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Published December 30, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Results of public assessment of influence factors on the formation of the brand of the institution of higher education in the pharmaceutical direction

  • 1. National University of Pharmacy


The aim of the article is to study the attitude of target audiences to the brand of a higher education institution, taking into account the specifics of the educational services provided to them and the specifics of the educational services market.

Methods of the research: theoretical (analysis and synthesis of scientific literature and normative sources, generalization, analytical, comparative and logical), empirical (descriptions, comparison, questionnaires, mathematical and statistical).

Materials: questionnaires of respondents, which were applicants, students, alumni and employees of NUPh.

Results of the research. According to students, the most significant factors are positive reviews about HEI (14 % of respondents), the quality of educational services and the involvement of well-known scientists and practitioners (12 % each), the presence of scientific schools, traditions and the active participation of the institution in public life (11 % each factor). For applicants, an important place is occupied by the state status of a higher education institution, positive reviews about it and high quality of educational services (13 % for each factor). The advantages that graduates of the prestigious HEI have after graduation are a high level of theoretical knowledge (89 % of respondents) and practical skills (85 %), a high level of competitiveness in the labor market (81 %). Among the main directions for the development and improvement of the educational brand, the interviewed NUPh employees noted the constant improvement of the quality of educational services (91 % of the respondents), the intensification of international cooperation (86 %), the active involvement of practitioners and scientists in the scientific, volunteer and cultural life of the institution (79 %).

Conclusions. It has been proven that an important component of the brand of a higher education institution is an educational service; image of educational services; the benefits to be provided by the brand owner to consumers of educational services. The most significant factors of popularity and positive attitude towards NUPh and the advantages received by graduates after graduation have been established. A conclusion was made about the high level of corporate culture in HEI, the important elements of which are the presence of the NUPh development strategy, the introduction of effective management technologies and the creation of conditions for the self-realization of employees


Results of public assessment of influence factors on the formation of the brand of the institution of higher education in the pharmaceutical direction.pdf

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