Zonation 5 v1.0rc2 (Release Candidate 2) software upload
- 1. University of Helsinki, Finland
- 2. Finnish Environment Institute & University of Helsinki, Finland
Project leader:
Project members:
- 1. University of Helsinki, Finland
- 2. Finnish Environment Institute, & University of Helsinki, Finland
Material associated with methodological journal article published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. The analyses used the release candidate 2 for the Zonation 5 software for spatial prioritization. Downloadable files include
- Windows installation for executables
- Linux installation for executables
- Documentation, sample setups and example data
- higher resolution versions of data for the verification of scaling of properties of the prioritization algorithm
- code will be made available with the forthcoming v1.0 official release (this is rc2 for verification of scaling of computations discussed in the associated publication)