Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Amazoonops juruti Ott, Ruiz, Brescovit & Bonaldo, 2017, sp. nov.


Amazoonops juruti sp. nov.

Figs 14, 107–129, 132, Map 1

Types. Holotype male from Acampamento Mutum (02°36’44.7”S 56°11’39.2”W), Platô do Rio Juruti, Juruti, Pará, Brazil, 5–22.XI.2007, D.F. Candiani & N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. (MPEG 30522, PBI_OON 00044455). Paratype female from same locality (02°33’18.0”S 56o13’22.4”W), 03–08.X.2010, B.V.B. Rodrigues, N.C. Bastos & N.S. Abrahim leg. (MPEG 30523, PBI_OON 40684).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

Diagnosis. Males are similar to those of A. cachimbo sp. nov. and A. almeirim sp. nov. by the endites with prolateral process with two retrolateral protrusions (Figs 18, 79, 119), but can be recognized by the combined presence of a short embolus and large, oblong basal protrusion of endites prolateral process (Figs 118,–119). Females resemble those of A. cachimbo sp. nov. by the large mesial portion of internal genital sclerite (Figs 131– 132), but can be recognized by the genital area with a wide posterior transversal lip (Fig. 129) and shorter arms of internal genital sclerite (Fig. 132).

Description. Male (PBI_OON 40529, Figs 107–117): Total length 1.44. CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace orange-brown, ovoid in dorsal view, anteriorly narrowed to 0.49 times its maximum width or less, with rounded posterolateral corners, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica granulate; non-marginal pars cephalica setae present, scattered. Clypeus high, ALE separated from edge of carapace by their radius or more. Eyes ALE–PLE touching, PME touching throughout most of their length, PLE–PME touching. Sternum orange-brown, furrow wrinkled, surface rugose, without pits, anterior margin with a row of small depressions, lateral margin with infracoxal grooves and anterior and posterior openings, setae evenly scattered. Mouthparts: paturon distal region unmodified. Labium rectangular; with 6 or more setae on anterior margin. Endites anteromedian tip with one strong, tooth-like projection. ABDOMEN: dorsum soft portions white. Posterior spiracles not connected by groove. Pedicel tube medium. Dorsal scutum pale orange, covering more than 3/4 of abdomen, no soft tissue visible from above, middle surface finely reticulate, sides finely reticulate. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, long, semicircular, covering nearly full length of abdominal length, without posteriorly directed lateral apodemes. LEGS: pale orange; patella plus tibia I shorter than carapace, metatarsi I and II meso-apical comb absent. Tarsi I to IV superior claws tooth examined in detail; tarsus IV superior claws with zero teeth on median surface of retroclaw. GENITALIA: Epigastric region with sperm pore situated between anterior and posterior spiracles. Palp: bulb yellow, 1 to 1.5 times as long as cymbium, embolus light, prolateral excavation present, small, lamellar, twisted, narrow at tip, with a large rounded prolateral aperture.

Female (PBI_OON_044426, Figs 126–131, 134): Total length 1.79. As in male, except as noted. ABDOMEN: dorsum soft portions covered with gray spots. Pedicel slightly ribbed, scutum not extending far dorsal of pedicel. Epigastric scutum weakly sclerotized, epigastric scutum not surrounding pedicel dorsally. Postepigastric scutum weakly sclerotized, fused to epigastric scutum, with short posteriorly directed lateral apodemes. GENITALIA: anterior receptaculum longer than large, short posterior directed apodemas; short transversal sclerite (Fig. 132).

