Published January 19, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

IRS Deployment Optimization in Multi-IRS Assisted Two-Way Full-Duplex Communication Systems

  • 1. IRIDA, ECE, UCY


Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) have emerged as a promising wireless technology for the dynamic configuration of electromagnetic waves. In this context, we study a multi-IRS assisted two-way communication system consisting of two users that employ full-duplex (FD) technology. More specifically, we deal with the joint IRS location and size (i.e., the number of reflecting elements) optimization in order to minimize an upper bound of system outage probability under various constraints. First, the problem is formulated as a discrete optimization problem and, then, a lower bound on the optimum value is computed by solving a linear-programming relaxation (LPR) problem. Subsequently, we design a polynomial-time greedy algorithm based on the LPR solution. The proposed algorithm always computes a feasible solution for which (a posteriori) performance guarantee can be provided. Finally, numerical simulations demonstrate the superiority of the greedy algorithm compared to a baseline scheme and provide useful comparisons between FD and conventional half-duplex (HD) systems. 


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