Published January 26, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Hadza history from an interdisciplinary perspective

  • 1. Leiden University


The Hadza of Tanzania have been at the center of much scientific research as their hunter-gatherer lifestyle and click language have attracted a lot of attention. The Hadza people, language, and society would supposedly reflect the lives of the earliest contemporary humans in Africa. Although much scientific research has focused on the Hadza, these different lines of research have mainly been operating without inferring from each other. This leads to results that are known within one field of research, but not utilized in different research fields. The ongoing research presented thus takes a different approach, focusing on the question: What does an interdisciplinary approach tell us about the history of the Hadza? To establish this interdisciplinary state of the art, data from linguistics, genetics, archeology, and ecology will be analyzed. This sheds new light on the history of the Hadza and will result in new ideas for collaborative research and reflections on interdisciplinary research.


Note: This talk has not gone through a process of peer review, and findings should therefore be treated as preliminary and subject to change. Acknowledgement and citation: Van der Vlugt, Nina. 2022. Hadza history from an interdisciplinary perspective. Talk given at the Rift Valley Network Webinar Series. 26/01/2022.


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