Published June 7, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



Family Lamnidae

Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758) —Tubarão-branco, Great white shark

Lichtenstein 1844: 2 (as Squalus carcharias)

Albuquerque 1954 –1956: 89 | Springer 1973a: 13 | Compagno 1984a: 238–242; 2001: 100 | Quéro 1984b: 84 | Sanches 1986: 56 | Lloris et al. 1991: 223 | Carneiro et al. 2014: 10.

Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira, Azores (Santos et al. 1997; Porteiro et al. 2010), Canary Islands (Brito et al. 2002; Brito Hernández & Sancho Rafel 2003) and Cape Verde (Reiner 1996, 2005).

Remarks. although there are no specimens in MMF collection, the species is included in the present checklist since it was visually identified several times in Madeira EEZ, including by one of the authors (MB). The DSI reported a capture in 1982 of one specimen in a tuna longline at a depth of 168–200 m, SW of Porto Santo. Wirtz et al. (2008) did not include it in their checklist since it was not considered a coastal fish (recorded only from the open ocean).

* Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810 Marracho; Shortfin mako

Günther 1870: 390 | Noronha & Sarmento 1934: 115 (as Lamna spallanzanii)

Maul 1948: 138 | Nunes 1953: 158 | Noronha & Sarmento 1948: 111 (as Lamna oxyrinchus)

Albuquerque 1954 –56: 87 (as Isurus oxyrhynchus sic)

Fowler 1936: 33 | Springer 1973a: 14 | Cadenat & Blache 1981: 157–160 | Quéro 1984b: 85 | Sanches 1986: 57 | Wirtz et al. 2008: 2 | Carneiro et al. 2014: 11.

Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira, Azores (Santos et al. 1997; Porteiro et al. 2010), the Canary Islands (Brito et al. 2002; Brito Hernández & Sancho Rafel 2003) and Cape Verde (Reiner 1996, 2005; Wirtz et al. 2013).

Remarks. Maul (1948) refers as doubtful record (see Remarks on next species), but there are one mounted specimen (no date) in MMF exhibition and two formalin preserved specimens dated from 2011 (MMF 41667) and 2015 (MMF 44383).

* Lamna nasus (Bonnaterre, 1788) —Marracho; Porbeagle

Lowe 1838:194 | Belloc 1934: 138 | Noronha & Sarmento 1934: 115 and 140 | Nobre 1935: 430 (as Lamna cornubica)

Fowler 1936: 32 | Albuquerque 1954 –56: 86 (as Isurus nasus)

Noronha & Sarmento 1948: 111 | Maul 1948: 137 | Nunes 1953: 158 | Springer 1973a: 13 | Sanches 1986: 55 | Compagno 1984a: 248–249 | Wirtz et al. 2008: 2 | Carneiro et al. 2014: 11.

Distribution in Macaronesia. Madeira, Azores (Santos et al. 1997; Porteiro et al. 2010), Canary Islands (Brito et al. 2002) and Cape Verde (Reiner 1996, 2005).

Remarks. although there are no preserved specimens collected in Madeira, these waters are inside the species’ distribution area (Ebert & Stehmann 2013). Moreover, a recent study on migration patterns of porbeagle shark in the Northeast Atlantic, confirmed the occurrence of this species to Madeiran waters, with one of the tagged sharks being spotted off Madeira (Biais et al. 2017). Wirtz et al. (2008) refer that it was erroneously noted as common by Maul (1948), due to a typographical error. This remark was originally meant for Isurus oxyrhynchus and the reference to a doubtful presence, for L. nasus. (pers. comm. of G. E. Maul to M. Biscoito).


Published as part of Biscoito, Manuel, Ribeiro, Cláudia & Freitas, Mafalda, 2018, Annotated checklist of the fishes of the archipelago of Madeira (NE Atlantic): I-Chondrichthyes, pp. 459-494 in Zootaxa 4429 (3) on pages 463-464, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4429.3.2,


