Published February 2, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

The Future of Personalised Medicine. Short scenarios

  • 1. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology


To demonstrate the value of state-of-the art economic modelling and appropriate financial agreements,
HEcoPerMed has created future scenarios that consider, on the one hand, the trends, and drivers, and, on
the other hand, the challenges, and benefits of personalised medicine for the European social model of
healthcare and its financial viability.

Short versions of scenarios are taken from: Giesecke, S., Kienegger, M. (2020). Scenario Development
- Overview of major findings from workshops and interviews.
HEcoPerMed Project Deliverable 4.1.


HEcoPerMed scenarios Short versions_V6 2021 final.pdf

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European Commission
HEcoPerMed – Healthcare- and pharma-economic models in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine 824997