Published February 10, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Research Scholar, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana


Teaching English is challenging.However, in this globalized world learningforeign languages is necessary. So as potential teachers, we should ask ourselves thefollowing questions,: How  could I teach English to my pupils? What is the best wayfor them to learn?At present, English is one of the most important and growing subjects in oursecondary schools and it is also present in our curriculum. Moreover, many schools areadopting bilingual programs. Though there is abundant legislation stipulating howteachers must proceed and how they should incorporate the different approaches and methodologies, it is the teachers themselves who are expected to design and plan thelessons.Learning a foreign language as if it were a mother tongue would be the idealway, since the need to learn grammar and structures would be obviated. This is difficultif the teachers themselves are non-native and is therefore one of the most complicatedaspects.Thus, we consider it very important to investigate how to teach English in eachsituation. Sometimes it is not a matter of teaching English but a matter of teaching inEnglish. The main purpose is to create a new method made of all the different methodsalready known and take advantage of all the positive features in each method.However, just a simple mixture of all methods would not be enough since we aredealing with very different situations regarding age, level and resources. Therefore, themain idea is to use all the methods in a varying proportion depending on thecircumstances. With experience, the teacher will be able to decide which method will fit the student’s needs.  It is well known that the teacher’s role is significant in students learning progress. One of the important decisions that this role demands is choosing the right teaching method to achieve the lesson objectives.

In the English language classroom, the accomplishment of this goal will ensure the success of the educational process and enhance student’s language competence. Teachers often change their teaching methods to fit their students’ needs, cope with the changing classroom situation, or to suit the new educational decisions from higher authorities. In the field of English Language Teaching there have been arguments and counter arguments about the role of various methods, approaches and techniques in learning the language.Teaching English language requires not onlythe skill, knowledge of subject, methods and strategies but also infrastructural facilities like languagelaboratory, teaching aids, teaching learning materials and teacher's resources books and audio-visual aid etc.The effective teaching and learning is depends on use of suitable teaching aids and teachers competence. Thereare many methods emerged in the 21st century for teaching and learning of English language. Teaching Englishlanguage becomes challenging for teachers at school education system in India.



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  • 1. Richards, J. y Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, New York:Cambridge University Press. 2. Stern, H.H. (2001). Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching, New York: Oxford University Press. 3. Franciso Jose Francisco Carrera, (2014). English Language TeachingMethodology 4. William O'Grady, Michael Dabrovolsky, and Mark Aronoff, Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993. 5. M.L. Tickoo, Teaching and Learning English, New Delhi: Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd., 2005. 6. URL: 7. URL: 8. URL: 9. China has more English speakers than India," Deccan Herald, 20 November 2009. Retrieved on 20-02-2015.