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Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eopompilus minor Gussakovskij 1932


Eopompilus minor Gussakovskij, 1932

(Figs 3, 4, 16, 20, 24, 34–38)

Eopompilus minor Gussakovskij, 1932: 36, ♀ (holotype, ♀, "Sedanka, 12.VII. [19]30 (Malaise)" [Russia, Primorskii Terr., environs of Vladivostok], [SMNH]); Ishikawa 1962: 334, ♀ ♂; 1965b: 295; Lelej 1986: 80, 81 ♀ ♂; 1995: 226, ♀, ♂; 2000: 622, ♀ ♂; Hirashima 1989: 662; Lelej & Yamane 1992: 102, ♀; Lelej et al. 1994: 139, ♀; Shimizu 1996b: 507; Yamane et al. 1999: 345, ♀ ♂; Lelej & Loktionov 2012: 412; Ma & Li 2013: 446, ♂; Loktionov & Lelej 2014: 94, 95, 99, ♀, ♂; Shimizu & Terayama 2016: 205, 500, 596, ♀ ♂.

Eopompilus minor itoi Ishikawa, 1965a: 511, ♀ (holotype, ♀, " Sungkang, 2000 m to Tsifeng, 2300 m, Nantou Hsien, Taiwan, 29.VI.1965, S. Ito " [NSMT]), syn. nov.

Eopompilus minor itoi: Hua 2006: 311; Ji et al. 2015: 3, ♀ ♂.

Eopompilus minor minor: Ji et al. 2015: 2, 3, ♀ ♂.

Diagnosis. Female. Female of this species can be easily separated from all other species by having clypeus with deep concavity along lateral margin; propodeum without distinct punctures (Fig. 16); vein cu-a of forewing straight and vein M weakly arched (Figs 34, 38). Other characters of importance are: claw with subapical additional tooth; body black with yellow spots on: face along inner orbit, pronotum laterally and posteriorly, T2 and T3 basally (Fig. 3); first flagellomere 5.2–5.9 times its width.

Male. Male of this species can be easily separated from all other species by having proclaws asymmetrical (inner claw much longer then outer one); volsella abnormally enlarged, paramere rounded apically (Fig. 20) and hypopygium narrowed subbasally and weakly widened subapically (Fig. 24). Other characters of importance are: posterior margin of S6 with small emargination medially; first flagellomere 2.4–2.8 times its width; propodeum with fine weakly noticeable punctures.

