Published November 3, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Flabelligeridae de Saint-Joseph 1894


Key to genera of Flabelligeridae de Saint-Joseph, 1894

1 Anterior end with chaetae; branchiae variable............................................................... 2

- Anterior end without chaetae or parapodia; branchiae in a single series (pelagic worms)............................................................................................ Poeobius Heath, 1930 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2008)

2(1) Cephalic cage exposed, well developed (chaetiger 1 with thick, rigid chaetae, at least twice as long as body width)........ 3

- Cephalic cage covered by tunic or poorly developed (chaetiger 1 with chaetae usually shorter than body width; if longer, then thin, flexible)........................................................................................ 17

3(2) Tunic thick, often covering most individual papillae, at least along anterior chaetigers............................... 4

- Tunic thin, most papillae visible, exposed................................................................. 9

4(3) Chaetiger 2 markedly longer than following ones, sometimes with a constriction towards its posterior margin............ 5

- Chaetiger 2 as long as neighbouring chaetigers.............................................................. 7

5(4) Tunic without sediment; all chaetigers with long multiarticulate spines; anterior end with one pair of trifid organs (pelagic worms)............................................ Buskiella McIntosh, 1885 (see Salazar-Vallejo & Zhadan 2007)

- Tunic with sediment, sometimes with large tubercles; median and posterior chaetigers with short neurochaetae; anterior end with palps and branchiae, without trifid organs............................................................. 6

6(5) Anterior chaetigers (3–7) with pseudo-compound neurochaetae................................................................................................ Therochaeta Chamberlin, 1919 (partim) (see Salazar-Vallejo 2013a)

- Anterior chaetigers (3–7) without pseudocompound neurochaetae, with anchylose hooks or multiarticulate chaetae.............................................................................. Paratherochaeta Salazar-Vallejo, 2013

7(4) Posterior chaetigers with articulate neurochaetae............................................................. 8

- Posterior chaetigers with anchylose neurochaetae, sometimes bifid, bidentate or subdistally expanded; tunic with variable amounts of sediment particles................................ Trophoniella Hartman, 1959 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2012c)

8(7) Tunic with sediment particles; median and posterior chaetigers with multiarticulate neurochaetae, often bidentate...................................................................... Piromis Kinberg, 1867 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2011b)

- Tunic without sediment particles; median chaetigers with multiarticulate neurochaetae, posterior chaetigers with oligoarticu- late neurochaetae............................................ Pycnoderma Grube, 1877 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2011b)

9(3) Sediment particles concentrated into discrete shields or crusts................................................. 10

- Sediment particles not concentrated into discrete shields or crusts, sometimes forming sediment tubercles; body papillae vari- able............................................................................................... 12

10(9) Body papillae long, with or without sediment; anterior chaetigers with segments partly or totally covered by sediment particles.............................................. Therochaeta Chamberlin, 1919 (partim) (see Salazar-Vallejo 2013a)

- Body papillae short, without sediment, anterior chaetigers with sediment particles arranged as a dorsal shield............ 11

11(10) Anterior chaetigers with pseudocompound neurochaetae; posterior region cylindrical with 2–4 neurochaetae in transverse series.................................................. Semiodera Chamberlin, 1919 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2012b)

- Anterior chaetigers with multiarticulated neurochaetae; posterior region often depressed with 5–8 neurochaetae in longitudinal series..................................................................... Daylithos Salazar-Vallejo, 2012b

12(9) Median chaetigers with long multiarticulate neurospines...................................................................................................... Diplocirrus Haase, 1915 (see Salazar-Vallejo & Buizhinskaja 2011)

- Median chaetigers with anchylose, falcate neurospines, may be very short........................................ 13

13(12) Median and posterior neurochaetae longer than papillae...................................................... 14

- Median and posterior neurochaetae small, as long as or shorter than papillae; papillae abundant, giving a velvet or granulose appearance; branchial filaments abundant, on two lateral peduncles..................................................................................................... Stylarioides delle Chiaje, 1830 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2011a)

