Published October 19, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Urotrygon rogersi


Urotrygon rogersi (Jordan &Starks, 1895).

Roger’s Round Ray or Thorny Stingray.To 55 cm (21.7 in) TL (Robertson and Allen 2015), DW 36 cm (14.2 in) (John Snow, pers. comm. to M.L.). Bahía San Juanico, southern Baja California (Fitch 1953) to Ecuador (De La Cruz-Agüero et al. 1997), including Gulf of California (McEachran in Fischer et al. 1995). Benthic; depth: 2–235 m (7–771 ft) (min.: Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999; max.: Acevedo-Cervantes et al. 2017).


Published as part of Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, pp. 1-285 in Zootaxa 5053 (1) on page 28, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5053.1.1,


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  • Jordan, D. S. & Starks, E. C. (1895) The fishes of Puget Sound. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 5, 785 - 855.
  • Robertson, D. R. and Allen, G. R. (2015) Shorefishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific: an Information System. Version 2.0 (2008). Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa. http: // biogeodb. stri. si. edu / sftep / en / pages
  • Fitch, J. E. (1953) Extensions to known geographic distribution of some marine fishes on the Pacific Coast. California Fish and Game, 39, 539 - 554.
  • De La Cruz-Aguero, J., Martinez, M. A., Cota-Gomez, V. M. & De La Cruz-Aguero, G. (1997) Catalogo de los Peces Marinos de Baja California Sur. Centro Interdiscipinario de Ciencias Marinas.
  • Fischer, W., Krupp, F., Schneider, W., Sommer, C., Carpenter, K. E. & Niem, V. H. (1995) Guia FAO para la identificacion para los fines de la pesca. Pacifico centro-oriental. Volume II, Vertebrados, Parte 1. Volume III, Vertebrados, Parte 2. FAO, Rome.
  • Castro-Aguirre, J. L., Espinosa Perez, H. & Schmitter-Soto, J. J. (1999) Ictiofauna estuarino-lagunar y vicaria de Mexico. Limusa Noriega Editores, Mexico.
  • Acevedo-Cervantes, A., Lopez-Martinez J., Herrera-Valdivia, E., Nevarez-Martinez, M. O. & Rodreguez-Romero, J. (2017) New depth record of the thorny stingray (Urotrygon rogersi, Jordan & Starks, 1895) in the Gulf of California, Mexico. California Fish and Game, 103, 173 - 176.