Published January 28, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open


  • 1. Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
  • 2. Municipality of Trento, Italy
  • 3. Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 4. University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • 5. GreenRoads Malta
  • 6. ITML
  • 7. ZELUS


The MARVEL MVP Info Day was organised on January 28th, 2022. It was an online event for public authorities, Traffic Managers, Law Enforcement Agencies, data scientists, engineers, architects, technical project managers and other people who are focused on smart city technologies, products and services. The purpose of the event was to collect feedback from external stakeholders and to ensure that MARVEL MVP evolves to a full-fledged solution that can fulfil the project's vision of improving the citizens' quality of life.

During the event, the attendees had the opportunity to learn about:

  • The real needs of the smart cities of Trento and Malta that will utilize the MARVEL framework;
  • The subsystems of the framework that enable it to address those needs;
  • The project's Minimum Viable Product (MVP) capabilities.


  • Why is MARVEL relevant for the city of Trento? (Giacomo Fioroni, Municipality of Trento)
  • MARVEL Overview (Prof. Sotiris Ioannidis, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas)
  • MARVEL Scientific & Technical View (Prof. Dragana Bajovic, University of Novi Sad)
  • MARVEL smart cities test cases: Municipality of Trento and Malta (Thomas Festi, Municipality of Trento, Yiming Wang, FBK, Adrian Muscat, GreenRoads Malta)
  • MARVEL Minimum Viable Product (Christos Dimou, ITML and Stella Markopoulou, ZELUS)

The video of the event will soon be available on MARVEL YouTube channel: Stay tuned! 



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European Commission
MARVEL – Multimodal Extreme Scale Data Analytics for Smart Cities Environments 957337