Published June 28, 2017 | Version v1
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Mesobiotus harmsworthi Kaczmarek 2017, sensu lato


141. Mesobiotus harmsworthi Murray, 1907c sensu lato [T]

M. echinogenitus Richters (Murray 1907a)

M. harmsworthi Murray (Murray 1913)

Macrobiotus harmsworthi Murray (Pardi 1941)

Macrobiotus harmsvorthi (Ramløv & Kristensen 1985)

Terra typica: Franz Joseph Land (Russia, Barents Sea)


36°53′N, 07°39′E; 800 m asl: Annaba Province, Massif of Eldough [Edough Mountains]. Binda & Pilato (1987)36°40′N, 04°36′E; 1,400 m asl: Tizi Ouzou Province, Akfadou Forest. Binda & Pilato (1987)36°38′N, 05°45′E; 1,200 m asl: Jijel Province, M’Sid-Ech-Cheta (Texenna Pass). Binda & Pilato (1987)36°28′N, 04°14′E; 1,700 m asl: Tizi Ouzou Province, Massif of Djurdjura (Assouille depression). Binda & Pilato (1987) Ethiopia:

04°03′N, 38°19′E; 1,700 m asl: Oromia Region, Mēga, former English residence, moss (Pleurochaete sp.) on tree

(Juniperus procera). Pardi (1941)


32°29′N, 20°50′E; 350 m asl: Marj District, Barce [Marj], moss. Pilato & Pennisi (1976)


32°25′N, 05°13′W; 1,750 m asl: Meknès-Tafilalet Region, S of Azrou, cedar forest, moss on limestone boulders in the forest glade. Ramløv & Kristensen (1985)

Republic of South Africa:

29°44′S, 22°44′E: Undefined locality, Cape Colony [Cape Province]. Murray (1907a), Marcus (1928)


01°22′N, 32°17′E: Undefined locality. Murray (1913)

Record numbers. Algeria: 4, Ethiopia: 1, Libya: 1, Morocco: 1, Republic of South Africa: 1, Uganda: 1; total: 9.

Remarks. While Mesobiotus harmsworthi sensu lato has a cosmopolitan distribution (McInnes 1994), we think the presence of M. harmsworthi sensu stricto in Africa is questionable. Originally described from Zemlya Frantsa- Iosifa in Arctic Russia (Murray 1907c), M. harmsworthi is now considered a species group, with a number of very similar species (all requiring careful taxonomic analysis of adults and egg morphology—see Kaczmarek et al. 2011 for diagnostic key). This is particularly emphasised by the presence of taxa reported from Africa (e.g. M. diffusus, M. nuragicus, etc.).


Published as part of Kaczmarek, Łukasz, 2017, Annotated zoogeography of non-marine Tardigrada. Part IV: Africa, pp. 1-74 in Zootaxa 4284 (1) on pages 49-50, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4284.1.1,


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Mesobiotus harmsworthi , 2017


  • Murray, J. (1907 c) Arctic Tardigrada, collected by Wm. S. Bruce. TRansactions of the Royal Society of EdinbuRgh, 45, 669 - 681. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0080456800011789
  • Richters, F. (1907 a) Zwei neue Echiniscus Arten. ZoologischeR AnzeigeR, 31, 197 - 202.
  • Murray, J. (1913) African Tardigrada. JouRnal of the Royal MicRoscopical Society, 2, 136 - 144. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2818.1913. tb 01014. x
  • Pardi, L. (1941) Tardigrada. Missione Biologica Sagan-Omo, Reale Accademia d'Italia, Roma Zoologia, 6, 221 - 232.
  • Ramlov, H. & Kristensen, R. M. (1985) Bjornedyr, Tardigrada. Marokko - 1985. Dansk NatuRhistoRisk FoRenings Rejse til MaRokko, 8 - 22 ApRil 1985, pp. 27 - 32.
  • Pilato, G. & Pennisi, G. (1976) Prime notizie sui Tardigradi della Cirenaica. Animalia, 3, 243 - 258.
  • Murray, J. (1907 a) Some South African Tardigrada. JouRnal of the Royal MicRoscopical Society, 5, 515 - 524. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 2818.1907. tb 01665. x
  • Marcus, E. (1928) Spinnentiere oder Arachoides. IV Bartierchen (Tardigrada). TieRwelt Deutschlands und deR angRenzenden MeeResteile Jena, 12, 1 - 230.
  • McInnes, S. J. (1994) Zoogeographic distribution of terrestrial / freshwater tardigrades from current literature. JouRnal of NatuRal HistoRy, 28, 257 - 352. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222939400770131