Published February 8, 2022 | Version v1
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NanoSafety Cluster Newslettter #25 February 2022


  • 1. NanoSafety Cluster


Welcome to the 25th NSC Newsletter - and a bumper issue it is too.   

In an issue this size, some items need to be 'flagged up' in case they are missed, and so on p41 you’ll see the Call for Abstracts for Oral Presentations for ‘Nano-week’. The closing date is 25th February. This event, taking place alongside the NanoCommons Final Conference in Limassol, Cyprus from 20th – 24th June, is simply buzzing with ideas and activity, and is not one to be missed.    

Opportunities abound, with SAF€RA announcing the imminent 7th joint call for proposals (p36), and the NanoCommons project has made a LAST CALL for applications for full support from the NanoCommons e- infrastructure (p24). The closing date is 31st March.  

The BIORIMA and GRACIOUS projects have now successfully completed and share their final results in this issue. Reading resources are plentiful here. The Coordination Team (p2) mention two vision papers that focus on the need for Safe by Design and sustainability issues and advocate a multisectoral approach critical for meaningful impact for society. RIVM has conducted an 'Inventory of research into Safe-by-Design Horizon2020 projects from 2013 to 2020', (p37); and the NIA provide a useful reading ‘round-up’ on p38.

Links to video resources include a video of a joint NIA-NSC webinar on Communicating about Nanomaterials (p4); the recording of BIORIMA’s Final Public Event (p5); a video presentation of a literature review carried out by SABYDOMA on Safe-by-Design (SbD) in the current literature related to engineered nanomaterials (ENM) (p30); and the recordings from the NanoCommons Knowledge Base demo and Electronic Laboratory Notebook hackathons (p19 and 22).  

If ‘hands-on’ is your preferred approach, have a look at p31, where NanoSolveIT provides a link to the full range of available models & tools, while RIVM (NL), BfR, BAuA and UBA (GER) have developed a new system to systematically identify potential issues of concern for advanced (nano) materials (p35).  

We hope you find this issue of interest.



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