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Published February 20, 2022 | Version 1
Dataset Restricted

Alternative splicing and genetic variation of MHC-E: Implications for rhesus cytomegalovirus-based vaccines

  • 1. North Carolina State University
  • 2. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • 3. Pacific Biosciences
  • 4. University of Washington


We used long-read sequencing to interrogate rhesus macaque (RM) MHC-E (Mamu-E) alternative splicing and genetic variations. Full-length Mamu-E RNA isoforms were recovered using the PacBio Iso-Seq method. Incomplete 5' ends of Mamu-E isoforms were confirmed using Sanger sequencing, where we identified three additional isoforms. Full-length human MHC-E (HLA-E) isoforms were also recovered using the PacBio Iso-Seq method. Isoform sequences and annotations are provided for both Mamu-E and HLA-E in addition to Mamu-E Sanger sequencing data. HLA-E annotations are reported using the hg38 reference, while Mamu-E annotations are shown using rhesus MHC Class I and II assemblies previously generated using Bacterial Artificial Cloning (BAC) technology (

Using PacBio Long Amplicon Analysis, we sequenced complete Mamu-E coding regions of 59 RMs and additionally captured 3' UTR polymorphism using mRNA-seq haplotype phasing analysis. The complete genotyping data for these animals are provided as well as animal metadata. Genotyping data is shown using the Mamu-E canonical isoform (Mamu-E1 from Iso-Seq analysis) as reference.



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