Published December 6, 2018 | Version v1
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Parachernes topali Beier 1964


topali Beier, 1964

Pseudopilanus topali Beier 1964: 494 –497, fig. 5.

Syntypes. HNHM Pseudoscorp-758: 28 ex. [14 ♂, 16 ♀ and ‘numerous’ nymphs according to the original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. det. Beier, ♂ ♀ Typen”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, No 33., 30.X.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, El Bolson [sic], [foothill of] Mt. Piltriquitron, 400m; sifted litter of cipres-radal [sic; Libocedrus - Lomatia] forest on hill top”. HNHM Pseud.-916: 5 ex. “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂, ♀, nimphas, Tifos [sic.]”, “ Argentina, No. 33”. HNHM Pseudoscorp-747: 5 ex. “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. det. Beier, ♂ ♀ Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, El Bolson [sic], 14.X.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, Coihue-pitra forest [bog forest of Nothofagus dombeyi and Myrceugenia exsupca], No.9, sifted litter; 300m ”. HNHM Pseudoscorp-748: 7 ex. “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, hills NW from El Bolson [sic], 460m, 28.IX.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, sifted litter of cipres-radal [sic; Libocedrus - Lomatia] forest” [Nr. 15; collecting data given together for locality Nr. 15, 16, 32, not specified more exactly: foothill of Mt. Piltriquitron, NW, NE and SE slopes]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-749: 1 ♀ “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♀, det. Beier, Paratype ”, “Arg. [Argentina] El Bolson [sic], No.534, 1961. IX.2; [leg.] Gy. Topál, Rio Azul völgye [valley of Rio Azul]” [300 m, leaf litter in a forest of Nothofagus dombeyi with Libocedrus]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-750: 1 ♂, 1 tritonymph “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂, det. Beier, P-Type [sic.]”, “No.27” [Argentina, Mt. Piltriquitron, 1000 m, under leaf litter in the undergrowth of Nothofagus antarctica and Berberis buxifolia, 26.X.1961, leg. Gy. Topál]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-751: 1 ♀ “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♀, det. Beier, Paratypus ”, “ Rio Negro, El Bolson [sic], 1150m, 16.XI.1961, No. 42” [Argentina, Mt. Piltriquitron, 1150 m, leaf litter in a forest of Maytenus boaria with Berberis darwini and Nothofagus antarctica close to a spring, 16.XI.1961]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-752: 2 ♂ “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] El Bolson [sic], No.92., 29.VIII.1961 ” [bog forest of Nothofagus dombeyi and Myrceugenia exsupca, leg. Gy. Topál, moss]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-753: 17 ex. “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “No.12” [Argentina, valley of Rio Azul, 300 m, leaf litter in a forest of Nothofagus dombeyi with Libocedrus, 8.VIII.1961, leg. Gy. Topál]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-754: 11 ex. [6 ♂, 5 ♀, 6 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, P.-Typen [sic.]”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, El Bolson [sic], 7.IX.1961, leg. Gy. Topál, valley of river Azul; 350m, cipresradal forest [sic; Libocedrus - Lomatia forest with Nothofagus antarctica], sifted litter, No.8”. HNHM Pseudoscorp- 755: 12 ex. [1 ♂, 5 ♀, 12 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, 5.XI.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, Lago Pueló, sifted litter from forest NE of Lake” [Nr. 11, El Puelo, 220 m]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-756: 9 ex. “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. det. Beier, ♂ ♀, Paratypen ”, “No.16” [collecting data given together for locality Nr. 15, 16, 32 not specified more exactly: foothill of Mt. Piltriquitron, NW, NE and SE slopes, 460 m, leaf litter in Libocedrus - Lomatia forest, 15.IX., 28.IX. and 12.X.1961, leg. Gy. Topál]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-757: 1 ♀ [2 ♂, 8 ♀, 17 nymphs according to original description] “ Asterochernes topali n. sp. ♀, det. Beier, Paratype, 1964”, “ Pseudopilanus topali ♀, det. Vitali-di Castri, 1969”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, No 47., 30.III.1961, [leg.] Gy. Topál, El Bolson [sic], Mt Piltriquitron, 300m, sifted litter [Libocedrus, Lomatia and Aristotelia]”. HNHM Pseudoscorp-759: 4 ex. [2 ♂, 9 ♀, 4 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, El Bolson [sic], 19.X.1961, leg. Gy. Topál, Mt Piltriquitron, NW valley: 450m Redul stock [Lomatia], sifted litter” [Nr. 1]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-760: 11 ex. [3 ♂, 7 ♀, 7 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. det. Beier, ♂ ♀ Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, El Bolson [sic], 19.IX.