J. Messinger, S. Messinger, C. Schultz, T. latior; Black Wash(36.4113 - 114.0778): 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 29 Jun 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; 5 ♂ 9 ♀, 4 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Bowman Reservoir, E (36.6222 -114.467): 74 ♂ 94 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Bunkerville, 4 mi W (36.7392 - 114.18542): 1 ♂, 14 Jun 1989, P.F. Torchio; Cottonwood Cove (35.4875 -114.6944): 8 ♂ 10 ♀, 11 Jun 1998, K. Keen, C. Schultz, T. plicata; 5 ♂ 68 ♀, 14 Aug 1998, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; Devils Throat, N, turnoff to Devil's Throat (36.438 -114.153): 1 ♂ 3 ♀, 12 Aug 1998, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; Devils Throat, N (36.4427 - 114.151): 6 ♀, 12 Aug 1998, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; 3 ♀, 13 Aug 1998, C. Schultz, T. sp.; 5 ♀, 13 Aug 1998, T.L. Griswold, T. sp.; Fire Canyon Wash (36.4548 -114.5088): 8 ♂ 5 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Jean Lake, N (35.812 -115.2328): 1 ♀, 11 Aug 1998, T.L. Griswold, Eriogonum sp.; Jean Lake, N (35.8145 -115.2427): 4 ♂ 28 ♀, 11 Aug 1998, M. Andres, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; Jean Lake, NE (35.8067 -115.2233): 9 ♂ 54 ♀, 11 Aug 1998, M. Andres, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; 1 ♀, 8 Oct 1998, T.L. Griswold; Jean Lake, NE (35.8092 - 115.219): 16 ♂ 129 ♀, 11 Aug 1998, M. Andres, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; Jean, N (35.8102 -115.2998): 1 ♀, 8 Oct 1998, T.L. Griswold; Jean, SW (35.777 -115.3232): 1 ♀, 11 Aug 1998, M. Andres, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; Kaolin Wash, S (36.479 -114.5267): 1 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz, E. inflatum; 13 ♂ 25 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz, T. latior; 15 ♂ 17 ♀, 27 Aug 1998, O.J. Messinger, S. Messinger, C. Schultz, T. latior; Las Vegas Dunes (36.2845 -114.9598): 1 ♀, 9 Jun 1998, K. Receveur, C. Schultz, T. latior; Las Vegas Dunes (36.286 - 114.9667): 6 ♀, 22 May 1998, M. Andres, K. Keen, K. Receveur, C. Schultz; Las Vegas Dunes (36.287 -114.9622): 5 ♂ 4 ♀, 6 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz, T. latior; Laughlin, W (35.1833 -114.6167): 1 ♀, 13 May 1998, K. Receveur, C. Schultz, T. palmeri; Mesquite Lake, E (35.7335 -115.5505): 1 ♂ 7 ♀, 10 Aug 1998, M. Andres, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; Mormon Mesa (36.5702 -114.4197): 27 ♂ 94 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Mormon Mesa (36.7437 -114.375): 139 ♂ 175 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Mud Wash (36.433 - 114.1588): 1 ♂, 28 Aug 1998, O.J. Messinger, S. Messinger, C. Schultz; Overton, SE (36.5213 -114.4367): 32 ♂ 120 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Riverside, 7.5 km SW; Virgin Valley; New Gold Butte Rd (36.68514 - 114.27375): 2 ♀, 16 May 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. latior; Riverside, 8.0 km SW; New Gold Butte Rd. (36.68319 - 114.27962): 4 ♂, 23 Jul 2012, Z.M. Portman, T. latior; Sheep Mountain, W (35.75983 -115.32133): 28 ♂ 96 ♀, 11 Aug 1998, M. Andres, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; Sheep Mtn, 1.92 mi E (35.7596 -115.2531): 1 ♂, 18 Jul 2005, E. Green, T. plicata; St. Thomas Gap, 0.4 mi E (36.4084 -114.0937): 1 ♀, 25 May 2005, S.M. Higbee, E. Ahlstrom; St. Thomas Gap (36.4023 -114.093): 2 ♂ 5 ♀, 7 Jun 1998, F.D. Parker; St. Thomas Gap (36.4041 -114.0933): 1 ♂ 3 ♀, 27 Aug 1998, O.J. Messinger, S. Messinger, C. Schultz; St. Thomas Gap (36.4058 -114.0937): 2 ♂ 10 ♀, 29 Jun 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; 1 ♂ 2 ♀, 29 Jun 1998, M. Andres, K. Keen, K. Receveur, C. Schultz; St. Thomas Gap (36.4075 -114.0937): 13 ♂ 38 ♀, 4 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; St. Thomas Wash (36.435 -114.4363): 18 ♂ 43 ♀, 5 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Tramp Ridge, E (36.3482 -114.143): 2 ♀, 4 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Tramp Ridge, E (36.3905 -114.1287): 17 ♂ 25 ♀, 4 Aug 1998, M. Andres, C. Schultz; Valley of Fire State Park (36.4435 -114.528): 1 ♀, 21 May 1998, K. Keen, K. Receveur, T. latior; Virgin Valley (36.6868 -114.2643): 3 ♂ 5 ♀, 12 Aug 1998, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz; Whitney Pocket (36.5247 -114.1397): 1 ♀, 12 Aug 1998, T.L. Griswold, C. Schultz.

Remarks. Perdita bellula is the most common Heteroperdita in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. It is also one of the most variable species in terms of coloration, making it difficult to differentiate from numerous similarlooking species. In addition to being naturally variable, the coloration of the metasoma can be quite altered by the collection method. For example, the white coloration is very susceptible to discoloration due to cyanide, and the resulting specimens can have a reddish or amber metasoma (Fig. 15 E) that resemble P. rhodogastra. When pantrapped or malaise-trapped, specimens can often be bleached, which reduces the dark maculations and can bring out the amber coloration, resulting in specimens that resemble P. coldeniae. Darker specimens often have larger lateral spots (Fig. 10 D), resulting in male specimens that resemble P. optiva.


Published as part of Portman, Zachary M., Neff, John L. & Griswold, Terry, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Perdita subgenus Heteroperdita Timberlake (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), with descriptions of two ant-like males, pp. 1-97 in Zootaxa 4214 (1) on pages 27-37, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4214.1.1,


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  • Timberlake, P. H. (1954) A revisional study of the bees of the genus Perdita F. Smith, with special reference to the fauna of the Pacific Coast (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Part I. University of California Publications in Entomology, 9 (6), 345 - 432.