Published July 15, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Dermestocyphon (Dermestocyphon) drianti

  • 1. Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy, University of Wrocław, Przybyszewskiego 63 / 77, 51 - 148 Wrocław, Poland
  • 2. Ehime University Museum, Bunkyo 3, Matsuyama, 790 - 8577 Japan
  • 3. Member of Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Lannerstrasse 5, D- 01219 Dresden, Germany


Dermestocyphon (Dermestocyphon) drianti (Pic, 1918)

(Figs 3–4, 18–20, 27, 40–41, 48–49, 54–55, 63–67)

Cyphon (Dermestocyphon) drianti Pic, 1918: 18.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: ♂ (MNHN), “ Yunnan ” [handwritten]; “type” [handwritten]; “TYPE” [red label, printed]; “ Cyphon (Dermestocyphon Pic) / Drianti Pic ” [handwritten by Pic].

Additional material studied. CHINA: YUNNAN: 3 ♀♀ (CPE, EUM), “CHINA: Yunnan [CH07-14] Baoshan Pref., Gaoligong Shan, 32km SE Tengchong, 2100–2200m, 24°51’22’’N, 98°45’36’’E, decid[uous] forest, litter, wood, fungi sifted, 31. V. 2007, leg. A. Pütz ”; 1 ♂ (NMW), “ China, W-Yunnan, env. Baoshan, 06.– 08.06.1993, E. Jendek & O. Sausa leg.”; 3 ♀♀ (NMW, CKD), “ China, W-Yunnan, env. Baoshan, 06.– 08.06.1993, E. Jendek & O. Sausa leg.”; 3 ♀♀ (NMW, CKD), “ China, Yunnan, 100 km W Baoshan, Gaoligongshan Nat. Res., 14.– 21.06.1993, E. Jendek & O. Sausa leg.”

Redescription. Male. Body oblong, slightly convex dorsally, strongly shining, closely covered with easily removable short setae throughout. Coloration of head, mouthparts, pronotum, scutellum, antennal segments I–VI and legs yellowish-orange; elytra, ventral surface of meso- and metathorax and abdomen brownish.

Head moderate in size, finely punctate, slightly convex dorsally; distance between eyes about 1.7 times as long as maximum diameter of eye. Eyes moderate in size, strongly prominent. Pronotum transverse, weakly depressed in lateral portions, closely covered with fine punctures; anterior margin almost straight; anterolateral angles about 100°, not projecting anteriorly; lateral margins gently arcuate; posterolateral angles obtuse, about 120°; posterior margin gently bisinuate; PW/PL 2.01. Scutellum small, equilateral-triangular, punctate as pronotum. Elytra oblong, subparallel-sided between humeri and apical 1/4, closely punctate; humeral portions slightly elevated; EL/EW 2.08; EL/PL 5.05; EW/PW 1.31; TL/EW 2.45. Legs relatively long.

Tergite VII with a pair of short apodemes. Caudal margin of sternite VII gently arcuate. Sternite IX (L 0.20 mm, W 0.20 mm) slightly sclerotized, subtriangular, bearing long setae; tergite VIII (L 0.45 mm, W 0.38 mm) moderately sclerotized, transversely trapezoidal, bearing sparse, short setae at apical margin, plate sparsely covered with minute setae and punctures, with a pair of long apodemes; tergite IX (L 0.32 mm, W 0.22 mm) slightly sclerotized, with a pair of long apodemes. Tegmen (L 0.20 mm, W 0.20 mm) short, slightly sclerotized; parameres obtuse; lateral projections long (L 0.45 mm), pointed at apices. Penis (L 0.50 mm, W 0.15 mm) moderately sclerotized, widest at basal 1/2; pala oval, concave at basal margin; parameroids relatively long, slender, closely punctate; trigonium short, triangular, concave at apex.

Female. Sexual dimorphism distinct; elytra evenly black, with a pair of shallow concavities at basal 1/6 of lateral margins; PW/PL 2.09–2.12 (2.11); EL/EW 1.88–1.91 (1.89); EL/PL 5.85–6.10 (5.97); EW/PW 1.49–1.51 (1.50); TL/EW 2.16–2.19 (2.17). Caudal margin of sternite VII somewhat pointed. Tergite VIII moderately sclerotized, elongate trapezoidal, bearing short spines at apical margin, punctate in lateral parts, with a pair of long and slender apodemes; sternite VIII slightly sclerotized, oblong, deeply excised at apical margin, bearing short spines on apical portions. Ovipositor relatively long (L 1.70); stylus ovate, bearing two pairs of apical setae; coxites closely punctate; proctiger well sclerotized, composed of a pair of thumb-like projections, bearing long setae. Proximal bursellar sclerite (L 0.13 mm, W 0.15 mm) tricornate; distal bursellar sclerites oval (L 0.06 mm).

Measurements. Male (n = 1): TL 3.70 mm; PW 1.15 mm; PL 0.57 mm; EW 1.51 mm; EL 3.14 mm. Female (n = 2): TL 3.45 mm & 3.61 mm; PW 1.06 mm & 1.11 mm; PL 0.50 mm & 0.53 mm; EW 1.60 mm & 1.65 mm; EL 3.05 mm & 3.10 mm.

Remarks. The holotype has a pale brown coloration of the body (Fig. 3), hence it is probably a teneral specimen.

Distribution. China, Yunnan.


Published as part of Ruta, Rafał, Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki & Klausnitzer, Bernhard, 2013, Review of the genus Dermestocyphon (Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae), pp. 253-285 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 53 (1) on pages 263-265, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5740395


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Collection code
Event date
1993-06-21 , 1993-08-06 , 2007-05-31
Scientific name authorship
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Verbatim event date
1993-06-21 , 1993-08-06 , 2007-05-31
Taxonomic concept label
Dermestocyphon (Dermestocyphon) drianti (Pic, 1918) sec. Ruta, Yoshitomi & Klausnitzer, 2013


  • PIC M. 1918: Nouveautes diverses. Melange Exotico-Entomologiques 29: 7 - 24.