Published October 18, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Netomocera ramakrishnai Sureshan 2010


Netomocera ramakrishnai Sureshan, 2010

Figs 144–156

N. ramakrishnai Sureshan, 2010: 1310 (holotype (♀) in ZSIP, not examined).


Both sexes

Clypeus about as wide as high; apical margin produced (Fig. 147). Scrobes shallow and reticulate. Upper face and vertex with eight large setae. Occiput margin sharply defined (Fig. 146). Pronotal collar not unusually long or wide (Fig. 150). Mesoscutum, scutellum and axillae with shallow reticulation (Fig. 150); scutoscutellar sutures deep, distinct (Fig. 150); frenal area distinct, i.e., sculpture at least slightly different than on rest of scutellum (Figs 150–151). Setation of mesonotum not unusually dense or conspicuous (Fig. 150). Mesepimeral sulcus conspicuous (Fig. 149). Propodeum without a welldefined V-shaped area basally (Fig. 151). Fore wing with basal third extensively setose except for narrow bare region (Figs 152, 154). Visible part of petiole very short, distinctly transverse, with more or less obliterate sculpture (Fig. 151).


Head black, mesosoma reddish-brown (Figs 145, 150). Flagellum brown, gradually becoming darker towards clava (Fig. 148). Macropterous, submacropterous or brachypterous (Figs 144, 153); fore wing subhyaline (Figs 152, 154). Eye height 2.3–2.4× malar space. POL 3.3–3.5 × OOL. Antenna strongly clavate (Fig. 148). MV 4–5 × SV.


Mesosoma usually at least partially reddish (Fig. 155). Head without violet reflections on vertex (cf. Fig. 146).

Material examined

INDIA • 1 ♀; “ INDIA Madras, Nilgiri, 22.XI.72, 1600 m, Coonoor, Besuchet Löbi Mussard”; “ Netomocera ”; BMNH.

JAPAN • 1 ♀; “Honshu I., Ibaraki, Tsukuba Mountain, 36°13.186′ N, 140°06.444′ E, 25 September 1999, S.A. Belokobylskij ”; ZIN • 2 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂; “ Iwate, Iwaizumi Hitsufori, 770 m, 11–17 August 1991, A. Smetana (J47)”; CNC • 1 ♀, 1 ♂; “ Tochigi, Nishinasuno, 500 m, 10 August 1989, M.J. Sharkey, sweep”; CNC • 1 ♂; “ Aichi, Toyone Misawa, 750 m, 15–17 July 1992, K. Yamagishi ”; CNC • 3 ♂♂; “ Iwate, Kawai, Yoshibezawa, 1050 m, 12–17 August 1991, A. Smetana (J50)”; CNC • 2 ♂♂; “ Tochigi, Kuriyama, Nikkosawa, 1465 m, 20–22 August 1991, A. Smetana ”; CNC • 1 ♂; “ Kibune, Kyoto, 6 August 1980, C.M. Yoshimoto ”; CNC • 1 ♂; “ Aichi Pref., Mt Sanageyama, 25–31 July 1989, A. Takano, Malaise trap ”; CNC.

RUSSIA • 2 ♀♀; “ Kamchatka Terr., Kronotsky Natural Reserve, 90 km S Lazo, forest margin near thermal pool Kipelye, 55°08.165′ N, 160°05.832′ E, 20 July 2013, E.V. Tselikh et D.V. Rachin ”; ZIN • 1 ♀; “ Sakhalin Prov., Sakhalin I., 17 km S Nevelsk, forest margin, 46°35.244′ N, 141°50.071′ E, 17 July 2011, E.V. Tselikh et D.V. Rachin ”; ZIN.

TAIWAN • 2 ♀♀; “ Taiwan, Shan-Lin Chi (Nanton Helen), 1600 m, 16 May 1990, L. Lesage ”; CNC.


Female (habitus: Figs 144, 153)

COLOUR. Head (Figs 145–146) black. Mandibles reddish-yellow, teeth darker. Antenna (Fig. 148) with scape and pedicel reddish-yellow, pedicel sometimes darker dorsally; flagellum brown, gradually becoming darker towards clava. Mesosoma (Figs 149–151) dorsally reddish-brown, occasionally dark brown. Mesepisternum and sometimes mesepimeron brown to dark brown. Legs reddish-yellow. Fore wing evenly and slightly to moderately infuscate; setation brown (Figs 152, 154). Hind wing hyaline. Metasoma with petiole reddish-brown (Fig. 151); gaster (Fig. 144) dorsally dark brown to black, ventrally pale. Body setation pale except for several large, symmetrically arranged dark brown setae.

