Seismic Performance Evaluation of Multi-Storey Building Having Soft Storey With Different Location of Shear Walls
- 1. PG Scholar Department of Civil Engineering, P. D. A College of Engineering, Kalaburagi (Karnataka), India.
- 2. Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, P. D. A College of Engineering, Kalaburagi (Karnataka), India
- 1. Publisher
Present scenario growth of Multistory building is incredibly high attributable to fast growth everywhere around the globe. Open first story is usually provided for congested parking space, reception lobbies, party areas or any purpose in multistory building. However just in case of multistory building with soft story provides reduced performance. There are numerous aspects that effects on the behavior of multistory building like irregular plan within the structure. In the present work, study of various locations of weak stories is being considered for the analysis. To study of various locations on the seismic behavior of multistory building, linear static analysis (ESA) and linear dynamic analysis (RSA) in ETABs 2016 version is applied. Some seismic constraints like time period, story shear, story displacement, story drift and base shear are tried. The seismic behaviors of multistorey building with soft stories are administered.
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- Journal article: 2278-3075 (ISSN)
- 2278-3075
- Retrieval Number
- 10.35940/ijitee.K7678.0991120