Pogonillus panamensis Heffern & Nascimento & Santos-Silva 2018, sp. nov.
Pogonillus panamensis sp. nov.
(Figs 9–12)
Description. Male. Integument mostly black; mouthparts and anterior half of labrum yellowish-brown; posterior half of labrum reddish-brown; anteclypeus pale anteriorly, gradually reddish-brown toward posterior margin; antennomeres III–V with dark reddish-brown basal ring; protibia with slightly distinct dark reddish-brown wide ring on basal half; meso- and metatibiae with wide yellowish-brown ring on basal half; tarsomeres III–V reddishbrown (including most of claws); abdominal ventrite V dark reddish-brown posteriorly.
Head. Frons finely, sparsely punctate, with fine, slightly distinct transverse striae; with yellowish-brown pubescence irregularly dense in some areas, nearly absent in other areas, interspersed with long, erect dark setae throughout. Area between antennal tubercles and upper eye lobes finely, transversely striate interspersed with fine, sparse punctures; pubescence as on frons; with erect, sparse, long dark setae (longer than on frons). Remaining surface of vertex densely, very finely rugose-punctate; with yellowish-brown pubescence uniformly distributed, not obscuring integument, with a few long, erect dark setae near upper eye lobes. Area behind upper eye lobes with sculpturing and pubescence as on posterior area of vertex. Area behind lower eye lobes tumid close to eye; slightly transversely striate on tumid area, very finely, sparsely punctate on remaining surface; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument close to eye, glabrous on remaining surface; with long, erect yellowish setae close to eye. Antennal tubercles very finely, sparsely punctate; pubescence and erect setae as on frons. Median groove distinct from clypeus to upper eye lobes. Genae finely, transversely striate close to eye, smooth toward apex; with yellowish-brown pubescence close to lower eye lobe, not obscuring integument, gradually sparser toward glabrous apex; with long, erect yellowish setae near lower eye lobe. Postclypeus with pubescence and erect setae as on frons on wide central area, glabrous laterally. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus posteriorly, inclined anteriorly; densely, very finely punctate posteriorly, with moderately sparse yellowish-brown pubescence, interspersed with long, erect dark setae close to inclined area; anterior area with long, erect, moderately abundant yellowish setae, and fringe with yellow setae at anterior margin. Gulamentum nearly entirely smooth, with a few long, erect brownish setae anteriorly. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.34 times length of scape (1.5 times width of one lobe); in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.92 times length of scape. Antennae (left antenna missing most of antennomere V, and remaining antennomeres; right antennae with only base of scape); apex of antennomere IV reaching about apex of anterior third of elytra. Scape with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect yellowish and brownish setae throughout. Pedicel with yellowish-brown pubescence basally, brownish toward apex, not obscuring integument, interspersed with long erect brownish setae throughout. Antennomere III slightly, gradually widened toward apex, with basal ring with yellowish-brown pubescence, brownish on remaining surface; with long, erect setae ventrally, yellowish on basal area, brownish on remaining surface; with a few long, erect, brownish setae dorsally, more abundant at apex. Antennomeres IV slight curved, with pubescence and setae as on III. Basal area of antennomere V with pubescence and setae as on III. Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.79; pedicel = 0.29; IV = 1.17.
Thorax. Prothorax slightly wider than long; sides with distinct rounded tubercle just after middle, gibbous at anterior third, parallel-sided at posterior quarter. Pronotum moderately elevated at central area; with four rounded gibbosities along anterior area of central area (central ones slightly more elevated); anterior and posterior areas finely striate-punctate; central area moderately coarsely rugose-punctate; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, denser anteriorly, distinctly sparser on remaining surface, except narrow, longitudinal band on center of posterior quarter; with long, erect dark setae throughout. Sides of prothorax moderately finely, sparsely punctate toward pronotum, smooth toward prosternum; with yellowish-brown pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with a few long, erect brownish setae. Ventral side of thorax with yellowish-brown pubescence (more yellowish-white depending on intensity of light) not obscuring integument, denser on sides of meso- and metathorax; with long, erect yellowish setae on posterior half of prosternum. Procoxal cavities closed posteriorly. Scutellum with dense yellowish-brown pubescence. Elytra. Coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate on anterior third, gradually finer, sparser toward apex, but coarser, confluent close to lateral curvature from anterior margin to about middle; apex individually rounded; tubercle of basal quarter prominent, flattened laterally; pubescence on anterior third yellowish-brown (more golden depending on intensity of light), not obscuring integument, denser, slightly yellowish-white on oblique band from humerus to suture; with yellowish-brown pubescence on central third (apex of this area rounded), not obscuring integument, and with small, irregular, sparse yellowish-brown pubescent spots laterally; posterior third with wide, transverse yellowish-white pubescent band on its anterior area, obscuring integument, starting at lateral margin, not reaching suture; apex of posterior third entirely covered with yellowish-white pubescence; area along suture on posterior third with yellowish-white pubescent spots; remaining surface with minute, slightly conspicuous brownish pubescence; anterior tubercle with tuft of dark setae; with long, erect, moderately abundant dark and yellowish setae throughout. Legs. Femora with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect yellowish setae. Tibiae with yellowish-white (more brownish posteriorly) pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect, moderately abundant yellowish setae (part of them brownish basally).
Abdomen. Ventrites with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, interspersed with long, erect setae of same color, slightly more abundant posteriorly on ventrite V; center of posterior area of ventrite V slightly inclined; apex of ventrite V truncate, slightly emarginate centrally.
Dimensions (mm). Total length, 5.05; prothoracic length, 1.20; posterior prothoracic width, 1.10; anterior prothoracic width, 1.05; widest prothoracic width (between apices of lateral tubercles), 1.30; humeral width, 1.60; elytral length, 3.45.
Type material. Holotype male from PANAMA, Darién: Darién National Park (Rancho Frio Stn; 90 m; 8.0198°N / 77.7322°W), 1-9.VI.2015, B. Raber col. (TAMU).
Remarks. Pogonillus panamensis sp. nov. is similar to P. subfasciatus Bates, 1885 (Fig. 17), but differs as follows: general color black; distance between upper eye lobes 1.5 times width of one lobe; pronotum with four distinct gibbosities on elevated central area; pronotum not densely finely punctate throughout; light elytral pubescence not noticeably contrasting. In P. subfasciatus, the general color is reddish-brown, distance between upper eye lobes about 2.5 times width of one lobe, pronotum without gibbosities on elevated central area, and densely finely punctate throughout, light elytral pubescence noticeably contrasting (whitish and yellowish-brown).
Etymology. Named for the country of Panama where the type was collected.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2015-06-01
- Family
- Cerambycidae
- Genus
- Pogonillus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Heffern & Nascimento & Santos-Silva
- Species
- panamensis
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Verbatim event date
- 2015-06-01/09
- Taxonomic concept label
- Pogonillus panamensis Heffern, Nascimento & Santos-Silva, 2018
- Bates, H. W. (1885) Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Coleoptera. Supplement to Longicornia. Fol. 5. Published for the editors by R. H. Porter, London, 188 pp. [pp. 249 - 436]