14(13) Body papillae thin, abundant, giving a pilose appearance; 8–16 branchial filaments, sessile on branchial plate.................................................................... Ilyphagus Chamberlin, 1919 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2012d)

- Body papillae thick, giving a tuberculate appearance, at least anteriorly.......................................... 15

15(14) Branchial plate with 8 filaments, sessile................................................................... 16

- Branchial plate with two branchial peduncles, each with many filaments in transverse series.................................................................................................... Treadwellius Salazar-Vallejo, 2011

16(15) Median neurochaetae falcate, blunt, shorter than body width.................................... Pherusa Oken, 1807

- Median neurochaetae foliose, tapered, as long as or longer than body width.............. Lamispina Salazar-Vallejo, 2014

17(2) Chaetiger 1 with chaetae in a long, almost continuous series; neurochaetae oligo-articulate with falcate crest............ 18

- Chaetiger 1 with chaetae in short separate bundles; median neurochaetae anchylose................................ 23

18(17) Dorsal papillae completely covered by a more or less continuous tunic.......................................... 19

- Dorsal papillae visible, individually or forming large sediment particles, not covered by tunic........................ 22

19(18) Notochaetae as long as body width or shorter, articulate (at least along half their length); successive notopodia positioned at the same level; cephalic cage chaetae covered by a thin tunic or by series of papillae, without thick tunic.................. 20

- Notochaetae twice as long as body width (including tunic), most anchylose (articles restricted to chaetal distal regions); suc- cessive notopodia arranged in triads, in different level; cephalic cage chaetae covered by a thick tunic........................................................................................... Flabegraviera Salazar-Vallejo, 2012a

20(19) Neuropodial hooks with thick, falcate, entire crests.......................................................... 21

- Neuropodial hooks with thin, tapered mucronate crests, apparently articulate; body with a thin tunic.............................................................................................. Annenkova Salazar-Vallejo, 2012a

21(20) Median notopodia dorsolateral or lateral; anterior end truncate......... Flabelligera Sars, 1829 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2012a)

- Median notopodia ventrolateral; anterior end tapered............................. Flabehlersia Salazar-Vallejo, 2012a

22(18) Notopodial lobes perpendicular to body axis, large, covering notochaetae; median neuropodia lateral........................................................................... Flabelliderma Hartman, 1969 (see Salazar-Vallejo 2007)

- Notopodial lobes longitudinal to body axis, short, fan-shaped, not covering notochaetae; median neuropodia ventral............................................................................... Flabesymbios Salazar-Vallejo, 2012a

23(17) Neurochaetae aristate spines; branchiae usually abundant filaments......................... Bradabyssa Hartman, 1967

- Neurochaetae blunt, falcate spines; branchiae only 8 cirriform filaments......................... Brada Stimpson, 1853


Published as part of Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2017, Revision of Brada Stimpson, 1853, and Bradabyssa Hartman, 1967 (Annelida, Flabelligeridae), pp. 1-98 in Zootaxa 4343 (1) on pages 7-8, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4343.1.1,


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Scientific name authorship
de Saint-Joseph
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Flabelligeridae Saint-Joseph, 1894 sec. Salazar-Vallejo, 2017


