Published September 27, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Sphecodes alternatus Smith 1853


Sphecodes alternatus Smith 1853

(Fig. 82)

Sphecodes alternatus Smith 1853: 36, ♀ (type locality: Albania).

Sphecodes gibbus var. similis subvar. scariosus Sichel 1865: 444, ♂. Unavailable name (ICZN 1999, Article 45.5 of Code).

Sphecodes punctiventris Hagens 1882: 219, ♀, ♂ (type locality: France).

Sphecodes gracilior Morawitz 1893: 78, ♀, ♂ (lectotype: ♂, designated here, Warzaminor [Uzbekistan] // gracilor F. Mor., ♂ // F. Morawitz det., Typ. // lectotypus Sphecodes gracilior Morawitz 1893, design. Astafurova & Proshchalykin 2017; ZISP. Fig. 105.

Sphecodes antigae Tournier 1901: 258, ♀, ♂ (type locality: Spain).

Sphecodes reticulatus var. algeriensis Alfken 1914: 195, ♀, ♂ (type locality: Algeria).

Sphecodes alternatus lindbergi Pittioni 1950: 61, ♀, ♂ (type locality: Cyprus).

Material examined. Uzbekistan: 1 ♀, Khiva, 16.VI.1927, VG (ZISP); 2 ♂, Chardzhou, NW Bukhara, 1.VII.1928, VG (ZISP); 2 ♂, Yargak, 17.VI.1930, Zimin (ZMMU); 5 ♀, Dzhuma, 28.V-1.VII.1937, VP (ZISP); 1 ♀, Samarkand, 25.IV.1959, AZ (ZMMU); 1 ♀, 10 km W SaryaSSiy, 11.V.1987, N. Kurzenko (FSCV); 1 ♀, 50 km E Guzar, 18.V.2015, MP (FSCV); 1 ♀, KarShi, Khudoyzot, 20.V.2015, MP (FSCV). Kyrgyzstan: 1 ♀, 25 km ESE OSh, 1500 m, 21.VII.1979, YP (ZISP); 2 ♂, Uch-Debe, 15 km SSW Sufi-Kurgan, 2500 m, 23.VIII.1985, YP (ZISP); 2 ♂, Alarchin, 20 km S Frunze [= BiShkek], 1650 m, 11.IX.1986, YP (ZISP); 1 ♂, 5 km NE KanySh-Kyya, 1800 m, 31.VIII.1988, YP (ZISP); Turkmenistan: 1 ♀, KuShka, 1.V.1917, L. Wollmann (ZISP); 2 ♂, Staraya Bukhara, 19.VIII.1926, V. Yakhontov (ZMMU); 2 ♀, Farab, Buchara, 4.VII.1928, VG (ZISP); 2 ♀, Bagir, AShkhabad, 21–23.IV.1929, AS (ZISP); 1 ♀, TaShkent, Kabray, 26.IV.1929, E. Kuznetzova (ZISP); 7 ♀, 15 ♂, Imam-Baba, 1932, AS (ZISP); 1 ♂, Kopet-Dag, Yarty-Kala, Chandyrk River, 13.VIII.1934, VP (ZISP); 4 ♀, Sumbar River, 27.V.1952, Steinberg (ZISP); 2 ♀, 21 ♂, Kara-Kala, 28.VI–17.VII.1955, AP (ZISP); 2 ♀, Tedzhen, 10.V.1963, AP (ZISP); 1 ♀, Kopet-Dag, Chuli, 21.V.1964, AP (ZISP); 2 ♀, Kara-Kala, 15.V.1970, L. Zimina (ZMMU); 1 ♀, Kopet-Dag, 15 km SW Nokhur, 24.V.1985 (ZISP); 1 ♀, 20 km SE Mary, 28.V.1976, YP (ZISP). Tajikistan: 3 ♂, Kulyab, 20.VII.1933, VP (ZISP); 1 ♀, Stalinabad [= DuShanbe], 30.VII.1934, VG (ZISP); 1 ♀, Uzun, 30 km S Kurgan-Tyube, 9.VI.1936, VG (ZISP); 3 ♀, 8 ♂, 11–23.VII.1943; 14 ♂, 9.IX.1943, 1 ♀, 2 ♂, 6– 23.V.1944, VP (ZISP); 1 ♂, GiSSar MtS., Khodzha-Obi-Garm, 13.VIII.1944, М. NikolSkaya (ZISP); 1 ♀, 12 km N Pyandzh, 27.IV.1987, N. Kurzenko (FSCV); 3 ♀, 10 km N Garaviti, 3.V.1987, AL (FSCV).

Published records. Popov (1935: 367; 1951: 167): TajikiStan; (1952: 92): TurkmeniStan; (1967: 46): UzbekiStan, TajikiStan.

General distribution. Central ASia (UzbekiStan, * KyrgyzStan, TurkmeniStan, TajikiStan); South and Central Europe, North Africa, RuSSia (eaSt to KhakaSSia Republic), CaucaSuS, Turkey, Iran.

Remark. Sphecodes gracilior Morawitz 1893 waS deScribed from the SpecimenS of both SexeS collected in Warzaminor [now Zakhmat-abad, Upper ZaravShan Valley, UzbekiStan]. There iS only one male in ZISP from thiS locality, which correSpondS to the original deScription of F. Morawitz. ThiS male with label “Typ.” iS deSignated here aS a lectotype of S. gracilior to avoid any confuSion about the StatuS of itS type SpecimenS and to properly diagnoSe thiS SpecieS.


Published as part of Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu., 2017, The genus Sphecodes Latreille 1804 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) in Central Asia, pp. 249-284 in Zootaxa 4324 (2) on pages 251-252, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4324.2.3,


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Linked records

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  • Smith, F. (1853) Catalogue of Hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Andrenidae and Apidae. Fol. 1. Printed by order of the Trustees, London, 197 pp., Taf. 1 - 6. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 20858
  • Sichel, J. (1865) Etudes hymenopterologiques. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Series 4, 5, 331 - 492.
  • International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 4 th Edition. ITZN, London, xxx + 306 pp.
  • Hagens, J. von (1882) Ueber die mannlichen Genitalien der Bienen-Gattung Sphecodes. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 26, 209 - 228, pls. VI & VII. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / mmnd. 48018820115
  • Morawitz, F. (1893) Supplement zur Bienenfauna Turkestans. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 28 (1 / 2), 3 - 87.
  • Astafurova, Yu. V. & Proshchalykin, M. Yu. (2017) To the knowledge of the Shecodes hyalinatus species-group (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). Entomologicheskoe obozrenie, 96 (2), 356 - 365. [in Russian]
  • Tournier, H. (1901) Descriptions de quelques Hymenopteres d'Europe et confins. Boletin de la Sociedad espanola Historia naturalis, 1, 258.
  • Alfken, J. D. (1914) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bienenfauna von Algerien. Memoires de la Societe Royale d'Entomologie de Belgique, 22, 185 - 237.
  • Pittioni, B. (1950) Hymenoptera aculeata I. On the insectfauna of Cyprus. Results of the Expedition of 1939 by Harald, Hakan and P. H. Lindberg. Commentationes Biologicae, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 10, 1 - 94.
  • Popov, V. B. (1935) Contributions to the bee fauna of Tajikistan (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Trudy Tajikskoi Basy Akademii Nauk SSSR, 5, 351 - 408. [in Russian]