Published February 1, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data and analysis scripts for "Impact of grid spacing, convective parameterization and cloud microphysics in ICON simulations of a warm conveyor belt"

  • 1. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


The data relates to the analysis of "Impact of grid spacing, convective parameterization and cloud microphysics in ICON simulations of a warm conveyor belt" and is in support and reference to the work titled as the same for a research article authored by Choudhary and Voigt. The file '' contains different directories named as per the computations related to particular analysis as mentioned below:

Directory names and content inside ''

Name of directory



Output from run of LAGRANTO tool on regridded ICON simulations* (the input data is not provided here). The output contains computations of 'warm conveyor belt (WCB)' trajectories and different variables traced along them which are stored in different files named as and so on. The subdirectories are named as per the resolution, convection and cloud microphysics parametrization used in model setup, for e.g. '0.025convon/1m' corresponds to 2.5 km resolution with parametrized convection and 1-moment cloud microphysics. The file with name ending with 'box' corresponds to different subclasses of trajectory as described in the work. 


diabatic heating rate, traced along WCB and binned in pressure levels (for 1-moment cloud microphysics)

dynamical variables

av- absolute vorticity, pv- potential vorticity and w- vertical wind traced along WCB and binned in pressure levels (for 1-moment cloud microphysics)


statistics (different statistical computation of WCB parcels ascent for 1- and 2- moment cloud microphysics, details described in work)


equivalent potential temperature for 2.5 km explicit convection simulation (.pkl file) for 2016.09.22 12UTC, 2016.09.23 12UTC and 2016.09.24 12UTC in files numbered 1, 2 and 3 respectively.


same as above but for isentropic potential vorticity

mslp same as above but for mean sea level pressure field 


File name with convention '' corresponds to file containing central mean sea level pressure of cyclone Vladiana during the simulation period for 5 km resolution with parametrized convection and 1-moment cloud microphysics. 

coord_1m.npy- the coordinate/ location of cyclone Vladiana based on central mean sea level pressure 


Pressure tendency equation (PTE) analysis. Subdirectories are named after different resolutions of simulation with 1-moment cloud microphysics and parametrized convection (except for 10, 5 and 2.5 km where convection is explicit).

Further, the .npy files are named as per the different vertically integrated tendency terms of PTE equation they represent, as mentioned below:

dp_dt: surface pressure

dfi_dt: geopotential (upper boundary of integral)

i_diab_res: diabatic heating (including residual)

i_itt: virtual temperature

i_tadv: temperature advection

i_vmt: vertical motions


*Note: The original ICON simulations which are not part of this dataset were carried out by Prof. Aiko Voigt (University of Vienna) at the Mistral High Performance Computing system of the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) in Hamburg, Germany. The primary data of the ICON simulations (run scripts, namelists, scripts for lateral boundary data) are published at KITopen of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Note that the KITopen dataset includes all simulations of \cite{svchd20}, from which a subset is analyzed here.


The file '' contains two directories which is related with analysis presented in the work:

'plotting_scripts' includes script for creating different plots/ figures showcased in the work 

'processing_scripts' includes computations for producing different quantities/ data that are named as described above in the table for  ''



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