TFC2: SCR, ECG, respiration, startle eyeblink EMG and eyetracking measurements in a trace fear conditioning task with acquisition and recall test after one week
- 1. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
This dataset contains skin conductance responses (SCR), electrocardyogram (ECG), respiration, electromygram (EMG), pupil size (PSR), and gaze coordinates measurements for 28 healthy unmedicated participants (15 females and 13 males aged 25.5 +/- 4.5) participating in a Pavlovian differential trace fear conditioning experiment with 2 sessions. CSs were isoluminant colored triangles presented on the screen center with grey background. US was a train of 83 square electric pulses with 0.2 ms duration with a duty cycle of 1.67%, delivered with a constant current stimulator on participants' dominant forearm through a pin-cathod/ring-anode configuration. SOA between the CS onset and US was 17 s. Participants underwent the conditioning task with CSs (CS+ 100% reinforced) and US delivery in session 1 with 4 blocks, and were tested in a retention/extinction task one week later in session 2 with 3 blocks, with CS and auditory startle probe (ST) delivered 15 s after CS onset via headphones (ca. 102 dB, 50 ms duration). No US was delivered during session 2. The ITI was jittered on each trial to be 30 +/- 2 s. During ITI, an attention task was performed with 14 sub-trials. The blocks in each session were recorded on the same day with self-paced breaks.
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- Preprint: 10.31234/ (DOI)