Dataset In-vivo estimation of axonal morphology from MRI and EEG data
- 1. Laboratory for Research in Neuroimaging, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Switzerland
This dataset includes the data underlying the conclusions made in the scientific article:
"In-vivo estimation of axonal morphology from MRI and EEG data"
Rita Oliveira, Andria Pelentritou, Giulia Di Domenicantonio, Marzia De Lucia, Antoine Lutti
The main objective is to use data collected in-vivo in humans to estimate microscopic morphologic features of the white matter tracts.
The in-vivo data estimated along a white matter tract of interest includes:
• the MRI g-ratio sampled along the visual transcallosal white matter tract
• a measure of conduction velocity estimated from an EEG measure of interhemispheric transfer time (IHTT)
The microscopic morphologic features of white matter we estimate are:
• the axonal radius distribution, P(r)
• the g-ratio dependence on the radius, g(r)
This package includes data for all the 14 subjects used in the corresponding scientific article:
• G-ratio values sampled along the transcallosal visual tract
double vector (# MRI_gratio samples x 1): G_ratio_samples.mat
• Length of the transcallosal visual tract
double: Tract_length.mat
• Current source densities (pA.m) of each trial, brain vertice and time
point for the left brain visual cortex
double 3 matrix (#trials x #vertices x #timepoints): Source_reconstruction_left_brain_V1V2.mat
• Current source densities (pA.m) of each trial, brain vertice and time
point for the right brain visual cortex
double 3 matrix (#trials x #vertices x #timepoints): Source_reconstruction_right_brain_V1V2.mat
• Vector of the time sample of the EEG epochs
double vector (1 x #time points): time_vec.mat
The codes used in the analysis of this data are available on our online repository:
Author: Rita Oliveira
PIs: Marzia De Lucia, Antoine Lutti
Laboratory for Neuroimaging Research
Lausanne University Hospital & University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Copyright (C) 2022 Laboratory for Neuroimaging Research
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Additional details
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Advanced quantitative MRI biomarkers of Parkinson's Disease - towards in-vivo histology 320030_184784
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Detection of unexpected events as driven by heartbeat signals in human sleep CRSK-3_196194