  • de Saint-Joseph, A. (1894) Les annelides polychetes des cotes de Dinard, troisieme partie (Nephtydiens - Serpuliens). Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, 7 eme Serie, 17, 1 - 395. Available from: http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 110316 # page / 10 / mode / 1 up (Accessed 2 Oct. 2017)
  • Heath, H. (1930) A connecting link between the Annelida and the Echiuroidea (Gephyrea Armata). Journal of Morphology and Physiology, 49, 223 - 244. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / jmor. 1050490106
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. (2008) Review of Poeobius Heath, 1930 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae). Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 49, 191 - 200. Available from: http: // application. sb-roscoff. fr / cbm / article. htm? execution = e 4 s 1 (Accessed 2 Oct. 2017)
  • McIntosh, W. C. (1885) Report on the Annelida Polychaeta collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 76. Challenger Reports, 12, 1 - 554.
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. & Zhadan, A. E. (2007) Revision of Buskiella McIntosh, 1885 (including Flota Hartman, 1967), and descryption of its trifid organ (Polychaeta, Flotidae). Invertebrate Zoology, 4, 65 - 82. Available from: http: // www. nature. air. ru / invertebrates / pdf _ files / vol 4 _ 1 / invert 4 _ 1 _ 065 _ 082 _ Salazar _ Zhadan. pdf (Accessed 2 Oct. 2017)
  • Chamberlin, R. V. (1919) The Annelida Polychaeta of the Albatross Tropical Pacific Expedition, 1891 - 1905. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College, 48, 1 - 514. Available from: http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 25672 # page / 7 / mode / 1 up & plates: http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 21704 # page / 7 / mode / 1 up (Accessed 2 Oct. 2017)
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. (2013 a) Revision of Therochaeta Chamberlin, 1919 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae). Zoosystema, 35, 95 - 131. https: // doi. org / 10.5252 / z 2013 n 2 a 7
  • Hartman, O. (1959) Catalogue of the Polychaetous Annelids of the World, 2. Allan Hancock Foundation Occasional Papers, 23 (2), 355 - 628.
  • Kinberg, J. G. H. (1867) Annulata Nova (Anthostomea, Chloraemea, Chaetopterea, Maldanea, Ammocharidea, Ampharetea, Terebellea, Heremellea, Serpulea, Teletusea). Kongelige Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar, 23, 337 - 357. Available from: http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 100619 # page / 349 / mode / 1 up (Accessed 2 Oct. 2017)
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. (2011 b) Revision of Piromis Kinberg, 1867 and Pycnoderma Grube, 1877 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae). Zootaxa, 2819, 1 - 50. Available from: http: // www. mapress. com / zootaxa / 2011 / f / z 02819 p 050 f. pdf (Accessed 2 Oct. 2017)
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. (2012 b) Revision of Semiodera Chamberlin, 1919 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae). Zootaxa, 3562, 1 - 62.
  • Haase, P. (1915) Boreale und arktisch Chloraemiden. Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen der Kommission zur Wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung der Deutschen Meere, Neue Folge, Kiel, 17, 169 - 228.
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. (2011 a) Revision of Stylarioides delle Chiaje, 1831 (Annelida: Polychaeta). Italian Journal of Zoology, 78 (Supplement 1), 163 - 200. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 11250003.2011.606985
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. (2012 d) Revision of Ilyphagus Chamberlin, 1919 (Polychaeta, Flabelligeridae). ZooKeys, 190, 1 - 19. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 190.3059
  • Oken, L. (1807) (Untitled). Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen 1807 (2), Stuck 117 (23 Julius 1807), 1161 - 1168.
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. (2014) Revision of Pherusa Oken, 1807 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae). Zootaxa, 3886 (1), 1 - 61. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3886.1.1
  • Salazar-Vallejo, S. I. (2012 a) Revision of Flabelligera Sars, 1829 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae). Zootaxa, 3203, 1 - 64.
  • Sars, M. (1829) Bidrag til Soedyrenes Naturhistorie. Forste Haefte. Dahl, Bergen, 60 pp.
  • Hartman, O. (1969) Atlas of the Sedentariate Polychaetous Annelids from California. Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 812 pp.
  • Hartman, O. (1967) Polychaetous annelids collected by the USNS Eltanin and Staten Islands Cruises, chiefly from Antarctic seas. Allan Hancock Monographs in Marine Biology, 2, 1 - 387.
  • Stimpson, W. (1853) Synopsis of the marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, or the region about the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 6, 1 - 67. Available from: http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / bibliography / 30062 # / summary (Accessed 2 Oct. 2017)