Published January 8, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lithobius (Lithobius) erythrocephalus C.L. Koch 1847


8. Lithobius (Lithobius) erythrocephalus C.L. Koch, 1847

(1) L. erythrocephalus C. K. [sic!]: Verhoeff, 1901: 452.

(2) Lithobius erythrocephalus C.L. K.: Kanellis, 1959: 23 (pars).

(3) Lithobius (Lithobius) erythrocephalus C.L. Koch: Zapparoli, 1994: 38.

(4) Lithobius erythrocephalus cronebergii Sseliwanoff: Eason in Lewis, 1996: 155.

(5) Lithobius (Lithobius) erythrocephalus C.L. Koch, 1847: Zapparoli, 2002: 23, Fig. 8.

General distribution. Europe: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, FYR Macedonia, Germany, Greece (incl. Crete), Hungary, Iceland, Italy (incl. Sicily), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine. West Asia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey (Zapparoli 2002; Minelli et al. 2006).

Chorotype. European (EUR).

Records in Peloponnisos (Fig. 4). Ahaia: Lapas (1, 2, 5); Patra, near University (3, 5); Aroania Ori, 1800– 2200 m (3, 5); Aroania Ori, near Likouria (3, 5); Erimanthos, 1560–1570 m (5); Erimanthos, top, 2240 m (3, 5); near Kalavrita (4, 5). Argolida: Tirintha (1, 2, 5). Arkadia: Levidi, Menalon Ski Resort (5); Oros Menalon, Vitina (3, 5); Tripoli (1, 2, 5). Ilia: Lambia, Chrisopigi (5); Oros Foloi, Lalas, 790 m (5). Korinthfa: Oros Killini, 1500 m (3, 5); Oros Killini, Ziria, NE slope, 1600–2100 m (3, 5). Lakonia: Parnonas, between Vamvakou and the refuge, 1420 m (3, 5); Taigetos, near refuge (5). Messinia: Kalamata (1, 2, 5); Meligalas, Vassiliko (5).

New records from Mt. Parnonas (Fig. 4) 3 exx., Arkadia, Stravorachi, west of Kastanitsa (loc. 5), 1485 m, N37.238169 / E22.610705, 26 Oct. 2014; 1 ex., Arkadia, Kastanitsa west, Xeromoukalo stream (loc. 6), 1235 m, N37.25273 / E22.628614, 26 Oct. 2014; 1 ex., Arkadia, Agios Ioannis Theologos church, mountain refuge (loc. 19), 1610 m, N37.226653 / E22.591896, 29 Oct. 2014; 2 exx., Arkadia, Kastanitsa to Parnonas refuge, crossroad to Agios Vasileios (loc. 21), 1560 m, N37.224316 / E22.616548, 29 Oct. 2014; 1 ex., Arkadia, Moni Elonis (loc. 32), 555 m, N37.146186 / E22.768643, 30 Apr. 2015; 1 ex., Arkadia, Parnonas mountain refuge to Agios Vasileios, 2 km SW of the refuge (loc. 36), 1570 m, N37.225902 / E22.62279, 1 May 2015.

Ecological notes. 0–2900 m; an euriecious species, recorded in open Quercus coccifera, Juniperus sp. and Paliurus spinachristi scrubs, in broadleaved thermomesophilous woods, in Platanus and Alnus riparian woods, in Abies cephalonica, Pinus nigra, Fagus sylvatica forests, in montane open habitats, in wetlands, in caves, in anthropized habitats, and in agroecosystems (Chamberlin 1956; Dobroruka 1965; Matic & Stavropoulos 1988; Zapparoli 1994).

Remarks. According to Zapparoli (2002) the populations from Peloponnisos belong to the nominal subspecies; Eason in Lewis (1996) assigned one record from near Kalavrita (Ahaia) to L. e. cronebergii Sseliwanoff, 1881.


Published as part of Simaiakis, Stylianos Michail, Akkari, Nesrine & Zapparoli, Marzio, 2016, The centipedes of Peloponnisos and first records of genus Eurygeophilus in the East Mediterranean (Myriapoda: Chilopoda), pp. 301-346 in Zootaxa 4061 (4) on pages 311-312, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4061.4.1,


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  • Koch, C. L. (1847) System der Myriapoden. In: Panzer, G. & Herrich-Schaffer, A. (Eds.), Kritische Revision der Insektenfauna Deutschlands. Pustet, Regensuburg, pp. 1 - 270.
  • Verhoeff, K. W. (1901) Beitrage zur Kenntnis palaarktischer Myriopoden. XVI Aufsatz. Zur vergleichenden Morphologie, Systematik und Geographie der Chilopoden. Nova Acta Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinisch Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Halle, 77, 373 - 465.
  • Kanellis, A. (1959) Die Chilopodenfauna Griechenlands. Scientific Annals of the Society of Physics and Mathematics, University of Thessaloniki, l, 1 - 56.
  • Zapparoli, M. (1994) Note tassonomiche e faunistiche su Chilopodi della Grecia (Chilopoda). Fragmenta Entomologica, 26, 11 - 66.
  • Lewis, J. G. E. (1996) Further records of Scolopendromorph and Geophilomorph centipedes from the Arabian Peninsula with a note by Dr. E. H. Eason on Lithobius erythrocephalus cronebergii Sseliwanoff. Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 15, 137 - 156.
  • Zapparoli, M. (2002) Catalogue of the centipedes from Greece (Chilopoda). Fragmenta Entomologica, 34, 1 - 146.
  • Chamberlin, R. V. (1956) On a collection of Chilopods from Crete. Entomological News, 67, 51 - 53.
  • Dobroruka, L. J. (1965) Ein Beitrag zur Landtierwelt von Korfu. Chilopoda. Sitzungsberichte der Osterreichische Akadademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch- naturwissenshaftliche Classe, 174, 393 - 402.
  • Matic, Z. & Stavropoulos, G. (1988) Contribution a la connaissance des chilopodes de Grece. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica, 14, 33 - 46.