Published January 7, 2022 | Version v1
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Grammar [IO Islamic 1069] مَمْزُوج



1069. Size 81/2 in. by 5 in.; foll. 34. Twenty-three lines in a page.

A Commentary (ممزوج ) on Abu’l-Ḳâsim Maḥmûd b. ‘Omar Zamakhsharî’s (d. A.H. 538) رسالة التصرفات , or treatise on Particles and the Inflection of Nouns , by MUḤAMMAD ‘IṢMAT ALLAH b. Maḥmûd Ni’mat Allah BUKHÂRÎ, who wrote it A.H. 945.

As the author states himself, the treatise commented on is only a portion of Zamakhsharî’s المقدّمة , i.e. مقدّمة الادب ; and it comprises Parts ( قسم ) III. and IV. of this work. See regarding the latter, Ḥ. Kh. vi. 76; Cat. Bodl. ii. 186; Fleischer, Cat. Lips 332; etc. The first three parts of it have been edited by Dr. Wetzstein (Samachscharii Lexicon Arabicum Persicum, etc., Lips 1850, autographed).

The preface begins:

حمدا لمن فتح ابواب العلوم على اولى الالباب الخ

and the author concludes as follows:

تم ما قصدت جمعه فى هذا الكتاب .... رحم الله لمن دعا لمؤلّفه الفقير الراجى الی رحمة الله البارى محمد عصمة الله محمود ابن 1 نعمة الله البخارى اسكنهما الله جوار رحمته و البسهما لباس مغفرته انه قدير باجابة دعاء الفقير فى وقت الظهر من يوم الاحد العاشر للصفر سنة خمس و اربعين و تسعمائة من الهجرة الخ

This MS. appears to have been transcribed from the author's own copy. It is neatly written in Nasta’lîḳ, and has corrections and notes by the author on the margin; the latter conclude invariably with منه عفى عنه , only the first note has منه مدّ ظلّه instead.

Two prayers are added on the title-page by the original hand. Worm-eaten.





1 Read بن محمود . Cf. Ḥ. Kh. v. 11.



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