Material examined. Other material. RUSSIA. Primorskij Terr.: 1 ♀, Ryazanovka, 17.VIII.1992 (E. Belyaev); 1 ♂, 5 km SW of Nezhino, 18.VII.1993 (S. Belokobylskij); 4 ♀ 1 ♂, Anisimovka, 11.VII.1984, 2.IX.1988, 7.VIII.1993 (S. Belokobylskij, E. Belyaev); 1 ♀, 6 km S of Tikhookeanskij, Domashlino, 26.VIII.1978 (A. Lelej); 1 ♀ 2 ♂, Lazovskii Natural Reserve, 16.VIII.1986, 22.VII.1993, 21.VIII.2008 (S. Belokobylskij, V. Kotenko, Yu. Sundukov); 1 ♀, Brovnichi, Tigrovaya River, 16.VIII.1985 (A. Lelej); 1 ♂, Lazovyi, Tchandalaz Mountain Ridge, 17.VII.1979 (S. Belokobylskij); 1 ♂, Novitzkoe, 20.VIII.1984 (S. Belokobylskij); 1 ♀, Ussuriisk, 20.VII.2008 (V. Loktionov); 1 ♀, Kamenushka, 31.VIII.2001; 2 ♀, 20 km SW of Krounovka, 3,4. VIII.1993 (S. Belokobylskij); 2 ♀ 1 ♂, Novokachalinsk, 2.IX.1986, 23, 25.VII.1995 (S. Belokobylskij, V. Kotenko); 8 ♂, Spassk, 3–6, 11, 12.VII.1993, 21.VII.1998 (S. Belokobylskij); 1 ♀ 1 ♂, 20 km ESE of Spassk, 16.VII.1998 (S. Belokobylskij); 1 ♂, 20 km E of Spassk, Evseevka, 9.VII.1993 (S. Belokobylskij); 1 ♂, 35 km E of Spassk, Vasilievka, 13.VII.1993 (S. Belokobylskij); 5 ♀, Tchuguevskii District, Upper part of Pravaya Sokolovka River, 12, 17, 18, 20.VIII.2008 (V. Loktionov); 2 ♂, Scherbakovka, 25.VII. 1 979 (S. Belokobylskij); 1 ♀, 20 km NW of Melnitchnoe, Bolshaya Ussurka River, 2.VIII.1986 (A. Lelej); 1 ♀, Dalnegorsk District, Kamenka, 7.VIII.1979 (S. Belokobylskij); 1 ♀, Dersu, 27.VIII.1991 (P. Nemkov). Kuril Islands (Kunashir): 1 ♀, Mendeleevo, 12.IX.1975 (B. Korotyaev); 1 ♀, 6 km N of Mendeleevo, 4.VIII.1975 (S. Berezantzev); 1 ♀, Goryachee Lake, 12.VIII.1980 (A. Lelej); 1 ♀ 1 ♂, caldera of Golovnino Volcano, 2, 3.VIII.1989 (A. Lelej); 2 ♀, Tretyakovo, 20.VIII.1980, 24.VI.1984 (A. Lelej, V. Makarkin); 1 ♀, Aliger Lake, 11.VIII.1998 (S. Storozhenko). [IBSS]. CHINA. 1 ♀ 1 ♂, Henan, Baotianman National Nature Reserve, 22.VII.2007 (Zai-fu Xu), 2016001783, 2016001779 [SCAU]. JAPAN. Hokkaido: 1 ♀ 1 ♂, Shiretoku, Hinoderindo, 14.VII.1998 (A. Lelej). Honshu: 1 ♀, Saitama Pref., Chichibu-shi, Yoshidamachi, Onagata, 19.VII.1997 (A. Shimizu); 1 ♂, Saitama Pref., Chichibu-shi, Otaki, Irikawa forest road, 20.VII.2013 (N. Kikuchi); 1 ♀, Saitama Pref., Jumonj-san, Ootakimura, Chichibu-gun, 2.VIII.1984 (A. Shimizu); 1 ♀, Niigata Pref., Suginosawa, 1000 m., Myoko-kogen, 26.VII.1993 (A. Lelej). [IBSS].

Distribution. Russia (Far East: Primorskii Terr., Sakhalin, Kurils) (Loktionov & Lelej 2014, 2015), China (Heilongjiang, Hebei, Ningxia, * Henan, Taiwan) (Ishikawa 1965a, Ma & Li 2013), South Korea (Lelej et al. 1994), Japan (from Hokkaido in the North to Yakushima in the South) (Yamane et al. 1999; Shimizu & Terayama 2016).

Variability (female). Body black. Most specimens with yellowish streak along inner orbit only. Sometimes T2 and T3 or one of them basally with distinct or not obvious yellow spots. Specimens from Taiwan (Ishikawa 1965a) have yellow spots on the above mentioned structures, as well as on basal half of mandible, antero-laterally and dorso-posteriorly on pronotum, postero-laterally on lower metapleuron, upper part of metacoxa. Coloration of setae on T6 and S6 from brown to pale brown and sometimes almost whitish.

Biology. Host is spiders Achaearanea japonica (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906) and Theridion sp. (Nambu & Shimizu 1994, Lelej 1995, Loktionov & Lelej 2014).

Remarks. R. Ishikawa (1965a) proposed a new subspecies, E. minor itoi, based on the following characters: third radiomedial vein of forewing weakly arched, as in Fig. 38 (subangulate in E. minor minor, as in Fig. 34), erect setae on metasoma apically from whitish to pale fulvous (dark in E. minor minor). We studied 33 females of E. minor from the south of the Russian Far East, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu) and China (Henan). These females possess both variations of each character, therefore we consider E. minor itoi Ishikawa, 1965 a junior subjective synonym of E. minor Gussakovskij, 1932.


