Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



“ Cirsotrema ” georgeanum nomen novum

(Figure 10)

Scalaria fenestrata Strebel, 1908: 63 –64, pl. 4, fig. 61a–d (non Meneghini in de Stefani, 1875 nor Wöhrmann, 1889) Cirsotrema fenestrata: Powell, 1951: 114; Zelaya, 2005: 121

Type locality. 54°11’ S 36°18’W, Cumberland Bay, South Georgia 252–310 m.

Type material. Two syntypes (one syntype at SMNH type-918: Fig. 10 A; the other syntype at ZMH 3139: Fig. 10 B, C).

Known distribution. Only known from South Georgia.

Etymology. The name of the species refers to its provenance.

Remarks. Scalaria fenestrata Strebel, 1908 appears at present as a junior (primary) homonym of Scalaria fenestrata Meneghini in de Stefani, 1875 and Scalaria fenestrata Wöhrmann, 1889. Due to the above, “ Cirsotrema ” georgeanum is here proposed as a replacement name for Strebel’s species.

In shell morphology, “ Cirsotrema ” georgeanum resembles “ Cirsotrema ” magellanicum; both species reach large sizes, and are sculptured with widely separated, lamellate axial ribs, with low but strong spiral elements in the interspaces of axial sculpture, and with a prominent spiral cord at the base. In fact, Brown & Neville (2015) suggested that both are probably synonyms. However, “ Cirsotrema ” georgeanum differs from “ Cirsotrema ” magellanicum by being slender, with whorls separated by a deeper suture, axial ribs with prominent coronations, and by lacking the auriculate peristome that is present in “ Cirsotrema ” magellanicum. Given these differences, both taxa are here regarded as distinct.


Published as part of Zelaya, Diego G. & Güller, Marina, 2017, Undercover speciation of wentletraps (Caenogastropoda: Epitoniidae) in the Southwestern Atlantic, pp. 41-69 in Zootaxa 4286 (1) on pages 58-59, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4286.1.2,


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  • Strebel, H. (1908) Die Gastropoden. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sudpolar-Expedition, 1901 - 1903 unter Leitung von Dr Otto Nordenskjold, 6 (1), 1 - 112, pls. 1 - 6.
  • Powell, A. W. B. (1951) Antarctic and subantarctic Mollusca: Pelecypoda and Gastropoda. Discovery Reports, 26, 47 - 196. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 16335
  • Zelaya, D. G. (2005) Systematics and biogeography of marine gastropod molluscs from South Georgia. Spixiana, 28, 109 - 139.
  • Brown, L. G. & Neville, B. D. (2015) Catalog of the Recent taxa of the families Epitoniidae and Nystiellidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) with a bibliography of the descriptive and systematic literature. Zootaxa, 3907 (1), 1 - 188. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3907.1.1