Published January 13, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Deep Lensing Posterior Samples

  • 1. CEA Saclay
  • 2. CNRS
  • 3. UCL, ENS Ulm
  • 4. Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo
  • 5. Kyoto University, IAP
  • 6. University of Bonn


This archive contains the main results of Probabilistic Mass Mapping with Neural Score Estimation (Remy et al. 2022).

It consists of convergence posterior samples computed with our method from different fields (HSC/ACS COSMOS, mocked shear field computed from \kappaTNG map, mocked shear field with added NFW cluster).

It also contains the trained neural network weights we used.

The details of the creation of this dataset and how to use it to reproduce the plots of the paper can be found at .


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