Published September 27, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Sphecodes gibbus


Sphecodes gibbus (Linnaeus 1758)

(FigS 14, 15, 58, 74, 92)

Sphex gibba Linnaeus 1758: 571, ♀ (type locality: Sweden).

Apis glabra Füessly 1775: 51, ♀ (type locality: Switzerland).

Andrena ferruginea Olivier 1789: 139, nomen novum for Nomada gibba Fabricius 1775 (nom. praeocc., nec Linnaeus 1758).

Apis gibbosa Christ 1791: 177, nomen novum for Nomada gibba Fabricius 1775 (nom. praeocc., nec Linnaeus 1758).

Melitta sphecoides Kirby 1802: 46, ♀ (type locality: England).

Melitta picea Kirby 1802: 48, ♂ (type locality: England).

Andrena austriaca Fabricius 1804 (nom. praeocc., nec Panzer 1798): 325, ♀ (type locality: Denmark).

Dichroa analis Illiger 1806: 48, nomen novum for Nomada gibba Fabricius 1775 (nom. praeocc., nec Linnaeus 1758).

Sphecodes apicatus Smith 1853: 36, ♀ (type locality: India).

Sphecodes nigripennis Morawitz 1876: 257, ♀ (type locality: Kazakhstan).

Sphecodes sutor Nurse 1903: 538, ♀ (type locality: Pakistan).

Sphecodes gibbus var. rufispinosus Meyer 1920: 113, ♀ (type locality: Spain).

Sphecodes gibbus var. turkestanicus Meyer 1920: 113, ♀, ♂ (type locality: Uzbekistan, “ Golodnaja Steppe ”; China: Jarkand, Xinjiang).

Sphecodes castilianus Blüthgen 1924b: 473, ♀ (type locality: Portugal).

Sphecodes lustrans Cockerell 1931b: 411, ♂ (type locality: Morocco).

Sphecodes angarensis Cockerell 1937: 3 –4, ♀ (type locality: Russia, Irkutsk Prov.).

Sphecodes pergibbus Blüthgen 1938: 50, ♀, ♂ (type locality: Cyprus).

Material examined (420 ♀, 370 ♂). Uzbekistan: Bukhara; Dorban; Dzhuma; GuliSton; 50 km E Guzar; 5 km NW Kamzaabad; KarShi; Khiva; Kuropatkino; Samarkand; 10 km W SaryaSSiy. Kyrgyzstan: BelovodSk; 10 km E Sary-Bulak; Uch-Debe, 15 km SSW Sufi-Kurgan; 11 km WSW Daraut-Korgon; 20 km S Frinze [= BiShkek]; 20 km NW Kokand; 25 km ESE OSh; Toru-Aygyr, 25 km ENE Rybachye; Sary-Chelak Lake; 20 km E TalaS; 10 km ESE Lay-Talaa; 3 km W Oytala. Turkmenistan: AShkhabad; Akhcha-Kuyma; Akyr-Tyube; Anau; Bakharden; Farab; Firyuza; 30 km S GaSan-Kuli; GuSSeyn-Ali; Imam-Baba; Iol-Dere (gorge), 15 km NE Kara-Kala; Kara-Kala; KraSnoye Znamya, 50 km S Iolotan’; KeShi; Kora-Bogaz, 40 km N Kyzyl-Arvat; Kyzyldzhar, Badkhyz Nature ReServe; KuShka; 20 km SE Mary; 12 km SE Tedzhen; 18 km E Tedzhen; Shakhi-Burun; TaShkepri; Takhta-Bazar. Tajikistan: BadakhShan, 25 km E Khorog; GiSSar; DaShti-Gurk, 40 km ESE KomSomolabad, Peter I Range; 15 km SE DuSti; Gandzhino; ISkander-Kul’; Khodzha-Obi-Garm; Kulyab; Stalinabad [= DuShanbe]; Shuroabad; 15 km WSW Karamyk, Alay MtS.; KammaShi; Tigrovaya Balka Nature ReServe; 10 km N Pyandzh; ToShbulok.

Published records. Morawitz (1876: 256): UzbekiStan, KyrgyzStan; Meyer (1920: 113, aS Sphecodes gibbus var. turkestanicus): UzbekiStan; (1925: 113, aS S. gibbus var. turkestanicus): TurkmeniStan, KyrgyzStan; Popov (1935: 367; 1951: 167): TajikiStan; (1952: 92): TurkmeniStan; (1967: 46): UzbekiStan, TajikiStan.

