Published January 18, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Xenogryllus maniema Jaiswara & Dong & Ma & Yin & Robillard 2019, n. sp.


Xenogryllus maniema Robillard & Jaiswara n. sp.

(Figs 1 J–K, 3G–H, 4D, 5D, 7F–G, 8E)

Type material. Holotype, ♂, Democratic Republic of the Congo: Lokandu, île [island] Biawa, vii.1939, Lt. Vissers, coll. Mus. Congo (MNHN-EO-ENSIF10686). Paratypes (5 ♂), Democratic Republic of the Congo: same information as holotype, 3♂, identified Xenogryllus eneopteroides by L. chopard, R. Det. B.5318 (MRAC). Katanga: Kafakumba, ix.1924, 1 ♂, G. F. Overlaet, coll. Musée du Congo, identified Xenogryllus eneopteroides by L. Chopard, R. Det. N 2814 (MRAC). Congo Belge, Musosa [Mususa], ix.1939, H. J. Brédo, 1♂, I.G.13.212 (RBINS).

Type locality. Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lokandu, island Biawa.

Distribution. Species only known from forested areas in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Etymology. The species is named after the type locality. Maniema, which means “jungle” or “rain forest” in Kibangubangu dialect, is one of 26 provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Diagnosis. Species of average size, closer to X. mozambicus n. sp., from which it differs by less rounded face in lateral view (Fig. 3H), pseudepiphallic lophi (Fig. 8E) ended by a long conical apex and with a widened inner membranous margin resembling that of in X. maichauensis. From X. eneopteroides and X. mozambicus, X. maniema differs by absence of T-shaped median pattern on pronotum, absence of transverse carina on ventral face of lophi, and by rami weak, without convergent hook-like apex. Differing from X. lamottei n. sp. and Asian species by strongly carinated lateral angles of pronotum dorsal disc (also carinated in X. mozambicus and X. eneopteroides).

Description. Species of average size, coloration yellow brown little contrasted (Fig. 1 J–K). Eyes large, lateral, higher than long, occupying almost half of head height in lateral view (Fig. 3 G–H). Face well-rounded in lateral view (less than in X. mozambicus), with typical whitish mask underlined by a black line below eyes and on mandibles. Pronotum dorsal disc strongly carinated laterally (Fig. 3H), coloration light brown, with a median dark brown band, not extended laterally along anterior margin; lateral lobes almost homogeneously brown. First article of antennae dark brown.

Male. FWs very wide (Fig. 5D), longer than abdomen; dark coloration anterior to 1A including angle of 1A. FW venation as in X. eneopteroides; apical field longer, forming a long triangle made of five (n=2) cell alignments.

Male genitalia (Fig. 7 F–G): Pseudepiphallic lophi twice longer than rest of pseudepiphallic sclerite; with a wide membranous inner margin (Fig. 8E); their bases fused until mid-length. Apex of lophi long and pointed, slightly convergent and ended by a thin lamella, without inner dorsal expansions. Ventral blade of lophi with faint longitudinal wrinkles, but without strong transverse carina as in X. eneopteroides. Pseudepiphallic parameres with a strong rectangular ventral lobe. Rami rather weak, their apex almost straight, not forming convergent hooks. Ectophallic apodemes strong, not lamellate. Ectophallic lateral expansions, lateral sclerites of ectophallic fold and endophallic sclerite partly fused, forming a wide ventral sclerotized plate, trifid apically; endophallic apodemes made of wide lateral lamellas and a narrow dorsal crest.

Female. Unknown.

Life history traits. Unknown.

Calling song. Unknown.

Measurements. See Table 5.


Published as part of Jaiswara, Ranjana, Dong, Jiajia, Ma, Libin, Yin, Haisheng & Robillard, Tony, 2019, Taxonomic revision of the genus Xenogryllus Bolívar, 1890 (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Eneopterinae, Xenogryllini), pp. 301-338 in Zootaxa 4545 (3) on pages 323-324, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4545.3.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Jaiswara & Dong & Ma & Yin & Robillard
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Xenogryllus maniema Jaiswara & Robillard, 2019