Published March 30, 2020 | Version Version 4.0
Project deliverable Open

Dissemination and Communication Strategy - D8.1

  • 1. Sustainable Innovation AB


The overall scope of BD4OPEM is to create an open innovation marketplace where, using an AI-driven analytic toolbox to process Big Data, unique and innovative services developed during the project will be made available to stakeholders to enhance existing practices for the monitoring, operation, maintenance and planning of electrical distribution grids. The objective of dissemination and communication is to ensure that the results of the project are disseminated appropriately to defined stakeholders and target groups. A multi-channel approach will be adopted to engage stakeholders and target groups, with awareness-raising activities being carried out to reach all other project beneficiaries. The planned strategy outlined in this document will:
• Raise awareness among target groups and stakeholders
• Demonstrate project outcome impact on services, employment and economy.
• Strengthen internal and external communication
• Support post-project sustainability and market uptake of solutions produced.

The Dissemination and Communication Strategy contains a plan required to fullfil project communication objectives. The document describes all actions to be taken, partner and collaborator responsibilities, timelines and communication guidelines. It also
presents an initial list of Stakeholders and Target Groups, an initial list of products and services to be developed during the project and it identifies both project service providers and project data providers. It provides guidelines for using various repositories. There are also sections on European Commission events and meetings to attend, in particular, the BRIDGE initiative; the Advisory Board for Dissemination and Exploitation; and general characteristics of large-scale events such as conferences/seminars. The plan was produceded pre-covid pandemic and has been reviewed and revised since.


D8.1 Deliverable Dissemination and Communication Strategy.pdf

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European Commission
BD4OPEM – Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace 872525