General distribution. Central ASia (UzbekiStan, KyrgyzStan, TurkmeniStan, TajikiStan); Europe (north to 63°), RuSSia (eaSt to Yakutia), North Africa, Turkey, PakiStan, ISrael, Mongolia, China (Xinjiang), India.


Published as part of Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu., 2017, The genus Sphecodes Latreille 1804 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) in Central Asia, pp. 249-284 in Zootaxa 4324 (2) on pages 255-256, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4324.2.3,


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Sphecodes gibbus (Linnaeus, 1758) sec. Proshchalykin, 2017


  • Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema naturae per regna tria naturae secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. T. I. Editio X. Impensis Direct. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae, 823 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 542
  • Fuessly, J. C. (1775) Ferzeichnis der ihm bekannten Schweizerischen Insecten. H. Steiner, Zurich, XII + 62 pp., 1 Farbtafel.
  • Olivier, A. G. (1789) Encyclopedie methodique, dictionnaire des insectes. Bd. 4. Panckoucke, Paris, 331 pp.
  • Fabricius, J. C. (1775) Systema Entomologiae, Sistens Insectorum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, Adiectis Synonymis, Locis, Descriptionibus, Observationibus. Korte, Flensburgi et Lipsiae, xxviii + 832 pp.
  • Christ, J. L. (1791) Naturgeschichte, Klassifikation und Nomenklatur der Insekten vom Bienen, Wespen und Ameisengeschlecht. Herrmann, Frankfurt am Main, 535 pp.
  • Kirby, W. (1802) Monographia Apum Angliae. Fol. 2. J. Raw, Ipswich, 387 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 10346
  • Fabricius, J. C. (1804) Systema Piezatorum secundum ordines, genera, species adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Brunsvigae, Reichard, 440 pp. [pp. i - xiv + [15] - [440 ]] https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 10490
  • Panzer, G. W. F. (1798) Fauna insectorum germanicae initia, oder Deutschlands Insecten. Heft 54. Felssecker, Nurnberg, 24 pp., 24 pls.
  • Illiger, K. (1806) William Kirbys Familien der bienenartigen Insekten mit Zusatzen, Nachweisungen und Bemerkungen. Magazin fur Insektenkunde, 5, 28 - 175.
  • Smith, F. (1853) Catalogue of Hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Andrenidae and Apidae. Fol. 1. Printed by order of the Trustees, London, 197 pp., Taf. 1 - 6. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 20858
  • Morawitz, F. (1876) Pchely (Mellifera) [Bees (Mellifera)]. In: Puteshestvie v Turkestan chlena-osnovatelya obshtshestva A. P. Fedchenko, sovershennoe ot Imperatorskogo obshtshestva lyubiteley estestvoznaniya po porucheniyu Turkestanskogo general-gubernatora K. P. fon Kaufmana [A travel to Turkestan by the member-founder of the society A. P. Fedtschenko accomplished from the Imperial society of naturalists, anthropologists, and etnographists on a commission from the general-governor of Turkestan K. P. von Kaufmann]. Issue 13. Fol. II. Zoogeographical Investigations. Pt F. (Division 7). St. Petersburg, Moscow, 143 pp., 3 pls. [pp. 161 - 303, pls. 1 - 3, Izvestiya Imperatorskogo obshtshestva lyubiteley estestvoznaniya, antropologii i etnografii (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Amateurs of Natural History Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography), 21 (3), in Russian]
  • Nurse, C. G. (1903) New species of Indian Aculeate Hymenoptera. Annual Magazine of Natural History, 11 (7), 393 - 403, 511 - 526, 528 - 549.
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  • Bluthgen, P. (1924 b) Beitrage zur Systematik der Bienengattung Sphecodes Latr. II. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1924, 457 - 516.
  • Cockerell, T. D. A. (1931 b) Descriptions and records of bees. - CXXIX. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 10 (8), 411 - 418.
  • Cockerell, T. D. A. (1937) Siberian bees of the genera Halictus, Sphecodes, and Hylaeus. American Museum Novitates, 949, 1 - 6.
  • Bluthgen, P. (1938) Neue Halictidi aus Zypern. Konowia, 16, 41 - 54.
  • Popov, V. B. (1935) Contributions to the bee fauna of Tajikistan (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Trudy Tajikskoi Basy Akademii Nauk SSSR, 5, 351 - 408. [in Russian]