Published December 28, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Marketing strategy design based on information technology in batik small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia

  • 1. Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya
  • 2. Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
  • 3. University Islam Malang


During the pandemic, the Indonesian authorities are committed to limiting the social and economic mobility of the community. One of the activities carried out is online purchases. With changes in people's behavior towards meeting online needs, small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to use information technology in making online marketing of products sold to consumers. The object of this research is batik small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia. At this time, many batik small and medium-sized enterprises have used online marketing, but it has not been said to be optimal. It can be shown that there are still many batik small and medium-sized enterprises that have experienced a fifthly percent decline in sales during the pandemic. Therefore, batik small and medium-sized enterprises must be able to increase sales capacity through online marketing to increase profitability. The purpose of the study is to identify both internal and external factors in order to instigate a better strategy to improve the firm’s market. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods. The method used is to integrate the Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats and Analytic Hierarchy Process methods to increase profitability. These results are in the context of the Strengths Opportunity strategy, which includes analyzing the potential of digital marketing and developing innovative business models, that batik small and medium-sized enterprises must expand the market by maximizing online marketing and increasing quality and creativity in creating product content online. This research found that a prominent strategy for developing the batik business is the strength and opportunity strategy that takes advantage of strengths and opportunities in order to increase competitiveness.


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