Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cosmetra multidentana Aarvik, 2016, new species



Cosmetra multidentana new species

(Figs. 6, 16, 23)

Type material. Holotype, ♂, TANZANIA: Iringa Reg., Mufindi Distr., Kigogo Forest, 1900 m, 23-25.xi.2005, L. Aarvik, M. Fibiger, A. Kingston, genitalia slide NHMO 2839 (NHMO); Paratypes, 2♂, same data as holotype, genitalia slide NHMO 2156 (NHMO); 1♀, Mufindi Distr.: Mufindi, 1960 m, 16.i.1993, L. Aarvik, genitalia slide NHMO 2721 (NHMO).

Diagnosis. Externally, Cosmetra multidentana is inseparable from C. usambarensis. The two species differ in the male genitalia: in Cosmetra usamabarensis the sacculus is nearly straight from base to the neck, whereas in C. multidentana the valva is constricted past the saccular angle. The female of Cosmetra multidentana differs from that of C. usambarensis by the broader lateral sclerites of the sterigma.

Description. Male (Fig. 6). Head: Light brown, rough scaled, with forward directed tuft. Antenna pale brown. Labial palpus ca. 1.5 times diameter of eye, pale brown, lightly sprinkled with brown, edge of scale brush dark brown, third segment brown, with white tip. Thorax: Light brown. Fore- and mid-leg grey, with light rings, hindleg cream, tarsi ringed with light grey. Wingspan 13.5–15.0 mm. Forewing upperside light brown, with some greyish suffusion and scattered tiny black dots; costal strigulae indicated by greyish dots, hardly discernible, dark brown suffusion form a dorso-postbasal blotch and smaller rounded tornal blotch; dorsal patch indistinct, appears as lighter than rest of wing; terminal line cream, with black points marking end points of veins; cilia basally concolorous with wing, terminally grey. Hindwing brownish grey, veins with dark brown suffusion. Abdomen: Genitalia (Fig. 16) with uncus basally broad and parallel-sided, distal half narrower, basal part with pair of lateral short teeth, terminally with two teeth; socii short and broad, with strong apical tooth; valva constricted past the saccular angle; cucullus rounded, ventral margin with strong spines on lower two thirds.

Female. Head and Thorax: Similar to male, but forewing with reddish hue. Abdomen: Genitalia (Fig. 23) with apophyses posteriores longer than anteriores; lateral plates of sterigma broad, connected with rounded process which is extended posteriorly; ductus bursae broad, asymmetrical, right edge straight, left edge convex in anterior two thirds; corpus bursae round.

Distribution. Tanzania.

Ecology. Collected in forest.

Etymology. The species name refers to the dentate uncus in the male genitalia.

Cosmetra usambarensis, new species (Figs. 7,8, 17, 24)

Type material. Holotype, ♂, TANZANIA: Tanga: Usambara Mt., Magamba, 17 km NW Lushoto, 1900 m, 28.ii– 1.iii.2003, M. Fibiger, H. Hacker, K. Larsen, H.-P. Schreier, genitalia slide L. Aarvik 2015.010 (KL). Paratypes, 3♂, 3♀, same data as holotype, Genitalia slide ♂ L. Aarvik 2015.011, ♀ L. Aarvik 2015.012 (KL). The holotype eventually will be deposited in a public institution.

Diagnosis. Externally Cosmetra usambarensis is inseparable from C. multidentana; differences in the genitalia are listed under the diagnosis of the latter species.

Description. Male (Fig. 7). Head: Light brown, rough scaled, with forward directed tuft. Antenna pale brown. Labial palpus ca. 1.5 times diameter of eye, pale brown, lightly sprinkled with brown, edge of scale brush dark brown, third segment brown, with white tip. Thorax: Light brown. Fore- and mid-leg grey, with light rings, hindleg cream, tarsi ringed with light grey. Wingspan 12.0–14.0 mm. Maculation of fore- and hindwing as in C. multidentana. Abdomen: Genitalia (Fig. 17) with uncus basally broad, with pair of lateral teeth, terminally with two teeth; socii short and broad, with strong apical tooth; sacculus of valva nearly straight from base to neck; cucullus rounded, ventral margin with strong spines on lower two thirds.

Female (Fig. 8). Head and Thorax: Similar to male, but forewing with reddish hue. Abdomen: Genitalia (Fig. 24) with apophyses posteriores longer than anteriores; lateral plates of sterigma connected with rounded process which is extended posteriorly, anterior margin well-defined; ductus bursae broad, asymmetrical, gradually becoming broader towards corpus bursae.

Distribution. Tanzania.

Ecology. Collected in mountain rain forest.

Etymology. This species is named after the Usambara Mountains in eastern Tanzania where the type series was collected.


Published as part of Aarvik, Leif, 2016, Redefinition and revision of African Cosmetra Diakonoff, 1977 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with description of six new species, pp. 245-256 in Zootaxa 4088 (2) on pages 250-255, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4088.2.6,


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sp. nov.
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Cosmetra multidentana Aarvik, 2016