Material examined. BRAZIL: Pará. Juruti: 1♀ (MPEG 30954, PBI_OON 44412); Acampamento Mutum (02°36’44.7”S 56°11’39.2”W), all D.F. Candiani & N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg.: 03–05.VI.2007, 1♂ (MPEG 30516, PBI_OON 44451), 1♀ (MPEG 30953 PBI_OON 44419); 03–10.VI.2007, 3♂ (MPEG 30504, PBI_OON 44458; MPEG 30506, PBI_OON 44460; MPEG 30518, PBI_OON 44453); 15–22.XI.2007, 3♀ (MPEG 30948, PBI_OON 44418; MPEG 30950, PBI_OON 44414; MPEG 30952, PBI_OON 44415). Same locality and coordinates above, 15–22.XI.2007, D.D. Guimarães & N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg. 1♂ (MPEG 30502, PBI_OON 44428). Same locality above (02°33’18.0”S 56°13’22.4”W), all B.V.B. Rodrigues, N.C. Bastos & N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg., 05–10.V.2010, 2♂, 1♀ (MPEG 30503, PBI_OON 44422; MPEG 30514, PBI_OON 44432; MPEG 30520, PBI_OON 44417); 18– 23.II.2011, 1♀ (MPEG 30515, PBI_OON 44426). Same locality and coordinates above, 03–08.VIII.2010, B.V.B. Rodrigues, N.C. Bastos & N.S. Abrahim leg., 1♂ (MPEG 30524, PBI_OON 40662; examined by SEM).

MAP 1. Septentrional South America showing records of Amazoonops gen. nov. species.

Juruti, Beneficiamento, ponto 1 (02°30’27.4”S 56°10’39.5”W): 18–23.II.2011, B.V.B. Rodrigues, N.C. Bastos & N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg., 1♂ (MPEG 30505, PBI_OON 44420); 19–25.X.2011, R.F. Saturnino, E.G.S. Cafofo-Silva & N.C. Bastos leg., 1♀ (MPEG 30508, PBI_OON 44427). Juruti, Beneficiamento, ponto 2 (02°30’27.4”S 56°10’39.5”W), all B.V.B. Rodrigues, N.C. Bastos & N.F. Lo-Man-Hung leg., 08–13.V.2010, 1♂ (MPEG 30512, PBI_OON 44413); 18–23.II.2011, 1♂ (MPEG 30517, PBI_OON 44424). Estrada Plot 2 (02°36’10.6”S 56°12’25.8”W), 04–11.IX.2002, A.B. Bonaldo et al. leg., 1♂ (MPEG 30507, PBI_OON 44456). Juruti, Platô Capiranga, Linha 168E (02°28’22.1”S 56°12’29.4”W), all D.F. Candiani & N.F Lo-Man-Hung leg.: 12– 14.X.2006, 2♂ (MPEG 10901, PBI_OON 44437; MPEG 10902, PBI_OON 44423); 03–10.VI.2007, 3♂ (MPEG 30510, PBI_OON 44450; MPEG 30511, PBI_OON 44452; MPEG 30519, PBI_OON 44457); 15–22.XI.2007, 1♂ (MPEG 30513, PBI_OON 44459). Juruti, Platô do Rio Juruti (02°33’7.2”S 56°13’06.2”W), all A.B. Bonaldo et al. leg., 11–16.IX.2002, 1♂ (MPEG 30509, PBI_OON 40529). Same locality and collector above (02°28’00.6”S 56°12’42.2”W), 04–11.IX.2002, 1♂ (MPEG 30521, PBI_OON 44454), 1♀ (MPEG 30951, PBI_OON 44411). Juruti, Sítio Barroso, 03-05.VI.2007, D.F. Candiani & N. Lo-Man-Hung leg., 1♀ (MPEG 30949, PBI_OON 44421). Juruti, Vale do Igarapé Mutum (02°36’44.7”S 56°11’39.2”W), 08–15.X.2006, D.F. Candiani & N. Lo- Man-Hung leg., 1♂ (MPEG 10900, PBI_OON 40526); 04.X.2004, D.F. Candiani & D.R. Santos-Souza leg., 1♀ (MPEG 10563, PBI_OON 44461).


Published as part of Ott, Ricardo, Ruiz, Gustavo R. S., Brescovit, Antonio D. & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2017, Amazoonops, a new genus of goblin spiders (Araneae: Oonopidae) from the Brazilian Amazon, pp. 244-268 in Zootaxa 4236 (2) on pages 262-268, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4236.2.2,


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