EndoAbS Dataset
The EndoAbS Dataset (Endoscopic Abdominal Stereo Images Dataset) aims to provide to the computer assisted surgery community a dataset for the validation of 3D reconstruction algorithms.
It is composed of:
- 120 pair of endoscopic stereo images of abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, spleen);
- corresponding ground truth in left-camera reference frame, generated using a laser scanner;
- camera calibration parameters;
The images were captured under different conditions:
- different light levels;
- presence of smoke;
- two phantom-endoscope distances (~5cm or ~10cm);
If you use this dataset, please cite:
Penza, V., Ciullo, A. S., Moccia, S., Mattos, L. S., & De Momi, E. (2018). EndoAbS dataset: Endoscopic abdominal stereo image dataset for benchmarking 3D stereo reconstruction algorithms. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, e1926.
For further information, please contact veronica.penza@iit.it
Additional details
- A.S. Ciullo, V. Penza, L. Mattos, E. De Momi (2016)
- "Development of a surgical stereo endoscopic image dataset for
- validating 3D stereo reconstruction algorithms." 6th Joint Workshop on
- New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery.
- Penza, V., Ortiz, J., Mattos, L. S., Forgione, A., & De Momi, E. (2016).
- "Dense soft tissue 3D reconstruction refined with super-pixel segmentation for
- robotic abdominal surgery." International journal of computer assisted radiology
- and surgery, 11(2), 197-206.