Published February 5, 2022 | Version v1
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Left atrial myxoma with concomitant coronary artery stenosis: comprehensive diagnosis and treatment


Ciechański Erwin, Ciechański Krystian, Szponar Jarosław, Kołątaj Piotr, Szczasny Marcin, Głowniak Andrzej, Szumiło Justyna. Left atrial myxoma with concomitant coronary artery stenosis: comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2022;12(2):78-83. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI






The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of December 21, 2021. No. 32343.

Has a Journal's Unique Identifier: 201159. Scientific disciplines assigned: Physical Culture Sciences (Field of Medical sciences and health sciences); Health Sciences (Field of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences).


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Received: 26.01.2022. Revised: 26.01.2022. Accepted: 05.02.2022.






Left atrial myxoma with concomitant coronary artery stenosis: comprehensive diagnosis and treatment

Erwin Ciechański1,2, Krystian Ciechański2,3, Jarosław Szponar5, Piotr Kołątaj1, Marcin Szczasny1, Andrzej Głowniak6, Justyna Szumiło7


1. Department of Cardiology Stefan Wyszyński Regional Specialist Hospital, Lublin, Poland

2. Department of Toxicology Medical University of Lublin

3. Department of Gastroenerology Stefan Wyszyński Regional Specialist Hospital, Lublin, Poland

4. Department and Clinic of Cardiosurgery Medical University of Lublin

5. Clinical Department of Toxicology and Cardiology, Stefan Wyszyński Regional Specialist Hospital, Lublin, Poland

6. Department and Clinic of Cardiology Medical University of Lublin

7. Chair and Department of Clinical Pathomorphology, Medical University of Lublin.


Correspondance to: Erwin Ciechański, Depatment of Cardiology Stefan Wyszyński Regional Specialist Hospital, Lublin, Poland, phone +48663151918, email:



Conflict of interest: none declared


Key words: cardiac tumor, myxoma, heart failure, CABG







A 69-year-old patient was admitted to the Department of Cardiology due to an accidental finding on a chest X-ray, enlarged heart outline, accompanied by worsening of heart failure to NYHA II with LVEF, about 30%. In the X-ray description, an enlargement of the left atrium silhouette with local calcifications. The patient underwent TTE, confirming the presence of a pedunculated tumor of the left atrium attached to the ceiling measuring 3.5x3.5x2.2 cm. Due to the ischemic heart disease manifestation patient uderwent coronarography confirming the presence of single-vessel coronary artery disease with changes in the middle segment of the LAD. Patient was treated with CABG LIMA-LAD surgery and removeal the left atrial tumor. Post operation tissue material prooved the preseance of left atrium myxoma. The postoperative course was uneventful, the patient was discharged home.



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