Published February 4, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Humanities, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


The author of the article explores the pedagogical activity of Matviy Nomys (1823–1901) – a Ukrainian folklorist-paremiographer, ethnographer, teacher, writer, public figure, local historian, and linguist. Based on the analysis of archival documents, scientific materials, works of the teacher Z. Shumeiko characterizes the period of his studies at the University of Kiev as a time of professional self-determination, explores the educational and scientific activity of the person in this period, his research interests, communication with pedagogical and public figures of that time, their influences on the formation of the worldview of the person.

Z. Shumeiko covers the initial stage of Matviy Nomys’ professional activity as a teacher of literature (rhetoric, poetry, history of literature and Slavic (Church Slavonic) language) in Nizhyn and Nemyriv gymnasiums, and also researches the work of Matviy Nomys as the first director of Lubny gymnasium in Poltava province from 1872 to 1877. The author of the article focuses on the activities of the director to create the material base of the educational institution, providing teaching staff, forming the material and technical base, solving various everyday problems, financial assistance to students who needed it. She proves the high efficiency of Matviy Nomis’ work in this position by the feedback of county figures – contemporaries of the director.

 She pays special attention to the work of Matviy Nomys «Notes to the anniversary on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Lubny Gymnasium note», which is a response to the accusations of opponents of the liberality of the director, which resulted in low student performance. The «Notes» is also a document that formulates the pedagogical concept of Matviy Nomys, including views on the organization of the educational process, the responsibilities of teachers and students, forms, methods and techniques of teaching and education. Z. Shumeiko concludes that Matviy Nomys is one of the theorists and practitioners of Ukrainian schooling in the second half of the 19th century.



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  • Dvadcatipjatiletie Lubenskoj gimnazii. (1872–1897). Kratkaja istoricheskaja zapiska, sostavlennaja sekretarjom Ped. Soveta Nik. Luk. Seferovskim [The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Lubenskaya gymnasium. (1872-1897). A brief historical note by Secretary Ped. Council Nick. Lukich. Seferovsky]. (1898). Lubny [in Russian].
  • Dvadcatipjatiletie Lubenskoj gimnazii. Kratkaja istoricheskaja zapiska, sostavlennaja sekretarjom Pedagogich. Soveta Nik. Luk. Seferovskim. Lubny. [Recenzіja] [The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Lubenskaya gymnasium. (1872-1897). A brief historical note by Secretary Ped. Council Nick. Lukich. Seferovsky. [Review]]. Kievskaja starina, 1898, lipen'-serpen', 54–58 [in Russian].
  • Delo Kanceljarii g. popechitelja Kievskogo uchebnogo okruga «Ob uchenikah, okonchivshih kurs nauk v gimnazijah v 1843–44 gg.» [The case of the Office of the trustee of the Kiev educational district «On students who graduated from the course of science in gymnasiums in 1843–44»]. (1844). CDІAK, F. 707, op. 261 (Sekretnye materialy, 1841–1882), spr. 7, ark. 14–15 [in Russian].
  • Delo ob uvol'nenii direktora Lubenskoj gimnazii Simonova ot sluzhby i o naznachenii emu pensii [The case of the dismissal of the director of the Lubensky gymnasium Simonov from service and the appointment of a pension to him]. CDІAK, F. 707, op. 43, spr. 108, 28 ark. [in Russian].
  • Limar, A. O. (2006). Matvіi Terentіiovich Simonov (Nomis): zhyttia, kulturno-naukova, hromadska ta pedahohіchna dіialnіst: dis. kand. іstor. nauk [Matviy Terentiyovych Simonov (Nomis): life, cultural-scientific, public and pedagogical activity: the dissertation of the candidate of historical sciences]. Dnіpropetrovsk. [in Ukrainian].
  • M.S., (1900). Iz detskih i otrocheskih vospominanij avtora [From childhood and adolescent memories of the author]. Razskazy M.T. Simonova (Nomisa) [The stories of M.T. Simonova (Nomys)]. Kiev, ІІІ–IV [in Russian].
  • O peremeshhenii starshih uchitelej: Nezhinskoj gimnazii Simonova v Nemirovskuju gimnaziju i Novgorod-Severskoj gimnazii Petropavlovskogo – v Nezhinskuju gimnaziju [On the relocation of senior teachers: Simonov's Nizhyn gymnasium to the Nemirovskaya gymnasium and the Novgorod-Seversk gymnasium of Petropavlovsky to the Nizhinskaya gymnasium]. (1858). CDІAK, F. 707, op. 18, spr. 323, 13 ark. [in Russian].
  • Ob iskljuchenii iz universiteta kazjonnokoshtnyh studentov Simonova i Evtushevskogo i ob opredelenii ih uchiteljami prihodskih uchilishh [On the expulsion from the university of state-owned students Simonov and Yevtushevsky and on the appointment of their teachers to parish schools]. (1848). CDІAK, F. 707 (Kiїvs'kij navchal'nij okrug), op. 14, spr. 80, 40 ark. [in Russian].
  • Samoilenko, G.V. (1995). Nіzhynska vyshcha shkola (1820–1995) [Nizhyn Higher School (1820–1995)]. Nіzhin. [in Ukrainian].
  • Simonov, M. (1898). Zametki k jubilejnoj po sluchaju dvadcatipjatiletija Lubenskoj gimnazii zapiske [Notes to the note on the 25th anniversary of the Lubenskaya gymnasium]. Kiev [in Ukrainian].
  • Sistematicheskij svod postanovlenij i rasporjazhenij Poltavskogo gubernskogo zemstva za pervye shest' trjohletij (s 1865 po 1882 g. Vkljuchitel'no) [A systematic set of decisions and orders of the Poltava provincial zemstvo for the first six three years (from 1865 to 1882 inclusive)]. (1886). Vyp. ІІ. Narodnoe zdravie i obshhestvennoe prizrenie. Narodnoe obrazovanie. Narodnoe prodovol'stvie. Mery sodejstvija jekonomicheskomu razvitiju gubernii. Vzaimnoe zemskoe ot ognja strahovanie. Predmety, ne voshedshie v predydushhie otdely [Public health and public charity. Public education. National food. Measures to promote the economic development of the province. Mutual zemstvo fire insurance. Items not included in the previous divisions]. Poltava. [in Ukrainian].