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, Mt Piltriquitron, SW slope; 550m, cipres-radalstock [sic; Libocedrus - Lomatia] sifted litter” [Nr. 4]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-761: 5 ex. [2 ♂, 4 ♀ according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. det. Beier, ♂ ♀ Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, No 49., 22.VIII.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, El Bolson [sic], Mt Piltriquitron, 1150m; sifted litter from michay-maitén [Maytenus and Berberis darwini] forest”. HNHM Pseudoscorp-762: 2 ex. [1 ♂, 2 ♀ according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. det. Beier, ♂ ♀ Paratypen ”, “No.499.” [Argentina, valley of Rio Azul, 480- 300 m, under bark of fallen trunks and trees, 24.VII.1961, leg. Gy. Topál]. HNHM Pseudoscorp-763: 6 ex. [1 ♂, 3 ♀, 3 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, No 24., 23.X.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, El Bolson [sic], Mt Piltriquitron, 1500m, sifted litter in median lenga [Nothofagus pumilio] forest”. HNHM Pseudoscorp-764: 46 ex. [11 ♂, 17 ♀, 42 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratype [sic.]”, “No.7” [Argentina, Mt. Piltriquitron, 520 m, leaf litter under Libocedrus, Lomatia and Aristotelia, 20.III.1961, leg. Gy. Topál]. HNHM Pseud.-917: 3 ex. [2 ♀, 1 nymph according to the original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, No 22., 15.II [XI?].1961; leg. Gy. Topál, El Bolson [sic], top of Loma del Medio, 420 m, sifted litter in cipres-radal [sic; Libocedrus - Lomatia] forest”. HNHM Pseud.-918: 4 ex. [1 ♂, 1 ♀, 1 tritonymph according to the original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, P.-Typen [sic.]”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, No 44., 14.IX.1961; leg. Topál, Gy., El Bolson [sic], Mt Piltriquitron [SW slope], 820 m, sifted litter under nire [sic.] stand [weakly wet Nothofagus antarctica forest]”. HNHM Pseud.-919: 5exps [2 ♂, 4 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂, det. Beier, P.-Typen [sic.]”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, No 28., 19.XI.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, Sifted litter in forest by Lego Pueblo” [Chubut., El Turbio, 220 m]. HNHM Pseud.-920: 21 ex. [12 ♂, 11 ♀, 11 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “No. 13” [Argentina, Mt. Piltriquitron, 720 m, leaf litter under Libocedrus and Lomatia, 10.VI.1961, leg. Gy. Topál]. HNHM Pseud.- 921: 14 ex. [2 ♂, 8 ♀, 17 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp., det. Beier, ♂ ♀ Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, No 47., 20.III.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, El Bolsom, Mt Piltriquitron, 360 m; sifted litter [Libocedrus, Lomatia and Aristotelia]”. HNHM Pseud.-922: 2 nymphs [1 nymph according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp., det. Beier, Nymp.”, “Arg. [Argentina] El Bolson [sic], No. 56., 19.I.1961; leg. Gy. Topál” [foothill of Mt. Piltriquitron, 350 m, wet soil under scrub of Myrceugenia exsupea at Arroyo Negro]. HNHM Pseud.-923: 6 ex. “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “No. 32.” [collecting data given together for locality Nr. 15, 16, 32 not specified more exactly: foothill of Mt. Piltriquitron, NW, NE and SE slopes, 460 m, leaf litter in Libocedrus - Lomatia forest, 15.IX., 28.IX. and 12.X.1961, leg. Gy. Topál]. HNHM Pseud.-924: 22 ex. [4 ♂, 9 ♀, 23 nymphs according to original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♂ ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “No. 29.” [Argentina, valley of Rio Azul, 340 m, leaf litter in Libocedrus - Lomatia forest, 10.X.1961, leg. Gy. Topál]. HNHM Pseud.-1160: 9 ex. [6 ♀, 6 nymphs according to the original description] “ Pseudopilanus topali n. sp. ♀, det. Beier, Paratypen ”, “Arg. [Argentina] Rio Negro, valley of Rio Azul, 300 m, 24.VIII.1961; leg. Gy. Topál, sifted moss from soil [in soil under Libocedrus]” [Nr. 14].

Current status. Valid, as Pseudopilanus topali Beier, 1964.

Remark. Further syntypes are probably housed in the NHMW (1 specimen from locality Nr. 49, 1 from Nr. 24, 1 from Nr. 28, 6 from Nr. 4, 24 from Nr. 7, 4 from Nr. 1, 12 from Nr. 47, 34 from Nr. 15+16+32, 5 from Nr. 8, 1 from Nr. 499, 3 from Nr. 14, 9 from Nr. 12+534, 3 from Nr. 9+92, 14 from Nr. 29, 13 from Nr. 13).


Published as part of Novák, János & Dányi, László, 2018, Catalogue of the type material of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 301-322 in Zootaxa 4527 (3) on pages 315-317, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4527.3.1,


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Parachernes topali Beier, 1964 sec. Novák & Dányi, 2018


  • Beier, M. (1964) The zoological results of Gy. Topa'ls collectings in South Argentina. 15. Pseudoscorpionidea. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 56, 487 - 500.