Published April 26, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Zalmoxis sabazios, sp. nov.

  • 1. Department of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA & Herpetology Section, Zoology Division, National Museum of the Philippines, Padre Burgos Avenue, Ermita 1000, Manila, Philippines
  • 2. Herpetology Section, Zoology Division, National Museum of the Philippines, Padre Burgos Avenue, Ermita 1000, Manila, Philippines
  • 3. Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79 th Street, New York, NY 10024, USA
  • 4. Department of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA


Zalmoxis sabazios sp. nov.

Fig. 9–10

Types. Male holotype (NMP [ex MCZ DNA105635, ex MHNG PHI-09/07]) from Sabang Underground National Park, Daylight Hole and Lions Cave, in primary forest, Puerto Princesa Region, Palawan (10º 9’ 6” N, 118º 53’ 10” E), Philippine Islands, 100–200 m elevation, collected 6–8 December 2009 by A. Schulz. 1 female (used for DNA extraction [ex MCZ DNA106535]) paratype (MHNG), same collecting data as holotype.

Etymology. The specific epithet, a noun in apposition, refers to a god of the Getae (or Thracians). Sabazios was the god of the sky, often represented as a nomadic horseman.

Diagnosis. Distinguished from congeners by the single conical tubercle in the center of the anal plate; the belts of conical tubercles on the last two free tergites; the armature of the male femur IV, which bears irregular rows tubercles, the largest and most distal tubercle directed posterolaterally; and the armature of the male tibia IV, which bears a posterolateral row of five tubercles restricted to proximal half of segment and a ventral row of three tubercles, with the largest distal-most.

Description. Total length of male holotype (female paratype in parentheses) 2.60 (2.14), greatest width of prosoma 0.94 (0.88), greatest width of opisthosoma 1.72 (1.66); length-to-width ratio 1.51 (1.29). Body campaniform, dark orange to brown (in ethanol, depending on incidence of light), almost entirely with dense microgranulate surface microstructure. Eyes present on low, well-developed ocularium. Ocularium wider than long, removed from anterior margin of carapace, without spines or tubercles. Anterior margin of carapace with two pairs of pegs above coxae of leg I and single median peg. Scutal grooves of mesotergum distinctly forming obtuse “V” shape anteriorly. Mesotergum and free tergites with regular belts of setose tubercles. Last two free tergites bearing rows of pointed setose tubercles (Fig. 9).

Ventral prosomal complex of male with coxae II and III meeting in midline, coxae I and IV not so. Anterior and posterior margins of coxae III with tubercular bridges to adjacent coxae, and coxae I–III with setose tubercles. Coxae IV of male greatly enlarged, with setose tubercles concentrated anteriorly. Genital operculum sub-triangular. Spiracles not concealed, anterior to row of tubercles. Opisthosomal sternites with regular belts of low setose tubercles. Anal plate armed with two rows of tubercles: posterior row with four low tubercles; anterior row with three tubercles, median tubercle larger and prominent (Fig. 9).

Chelicerae sexually monomorphic, with prominent bulla on proximal article. Proximal article with denticulate granulation basally and ventrally. Second article not incrassate, free of ornamentation, with dorsal margin bearing several setae. Distal article with delicate dentition, free of ornamentation. Palpi robust and spined ventrally and/or ventrolaterally, typical of zalmoxids. Palpal tarsus with two pairs of megaspines.

Legs finely granulated. Trochanters, patellae, and tibiae of all legs bearing irregular rows of setose tubercles. Femur of leg I with minute ventral row of tubercles. Male leg IV incrassate and armed. Trochanter IV with one prominent posterior tubercle. Femur IV of male arcuate with irregular rows of tubercles and one larger subdistal tubercle directed posterolaterally. Tibia IV of male incrassate with two rows tubercles: posterolateral row consisting of 5 tubercles extending to middle of podomere’s length and enlarging distally; ventral row irregular, with two tubercles in middle of podomere’s length and a large distal tubercle projecting distally. Metatarsi I–IV divided distally, with calcaneus less ornamented but generally more setose. Tarsal claws I–IV smooth, unmodified. Tarsal segmentation 3: 6: 5: 6.

Penis (Fig. 10) with two pairs of setae on rutrum with bases in close proximity, and three pairs of setae on pergula (one medial, two ventrolateral) with bases in close proximity. One small dorsolateral pair of setae posterior to pergula. Rutrum shaped as an anchor, lateral extensions with fimbriate margins. Pergula protruding slightly.

Distribution. Known only from type locality.

Appendage measurements of holotype (length/width):

Tr Fe Pa Ti Mt Ta Total
Leg I 0.17/0.17 0.58/0.15 0.35/0.17 0.46/0.16 0.57/0.07 0.52/0.10 2.65
Leg II 0.24/0.21 0.95/0.16 0.50/0.21 0.83/0.17 0.94/0.08 1.15/0.10 4.61
Leg III 0.25/0.27 0.75/0.16 0.38/0.26 0.63/0.20 0.80/0.13 0.58/0.11 3.39
Leg IV 0.40/0.30 1.50/0.20 0.65/0.34 1.13/0.33 0.98/0.16 0.75/0.12 5.41
Palp 0.20/0.16 0.40/0.16 0.27/0.17 0.43/0.24 0.27/0.15 1.57
Proximal Second Distal
Chelicera 0.32/0.20 0.55/0.21 0.20/0.05

Appendage measurements of female paratype (length/width):


Published as part of Sharma, Prashant P., Buenavente, Perry A. C., Clouse, Ronald M., Diesmos, Arvin C. & Giribet, Gonzalo, 2012, Forgotten gods: Zalmoxidae of the Philippines and Borneo (Opiliones: Laniatores), pp. 29-55 in Zootaxa 3280 on pages 38-40, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3280.1.2,


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Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Zalmoxis sabazios Sharma, Buenavente, Clouse, Diesmos & Giribet, 2012