Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Calapnita loksado Huber, 2017, sp. nov.


Calapnita loksado sp. nov. Figs 128, 220–227

Calapnita vermiformis ” (misidentification; only specimens from Santan): Deeleman-Reinhold 1986b: 212. Huber 2011: 48.

Diagnosis. Distinguished from other species of vermiformis group by combination of: tip of procursus with simple sclerotized ventral flap (Fig. 220), procursus relatively short (in contrast to C. bario), distal cheliceral apophyses clearly bipartite (in contrast to C. bariengi and C. bario; Fig. 224), proximal part of bipartite cheliceral apophyses wide (in contrast to C. saluang and C. bugis), male sternum pale, continuous wide connection between epigynal plate and ‘knob’ (Fig. 226), and round pore plates far apart (Fig. 227).

Etymology. The species name is derived from the type locality; noun in apposition.

Material examined. Holotype. INDONESIA-BORNEO: ♂, ZFMK (Ar 16045), South Kalimantan, Loksado (2.796°S, 115.503°E), 260 m a.s.l., degraded forest along small stream, 27.x.2009 (S. Sutono).

Other material. INDONESIA-BORNEO: 1♂ in absolute ethanol, ZFMK (Ind 160), same data as holotype. 1♂ 2♀, RMNH (ARA 17428), East Kalimantan, Santan (0.05°S, 117.49°E), near sea level, 3.vii.1976 (J.R. Thomson).

Description. Male (holotype)

MEASUREMENTS. Total body length 4.8, carapace width 0.65. Leg 1: 29.5 (7.4 + 0.3 + 6.9 + 12.7 + 2.2), tibia 2: 5.2, tibia 3: 3.1, tibia 4: 5.5; tibia 1 L/d: 125. Distance PME-PME 190 µm, diameter PME 80 µm, distance PME- ALE ~30 µm; no trace of AME.

COLOR. Entire animal mostly pale gray to whitish, legs slightly yellowish with brown patellae and tibiametatarsus joints, abdomen with indistinct darker marks.

BODY. Habitus as in Fig. 128; ocular area barely elevated, each triad on very low hump; carapace without median furrow; clypeus unmodified; sternum as wide as long (0.46), unmodified.

CHELICERAE. As in Figs 224–225, apophyses near lamellae clearly bipartite, with pair of indistinct lateral processes; without modified hairs; without stridulatory ridges.

PALPS. In general similar to C. vermiformis (cf. figs 139 and 140 in Huber 2011); trochanter apophysis as in Fig. 222; femur as in Fig. 223, distal process at 44% of femur length; tibia length/diameter 0.61/0.30; procursus as in Figs 220–221, with simple ventro-distal flat sclerite; bulb length 0.43; embolus length 0.70; embolus tip with few short transparent fringes.

LEGS. Without spines and curved hairs; few vertical hairs; retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia 1 at 2.5%; prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1, present on other tibiae; tarsus 1 pseudosegments not seen in dissecting microscope.

Male (variation). Tibia 1 in other male: 7.3.

Female. In general similar to male; eye triads barely closer together (distance PME-PME 180 µm). Tibia 1 in one female: 6.1 (missing in second female). Epigynum as in Fig. 226, weakly sclerotized triangular plate with wide anterior ‘knob’; internal genitalia as in Fig. 227, with small round pore plates far apart.

Distribution. Known from South and East Kalimantan (Fig. 284).


Published as part of Bernhard A. Huber, 2017, Revision and cladistic analysis of the Southeast Asian leaf-dwelling spider genus Calapnita Simon (Araneae, Pholcidae), pp. 1-63 in Zootaxa 4219 (1) on pages 45-48, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.273086


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Collection code
Event date
1976-07-03 , 2009-10-27
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
1976-07-03 , 2009-10-27
Taxonomic concept label
Calapnita loksado Huber, 2017


  • Deeleman-Reinhold, C. L. (1986 b) Studies on tropical Pholcidae II. Redescription of Micromerys gracilis Bradley and Calapnita vermiformis Simon (Araneae, Pholcidae) and description of some related new species. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, 22 (2), 205 - 224. Avaliable from: http: // biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 43242055 (Accessed 12 Jan. 2017)
  • Huber, B. A. (2011) Revision and cladistic analysis of Pholcus and closely related taxa (Araneae, Pholcidae). Bonner zoologische Monographien, 58, 1 - 509. Avaliable from: http: // www. pholcidae. de / PDFs / Huber _ 2011 _ BZM _ low. pdf (Accessed 12 Jan. 2017)