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Published October 31, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Co-designing innovative multi stakeholder engagement for OOSC

  • 1. StickyDot


The purpose of this document is to outline a methodology that ENJOI partners can use to implement their Engagement Workshops and Labs during WP4, for the co-creation of standards, principles and indicators (SPIs) for outstanding open science communication. This step-by-step guide was created in close collaboration with ENJOI partners through a series of participatory workshops, following on from the development of the roadmap for the ENJOI collaborative partnerships (D3.1).


ENJOI WP3. Establishing Partnerships and Co-Designing Engagement Workshops (EWs) and Labs


D3.2 Co-designing innovative multi stakeholder engagement for OOSC.pdf

Files (375.5 kB)

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ENJOI – ENgagement and JOurnalism Innovation for Outstanding Open Science Communication 101006407
European Commission