Published March 22, 2017 | Version v1
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Achilia lobifera Jeannel 1962


Achilia lobifera Jeannel, 1962

Additional material (371 ex.): SOUTHERN CHILI: Región Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena: Última Esperanza prov.: MHNS; 2 ♀ (mislabelled paratypes of Achilia lobifera n° 1667 and 1668) – MHNS; 1 ♀ (mislabelled paratype of Achilia lobifera n° 1660); Carlos Islet; 08.XII.1958; G. Kuschel. – CENTRAL CHILI: Región Aysén: General Carrera prov: MNHN; 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Río Murta, NW end of Buenos Aires Lake; 46° 28’S; 25.I.1956; G. Kuschel; forest. – Aysén prov.: MHNG; 9 ♂ and 7 ♀; 30 km N Puyuhuapi, station 107; 100 m; 29.I.1985; S. & J. Peck; sifted moss on logs. – FMNH (FMHD #85-990, #85-107); 2 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – DBUC; 1 ♂; same data; S. & J. Peck. – MHNG; 1 ♂; 16 km NW Cisnes Medio, Río Grande; 200 m; 30.XII.1984-28.I.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT mature beech forest. – Región Los Lagos: Palena prov.: FMNH (FMHD #97-31); 1 ♀; Austral Highway km 60.2 (4.0 km S Contao turnoff); 41°49.87’S 72° 42.33’W; 140 m; 23.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1001; young secondary valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97- 32); 1 ♂ and 4 ♀; Austral Highway km 67.9 (11.7 km S Contao turnoff); 41°55’S 72° 42’W; 220 m; 23.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1002; young secondary valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-33); 3 ♂ and 6 ♀; Austral Highway km 84.0 (17.8 km W Hornopirén); 42°00.57’S 72° 37.02’W; 140 m; 23.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1003; disturbed valdivian rainforest near ridge-top, berlese, leaf & log litter. – Chiloé prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂; Chiloé; H. Franz. – MHNG; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Chiloé National Park, Cucao, 30 km SW Castro, station 29a; 30 m; 04-06.I.1991; M.Agosti & D.Burckhardt; temperate rainforest. – MHNG; 1 ♀; Chiloé National Park, 30 km SW Castro, near Cucao, station 34b; 42° 37’S 74° 08’W; 10-70 m; 28. XII.1992/01.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on forest floor trees and dead trunks and vegetational debris. – FMNH (FMHD #97-23); 2 ♂ and 1 ♀; Quemchi, 11 km W of (11 km E Hwy 5); 42° 10.42’S 73° 35.81’W; 170 m; 16.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 993; secondary valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002- 068); 2 ♂ and 12 ♀; Quemchi, 11 km W of (11 km E Hwy 5); 42° 10.40’S 73° 35.73’W; 140 m; 10.XII.2002; A. Solodovnikov & A. Newton 1060; valdivian rainforest remnant w/thick bamboo understory; berlese, leaf & log litter. – Llanquihue prov.: MHNG; 2 ♂ and 6 ♀; Alerce Andino National Park, above Laguna Chaiquenes, station 37; 41° 40’S 72° 35’W; 350-650 m; 04.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; mixed Fitzroya cupressoides forest with thick moss cover inside, sifting of moss on floor and tree trunks and vegetational debris. – MHNG; 1 ♀; Alerce Andino National Park, road from park entrance to Laguna Chaiquenes, station 36b; 41° 40’S 72° 35’W; 200-350 m; 03-06.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on rock, dead wood and forest floor and of vegetational debris. – MHNG; 3 ♂ and 3 ♀; Alerce Andino National Park, Laguna Triàngulo, station 38b; 41° 40’S 72° 35’W; 550 m; 05- 06.I.1993; D. Burckhardt; sclerophill rainforest, sifting of moss on tree trunks and of vegetational debris. – FMNH (FMHD #97-30); 1 ♂; Alerce Andino National Park, N side Laguna Sargazo; 41° 30’S 72° 36’W; 400 m; 21.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1000; Fitzroya cupressoides w/valdivian rainforest understory steep slope, berlese, leaf & log litter. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Lago Chapo, 13.5 km E Correntoso, site 656; 310 m; 16-27.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-16); 1 ♂ and 5 ♀; Lago Chapo, near SE end, km 9.9 on road from Rollizo; 41° 30.63’S 72° 23.98’W; 385 m; 04.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 989; valdivian rainforest on steep slope, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-26); 16 ♂ and 9 ♀; Lago Chapo, 1.2 km N of NW end; 41° 25’S 72° 35’W; 265 m; 19.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 996; small secondary Nothofagus dombeyi w/valdivian rainforest understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-39); 1 ♀; Puerto Montt, 50 km SW on Hwy 5, 0.7 km NE jct. to Maullín; 41° 43.20’S 73° 22.27’W; 60 m; 20.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 999; secondary valdivian rainforest remnants, berlese, leaf & log litter. – Osorno prov.: MHNG; 8 ♂ and 7 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, station 20b; 40° 40’S 72° 20’W; 450-600 m; 01-03.XII.1992; D. Burckhardt; moss on dead tree trunks, branches and rocks and of vegetable detritus. – MHNG; 17 ♂ and 17 ♀; Puyehue National Park, road Aguas Calientes-Antillanca, station 19b; 40° 45’S 72° 15-20’W; 750-850 m; 30.XI/01.XII.1992; D. Burckhardt; sifting of moss on tree trunks and forest floor and vegetational debris. – MHNG; 13 ♂ and 16 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes to Antillanca, station 28a; 800 m; 02.I.1991; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – DBUC; 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; same data; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – MHNG; 2 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Aguas Calientes, Los Derrumbes forest; 500 m; 20.XII.1984/08. II.1985; S. & J. Peck; FIT. – FMNH (FMHD #96-246); 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, 7.2 km above Aguas Calientes, 40° 45.55’S 72° 17.82’W; 660 m; 29.