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  • Lichtenstein, M. H. C. (1844) Madeira Insula. Descriptiones Animalium quae in itinere ad Maris Australis terras per annos 1772 1773 et 1774 suscepto, collegit observavit et delineavit Ioannes Reinoldus Forster ... nunc demum editae ... Henrico Lichtenstein, 1844, i - xiii + 1 - 423.
  • Albuquerque, R. M. (1954 - 56) Peixes de Portugal e ilhas adjacentes. Portugaliae Acta Biologica, Museu Nacional de Historia Natural e da Ciencia, Lisboa, Serie B, 1164 pp.
  • Springer, S. (1973 a) Lamnidae, Cetorhinidae and Alopiidae. In: Hureau, J. - C. & Monod, Th. (Eds.), Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean (CLOFNAM). Unesco, Paris, pp. 13 - 17.
  • Compagno, L. J. V. (1984 a) FAO species catalogue. Vol. 4. Sharks of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Part 1. Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. In: FAO Fisheries Synopsis. Vol. 4. FAO, Rome, pp. 1 - 249.
  • Quero, J. C. (1984 b) Odontaspididae, Mitsukurinidae and Lamnidae. In: Whitehead, P. J. P., Bauchot, M. - L., Hureau, J. - C. & Tortonese, E. Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Unesco, Paris pp. 78 - 88.
  • Sanches, J. G. (1986) Nomenclatura e diagnose dos principais peixes marinhos de Portugal. (Ciclostomos, Selaceos e Holocefalos). Instituto Nacional de Investigacao das Pescas, Lisboa, 184 pp.
  • Lloris, D., Rucabado, J. & Figueroa, H. (1991) Biogeography of the Macaroneisan Ichthyofauna (the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, Cape verde and the African Enclave, Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal 43, 191 - 241.
  • Carneiro, M., Martins, R., Landi, M. & Costa, F. O. (2014) Updated checklist of marine fishes (Chordata: Craniata) from Portugal and the proposed extension of the Portuguese continental shelf. European Journal of Taxonomy, 73, 1 - 73. https: // doi. org / 10.5852 / ejt. 2014.73
  • Santos, R. S., Porteiro, F. & Barreiros, J. P. (1997) Marine fishes of the Azores: annotated checklist and bibliography, Arquipelago, 1 (Supplement), 1 - 244.
  • Porteiro, F., Menezes, G., Afonso, P., Monteiro, J. & Santos, R. (2010) Marine fish (Chondrichthyes, Actinopterygii). In: Borges, P. A. V., Costa, A., Cunha, R., Gabriel, R., Goncalves, V., Martins, A. F., Melo, I., Parente, M., Raposeiro, P., Rodrigues, P., Santos, R. S., Silva, L., Vieira, P. & Vieira, V. (Eds.), A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. Principia, Cascais, pp. 326 - 350.
  • Brito, A., Pascual, P. J., Falcon, J. M., Sancho, A. & Gonzalez, G. (2002) Peces de las Islas Canarias: catalogo comentado e ilustrado. Francisco Lemus, La Laguna, 419 pp.
  • Reiner, F. (1996) Catalogo dos peixes do Arquipelago de Cabo Verde. nº 2. Publicacoes Avulsas do IPIMAR, Lisboa, 339 pp.
  • Reiner, F. (2005) Peixes do Arquipelago de Cabo Verde. Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas. Mindelo, 340 pp.
  • Wirtz, P., Fricke, R. & Biscoito, M. J. (2008) The coastal fishes of Madeira Island - new records and an annotated check-list. Zootaxa, 1715, 1 - 26.
  • Gunther, A. (1870) Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. Vol. 8. British Museum (Natural History), London, 549 pp.
  • Noronha, A. C. & Sarmento, A. A. (1934) Os peixes dos mares da Madeira. Diario de Noticias, Funchal, 146 pp.
  • Maul, G. E. (1948) Lista Sistematica dos peixes assinalados nos mares da Madeira e indice alfabetico. In: Noronha, A. C. & Sarmento, A. A. Vertebrados da Madeira: Peixes. Junta Geral do Distrito Autonomo do Funchal, Funchal, 137 - 181.
  • Nunes, A. A. (1953) Peixes da Madeira. Junta Geral do Distrito Autonomo do Funchal, Funchal, 274 pp. + xxv pls.
  • Noronha, A. C. & Sarmento, A. A. (1948) Vertebrados da Madeira: Peixes. Junta Geral do Distrito Autonomo do Funchal, Funchal, 181 pp.
  • Fowler, H. W. (1936) The Marine Fishes of West Africa. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 70 (1 & 2), 1 - 605 & 607 - 1493.
  • Cadenat, J. & Blache, J. (1981) Requins de Mediterranee et d'Atlantique: plus particulierement de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Editions de l'Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre-mer, Paris, 330 pp.
  • Wirtz, P., Brito, A., Falcon, J. M., Freitas, R., Fricke, R., Monteiro, V., Reiner, F. & Tariche, O. (2013) The coastal fishes of the Cape Verde Islands - new records and an annotated check-list. Spixiana, 36, 113 - 142.
  • Lowe, R. T. (1838) A synopsis of the fishes of Madeira; with the principal synonyms, Portuguese names, and characteres of the new Genera and Species. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 2, Part 3 (14), 173 - 200.
  • Belloc, G. (1934) Catalogue des poissons comestibles du Maroc et de la Cote occidentale d'Afrique (du Cap Spartel au Cap Vert). Premiere partie-Poissons cartilagineux. Revue des Travaux de l'Office des Peches Maritimes, 7 (9), 117 - 193.
  • Nobre, A. (1935) Fauna Marinha de Portugal. I Vertebrados (Mamiferos, Repteis e Peixes). Editora do Minho, Porto, 574 pp.
  • Ebert, D. A. & Stehmann, M. (2013) Sharks, batoids and chimaeras of the North Atlantic. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 7. FAO, Rome, 523 pp.
  • Biais, G., Coupeau, Y., Seret, B., Calmettes, B., Lopez, R., Hetherington, S. & Righton, D. (2017) Return migration patterns of porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) in the Northeast Atlantic: implications for stock range and structure. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74 (5), 1268 - 1276. https: // doi. org / 10.1093 / icesjms / fsw 233