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Published February 15, 2021 | Version 3
Dataset Open

Global forest management data at a 100m resolution for the year 2015

  • 1. IIASA, Austria
  • 2. VITO, Belgium
  • 3. Department of Environmental Geography, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • 4. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • 5. V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science
  • 6. Moore Center for Science, Conservation International, USA
  • 7. V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia
  • 8. Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku, Gabon
  • 9. Mongolian Forest Research Association, NGO, Mongolia
  • 10. Center of Forest Ecology and Productivity of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
  • 11. Environmental GIS/RS Center, Korea University, Republic of Korea
  • 12. Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan
  • 13. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • 14. West University of Timisoara, Romania
  • 15. Department of Geography, Gauhati University,India
  • 16. Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, Egypt
  • 17. Department of Geography, Gauhati University, Jalukbari, Guwahati, Assam 781014, India
  • 18. Abhayapuri College, Gauhati University, India
  • 19. Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Germany
  • 20. Department of Meteorology, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad, 45550 Pakistan.
  • 21. Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
  • 22. State Enterprise "Sosnove Forestry", Ukraine
  • 23. Berezne Forestry College of National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine
  • 24. Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI), Russia
  • 25. USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station, Anchorage Forestry Sciences Lab, USA


We provide four data records:

1.The reference data set as a comma-separated file ("reference_data_set.csv") with the following attributes: 

  • “ID” is a unique location identifier 

  • “Latitude, Longitude” are centroid coordinates of a 100m x 100m pixel. 

  • “Land_use_ID “is a land use class: 

    • 11 - Naturally regenerating forest without any signs of human activities, e.g., primary forests.  
    • 20 - Naturally regenerating forest with signs of human activities, e.g., logging, clear cuts etc.  
    • 31 - Planted forest.  
    • 32 - Short rotation plantations for timber.  
    • 40 - Oil palm plantations.  
    • 53 - Agroforestry. 
  • “Flag” identifies a data origin:  1- the crowdsourced locations, 2- the control data set, 0 – the additional experts' classifications following the opportunistic approach.

2. The 100 m forest management map in a geoTiff format with the classes presented - "FML_v3.2.tif ".

3. The predicted class probability from the Random Forest classification in a geoTiff format - "ProbaV_LC100_epoch2015_global_v2.0.3_forest-management--layer-proba_EPSG-4326.tif"

4. Validation data set as a comma-separated file ("validation_data_set.csv) with the following attributes: 

  • “ID” is a unique location identifier 

  • “pixel_center_x” , “pixel_center_y ” are centroid coordinates of a 100m x 100m pixel  in lat/lon projection 

  • “first_landuse_class “is a land use class, as in (1). 

  • “second_landuse_class “is a second possible land use class, as in (1), identified in case it was difficult to assign one class with high confidence. 

5. Original crowdsourced data set as a .csv table.

6. Compiled FAO FRA forest statistics and mapped classes by countries into one table (.csv format).



NatureMap project ( Funder Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI): This is a similar data set on zenodo (Lesiv, M. et al. Global planted trees extent 2015. Zenodo, 2020) This is the version that was used in one of the follow up studies, which was needed as a reference. Please ignore it and instead use this zenodo record.


FAO FRA statistics VS mapped classed.csv

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