BODY LENGTH. 1.6–2.4 mm.

HEAD. Clypeus virtually smooth; apical margin slightly produced (Fig. 147). Lower face coriaceous to shallowly reticulate, piliferous punctures not distinct. Upper face including vertex reticulate (Fig. 146). Scrobes deep, reticulate; parascrobal region with elongate cells (Fig. 145). Occiput coriaceousalutaceous; margin sharply defined (Fig. 146). Toruli with lower margins below lower margins of eyes (Fig. 145). Antenna with flagellum strongly clavate; clava conspicuously asymmetric (Fig. 148). Upper face and vertex with eight large setae. Head width about 2.3 × length in dorsal view and 1.1–1.2 × height in frontal view. POL 3.3–3.5 × OOL. Eye height 1.4–1.5 × length, 2.3–2.4 × malar space and 1.1–1.2 × scape length. Head width subequal to length of pedicel plus flagellum. Fu1 length 1.0–1.3 × width; fu7 width 1.70–1.85 × length; clava length 1.8–2.0× width.

MESOSOMA. Pronotal collar narrower than mesoscutum, with six large setae (Fig. 150). Mesonotum moderately setose (Fig. 150). Mesoscutum and axillae with fine punctulate reticulation (Fig. 150). Scutellar disc with similar sculpture as mesoscutum and longitudinally striate-reticulate on frenal area (Figs 150–151). Mesepisternum densely reticulate (Fig. 149). Mesepimeron mainly smooth, except for shallow striation on upper part dorsally; mesepimeral sulcus conspicuous (Fig. 149). Propodeum mainly smooth, with intricate pattern of carinae, interspaces smooth to slightly wrinkled (Fig.151). Brachypterous (Fig. 153), submacropterous or macropterous (Fig. 144). Macropterous and submacropterous forms with fore wing uniformly and densely setose except for small, elongate bare region (Fig. 152). Brachypterous form with fore and hind wings reduced and represented by stumps; fore wing with rounded or truncate apex well surpassing posterior margin of propodeum; setation similar to that of macropterous form; fore wing with complete submarginal vein, reduced marginal vein and very short postmarginal and stigmal veins (Fig. 154). Mesosoma length about 1.3 × width and 1.1–1.2× height. Pronotal collar 0.4–0.6 × as long as mesoscutum and about 0.8× as wide as mesoscutum. Mesoscutum width 2.9–3.1 × length. Scutellum about as long as broad. Propodeum length 0.6–0.7 × scutellum length. Fore wing length of macropterous form 2.2–2.3 × width; MV 4–5 × SV and 2.0–2.6 × PV. Fore wing length of brachypterous form 2.6–3.0 × width.

METASOMA. Petiole barely visible, transverse, smooth except for a few superficial longitudinal striae (Fig. 151). Gaster ovate, length 1.6–1.8 × width (Fig. 144); gt1 longest, length 1.4–1.5 × width, with hind margin produced; gt2–6 short; syntergum acutely pointed. Ovipositor sheaths slightly to distinctly protruding beyond apex of gaster. Cercal setae surpassing apex of gaster.

Male (habitus: Fig. 155)

Differs from female mainly as follows. Body length: 1.0– 2.3 mm. Flagellum uniformly brown to dark brown (Fig. 156). Mesoscutum, scutellum and axillae dark brown; mesopleuron more extensively brown

(Fig. 155). Fu1 length 2.0–2.7 × width; combined length of pedicel plus flagellum 2.7–3.0× head width. Gaster (when not inflated) much shorter than mesosoma, with only gt1 visible.


India, Japan, Russia, Taiwan.


See Tselikh & Mitroiu (2014) for general comments regarding the identity of the brachypterous and submacropterous specimens collected in East Asia and identified as N. ramakrishnai. Based on their original description, and taking into consideration the high intraspecific variability encountered in other species of the genus, N. ramakrishnai seems very similar to N. calicutensis and N. minuta (the latter two not treated here).


Published as part of Mitroiu, Mircea-Dan, 2019, Revision of Netomocera Bouček (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae), excluding the Oriental species, pp. 1-87 in European Journal of Taxonomy 568 on pages 64-68, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2019.568,


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