Published January 21, 2022 | Version v0.1
Book Open

Spatial sampling and resampling for Machine Learning

  • 1. OpenGeoHub / EnvirometriX


This R tutorial contains instructions on how to organize spatial sampling using R packages. It is organized in three main parts: (1) planning new surveys: i.e. starting from scratch, (2) implementing resampling: learning from existing point data, focusing on subsampling and Cross-Validation strategies, (3) planning additional sampling: sampling additional point data based on initial models, the running re-analysis and gradually improving models until the maximum possible accuracy is reached. We use sample datasets to demonstrate processing steps and provide interpretation and dicussion of the results. More chapters will be added in the future. To use most up-to-date copy please refer to:



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European Commission
AgriCapture – Developing EO-powered services to promote soil carbon sequestration through regenerative agriculture 101004282