Published as part of Loktionov, Valery M., Lelej, Arkady S. & Xu, Zaifu, 2017, Review of the genus Eopompilus Gussakovskij, 1932 (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) with the description of new species from China, pp. 413-426 in Zootaxa 4277 (3) on pages 416-418, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4277.3.6,


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  • Gussakovskij, V. (1932) Verzeichnis der von Herrn Dr. R. Malaise im Ussuri und Kamtschatka gesammelten aculeaten Hymenopteren, Arkiv for Zoologi, 24 A (10), 1 - 66.
  • Ishikawa, R. (1962) Notes of some genera and species of the tribe Pepsini of Japan (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae). Acta Hymenopterologica, 1 (4), 327 - 360.
  • Lelej, A. S. (1986) To the knowledge of spider wasps of the subfamily Pepsinae (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) from the Far East of USSR. In: Lehr, P. A. & Kupyanskaya, A. N. (Eds.), Systematic and Ecology of the Insects of USSR Far East. DVNTS AN SSSR, Vladivostok, pp. 73 - 82. [in Russian]
  • Hirashima, Y. (1989) A Check List of Japanese Insects. II. Isseido Printing, Fukuoka, XIII + 1767 pp.
  • Lelej, A. S. & Yamane, Sk. (1992) Spider wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) from Kyushu and the Ryukyus, southern Japan. Reports of the Faculty of Science, Kagoshima Univiversity (Earth Sciences & Biology), 25, 95 - 110.
  • Lelej, A. S., Saigusa, T. & Lee, C. E. (1994) Spider wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae) of Korea. Russian Entomological Journal, 3 (1 - 2), 135 - 148.
  • Shimizu, A. (1996 b) Key to the genera of the Pompilidae occurring in Japan north of the Ryukyus (Hymenoptera) (Part 2). Japanese Journal of Entomology, 64 (3), 496 - 513.
  • Yamane, S., Ikudome, S. & Terayama, M. (1999) Identification Guide to the Aculeata of the Nanasei Islands, Japan. Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, 24 pls., map, xii + 831 pp.
  • Lelej, A. S. & Loktionov, V. M. (2012) 59. Fam. Pompilidae (Psammocharide) - Spider wasps. In: Lelej, A. S. (Ed.), Annotated catalogue of the insects of Russian Far East. Folume I. Hymenoptera. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, pp. 407 - 414. [in Russian]
  • Ma, F. Z. & Li, Q. (2013) Pompilidae. In: Ren, G. D., Guo, S. B. & Zhang, F. (Eds.), Fauna of Insects from Xiaowutai Mountain. Press of Hebei University, Baoding, pp. 445 - 447. [in Chinese]
  • Loktionov, V. M. & Lelej, A. S. (2014) Spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of the Russian Far East. Dalnauka, Vladivostok, 472 pp. [in Russian]
  • Shimizu, A. & Terayama, M. (2016) Pompilidae. In: Terayama, M. & Suda, H. (Eds.), A Guide to the Aculeate Wasps of Japan. Tokai University Press, Minamiyana, pp. 178 - 247 + pls. 39 - 53. [in Japanese]
  • Ishikawa, R. (1965 a) Studies on some Taiwan Pompilidae (Hymenoptera). Kontyu, 33 (4), 507 - 520.
  • Hua, L. Z. (2006) List of Chinese Insects. Fol. IF. Sun Yat-sen University Press, Guangzhou, 540 pp.
  • Ji, X., Li, C., Ma, L. & Li, Q. (2015) A new species of Eopompilus Gussakovskij (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) from China, with updated key to the species. Entomotaxonomia, 37 (4), 1 - 6.
  • Loktionov, V. M. & Lelej, A. S. (2015) Keys to genera of the spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) of Russia and neighbouring countries, with check-list of genera. Zootaxa, 4034 (1), 87 - 111.
  • Bosenberg, W. & Strand, E. (1906) Japanische Spinnen. Abhandlungen herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Frankfurt, 30, 93 - 422.
  • Nambu, T. & Shimizu, A. (1994) New prey records for some species of the Pompilidae from Japan. Tokyo Metropolitan University, Bulletin of Natural History, 2, 141 - 142.
  • Lelej, A. S. (1995) 64. Fam. Pompilidae - Spider wasps. In: Lelej, A. S., Kupianskaya, A. N., Kurzenko, N. V. & Nemkov, P. G. (Eds.), Key to the Insects of the Russian Far East. Fol. IF. Neuropteroidea, Mecoptera, Hymenoptera. Pt 1. Nauka, Sankt- Petersburg, pp. 211 - 264. [in Russian]