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 982; valdivian rainforest w/ Saxegothea dominant, dense Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 5 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road; 500-1000 m; 18-20.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; car netting. – MHNG; 3 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road; 600-1000 m; 20.XII.1984; S. & J. Peck; car netting. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, site 659; 720 m; 18-24.XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; Nothophagus spp. forest, flight intercept (windows) trap. – FMNH; 2 ♂ and 7 ♀; Puyehue National Park,Antillanca road, site 660; 845 m; 18-24.XII.1982; Nothophagus Saxegothea forest, berlese; A. Newton & M. Thayer; leaf & log litter, forest floor. – UNHC; 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca road, site 661; 690 m; 18-24. XII.1982; A. Newton & M. Thayer; valdivian rainforest, window trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-1); 4 ♂ and 5 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Antillanca Road, approaching ski center; 40° 46.85’S 72° 13.03’W; 980 m; 01.I-01.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 986; open Nothofagus pumilio forest w/ Chusquea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97- 3); 1 ♂ and 22 ♀; same locality; 01.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 986; open Nothofagus pumilio forest w/dense Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-82); 12 ♂ and 8 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, road to Ref. La Picada;41° 03.25’S 72° 30.18’W;660 m; 16.XII.2002;A.Solodovnikov, A. Newton & M. Thayer 1067; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers dense Chusquea bamboo understory, flat area, berlese, leaf & log litter. – DBUC; 4 ♂ and 4 ♀; same data; A. Solodovnikov, A. Newton & M. Thayer 1067. – FMNH; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, road to Ref. La Picada; 41° 01.05’S 72° 32.90’W; 430 m; 16.XII.2002; M. Thayer, A. Newton & D. J. Clarke 1068; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers, pyr.-fogging old logs & stump. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-083); 6 ♂ and 20 ♀; same data; A. Newton, A. Solodovnikov & M. Chani 1068; Nothofagus dombeyi w/conifers, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-12); 1 ♂; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 10.1 to La Burbuja; 41° 08.30’S 72° 32.15’W; 925 m; 03-27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 988; Nothofagus dombeyi & Podocapus nubigena w/valdivian rainforest understory, carrion trap (squid). – FMNH (FMHD #2002- 81); 1 ♂ and 2 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Volcàn Osorno, km 10 to La Burbuja; 41° 08.33’S 72° 32.16’W; 910 m; 15.XII.2002; M. Thayer & A. Solodovnikov 1066; Nothofagus dombeyi w/mixed understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97- 35); 1 ♂ and 3 ♀; Vicente Perez Rosales National Park, SW slope Vn Osorno, km 11 to La Burbuja; 41° 07.91’S 72° 32.16’W; 1065 m; 27.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1005; low Nothofagus dombeyi w/ mixed understory, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD# 97-4); 1 ♂; Puyehue National Park, 4 km E Anticura; 40° 39.73’S 72° 08.10’W; 460 m; Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #97-40); 2 ♂; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-2; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, berlese, leaf and log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97- 39); 2 ♂; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #97-5); 1 ♂; same locality; 30.I.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 985-3; valdivian rainforest w/large, Saxegothea, flight intercept trap. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-88); 9 ♂; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; near Laguna Las Mellizas; 40° 40.8’S 71° 59.4’W; 1000 m; 19. XII.2002; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1070; Nothofagus pumilio forest w/ dense bamboo understory, berlese, wet debris in large stream. – DBUC; 2 ♂; same data; A. Newton & M. Thayer 1070. – FMNH (FMHD #2002-90); 17 ♂ and 11 ♀; Puyehue National Park, Ruta 215; km 4.5 of Aduana station; 40° 40.23’S 72° 05.21’W; 580 m; 19.XII.2002; A. Newton, M.Thayer, D. J. Clarke & M. Chani 1071; valdivian rainforest, berlese, leaf & log litter. – MHNG; 1 ♀; Puyehue National Park, sector Mirador Los Mallines, station 72a; 700 m; 01-03.II.1996; D. Burckhardt; open Nothophagus nitida scrub intergrading into sclerophyll rainforest sifting of moss and vegetational debris. – Región Araucanía: Cautín prov.: MHNG; 1 ♂ and 4 ♀; Huerquehue National Park, station 16a; 800-900 m; 22-24.XII.1980; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt; forest litter. – DBUC; 1 ♀; same data; M. Agosti & D. Burckhardt. – FMNH (FMHD #96-239); 2 ♂ and 4 ♀; Villarica National Park, Volcàn Villarica, road to sky center; 39° 22.48’S 71° 58.30’W; 1180 m; 26.XII.1996; A. Newton & M. Thayer 980; Nothofagus dombeyi forest w/ Chusquea, berlese, leaf & log litter. – FMNH (FMHD #96-237); 1 ♂; same locality; 26.XII.1996/03.II.1997; A. Newton & M. Thayer 980; Nothofagus dombeyi forest w/ Chusquea, flight intercept trap.


Published as part of Giorgio Sabella, Sergey A. Kurbatov & Giulio Cuccodoro, 2017, A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini - Part 2. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. crassicornis, A. tumidifrons, A. bifossifrons, and A. lobifera species groups (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), pp. 119-140 in Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1) on page 139, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.322671


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Achilia lobifera Jeannel, 1962 sec. Sabella, Kurbatov & Cuccodoro, 2017