Researching and practicing ARTIVISM through field-crossing: an innovative method for collaborative research
- 1. FTSR-ISSR-Anthropole 5067, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, 1015, Switzerland
While collaborative research has mainly focused on the relationship between researchers and research partners in the field, several recent works have contributed to reflecting on the relationships between researchers of various backgrounds and roles, and the challenges and benefits of teamwork. While conducting the ERC-funded ARTIVISM project, I have continued to rethink the ways research can be conducted collectively, especially when starting from a multi-sensory approach and by applying apprenticeship and audio-visual techniques. I developed the method of field-crossing, which allows the researcher to regularly contrast perspectives and perceptions, and which helps researchers regain emotional and intellectual independence after an intensive, year-long period of fieldwork as and among artivists. The article shows how field-crossing allows its practitioners to reflect in an innovative way on their positioning in a field, open new perspectives, integrate surprises and disruptive and unexpected developments, and cope with inner and collective conflicts. Finally, collective feedback sessions about text and image publications (comics, films) with the artivists are not only part of our ethical approach but also serve as elicitation sessions which reflect the complexity of field relations and individual and collective perspectives among and between field-crossers and artivists.
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