Published August 22, 2016 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

EndoAbS Dataset

  • 1. Politecnico di Milano


The EndoAbS Dataset (Endoscopic Abdominal Stereo Images Dataset) aims to provide to the computer assisted surgery community a dataset for the validation of 3D reconstruction algorithms.
It is composed of:
- 120 pair of endoscopic stereo images of abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen);
- corresponding ground truth in left-camera reference frame, generated using a laser scanner;
- camera calibration parameters;

The images were captured under different conditions:
- different light levels;
- presence of smoke;  
- two phantom-endoscope distances (~5cm or ~10cm);
If you use this dataset, please cite:
 Penza, V., Ciullo, A. S., Moccia, S., Mattos, L. S., & De Momi, E. (2018). EndoAbS dataset: Endoscopic abdominal stereo image dataset for benchmarking 3D stereo reconstruction algorithms. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, e1926.

For further information, please contact



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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Only people interested in using this dataset for research development.

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  • A.S. Ciullo, V. Penza, L. Mattos, E. De Momi (2016)
  • "Development of a surgical stereo endoscopic image dataset for
  • validating 3D stereo reconstruction algorithms." 6th Joint Workshop on
  • New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery.
  • Penza, V., Ortiz, J., Mattos, L. S., Forgione, A., & De Momi, E. (2016).
  • "Dense soft tissue 3D reconstruction refined with super-pixel segmentation for
  • robotic abdominal surgery." International journal of computer assisted radiology
  • and surgery, 11(2), 197-206.